Lose belly fat: This is how you can lose weight and get your body in top shape with the 2+2+4 formula!

Summer is in full swing and also the time of short skirts, shorts and chic swimsuits. And of course we all want to look good and feel comfortable in our own skin on the beach. Unfortunately, toning the body is not always that easy and in order to lose weight successfully, we always need a good concept. Especially if you want to lose belly fat, you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly. A flat stomach has always been considered the epitome of fit and is sought after by men and women alike. Do you torture yourself in the gym every day but nothing happens? Then we have the solution for you! With the 2+2+4 weight loss formula, you can get rid of your stomach in just a few weeks, without counting calories or working out for hours! Melt the belly fat and find out exactly how the weight loss method works here!

Why is internal belly fat dangerous?

The little rolls of fat on our stomachs not only look unsightly, but can also have a negative impact on our health. A trained stomach is a real eye-catcher, strengthens the back and improves our posture. In particular, internal abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, poses numerous health risks. It is our body's largest energy store and is deposited in the organs. Too much internal abdominal fat can lead to higher blood pressure or type 2 diabetes, as well as lipid metabolism disorders and heart attacks. AtMen with stomachsA waist circumference of more than 95 centimeters is considered dangerous, and for women - from 80 centimeters. If the reason for excess fat is an unhealthy lifestyle, then the 2+2+4 weight loss formula can help you lose belly fat.

Lose belly fat with the 2+2+4 formula for losing weight: This is how it works

The 2+2+4 formula for losing weight was developed by German sports scientist Dr. Dr. Michael Despeghel developed. During a study, the test subjects lost an average of 9 kilograms and up to 5 centimeters in waist circumference over a period of 3 months. And no, if you want to lose belly fat with the 2+2+4 formula, you don't have to be a math genius. The weight loss method is based on a 3-point strategy, which is a combination of healthy eating and exercise. You have to do endurance training on 2 days and strength training on 2 other days - usually 20-30 minutes is completely sufficient. And the entire 4 training days focus on a healthy and balanced diet. For the remaining 3 days you can rest and eat whatever you feel like. Sounds pretty good, right?

Lose weight on your stomach with endurance training

The 2+2+4 weight loss formula requires you to do cardio training 2 days a week for 20-30 minutes each. Cardio sessions are an excellent way to increase your heart rate and successfully reduce body fat. Depending on your fitness level, you can choose from numerous sports and it doesn't always have to be jogging. There are actually a lot of great onesAlternatives to jogging, which stimulate fat burning. How about swimming or rowing, for example? Short HIIT sessions are also ideal for burning several calories and losing belly fat. However, there is no single best type of cardio - so that motivation doesn't disappear quickly, choose something that you enjoy.

Lose belly fat with strength training

The more muscle mass we have, the more fat we burn - even when resting. Regular strength training stimulates fat burning and increases our daily basal metabolic rate - the energy we need to maintain vital functions such as circulation, metabolism and breathing. So if you want to lose belly fat, you should do a combination of endurance and strength training. However, you don't necessarily have to go to the gym to do this. There are lots of great onesFull body exercises, which you can also do at home.

Focus on a healthy diet

Although the 2+2+4 formula for losing weight is not actually a diet, proper nutrition also plays an important role here. Luckily, you don't have to count calories and it's not about how much you eat, but what you eat. Saturated fats, fast food, alcohol and sugar are absolutely taboo on these 4 days. Instead, rely on whole grain products, fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Also make sure you consume enough protein - the rule of thumb is around 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Hot spices such as pepper, ginger and chili also promote metabolism and stimulate fat burning. Here is a brief summary of what your diet should look like with the 2+2+4 formula for losing weight.

  • 2 portions of fruit a day, but only until 4-5 p.m
  • 600 to 800 grams of vegetables (raw, cooked or grilled)
  • Fiber and seeds
  • Lean proteins like fish and chicken

Lose belly fat with the 2+2+4 formula: 3 cheat days are allowed

Lose belly fat while eating what we want? Sounds too good to be true, right? Using the 2+2+4 formulaThis is actually losing weightpossible! While you have to be consistent on the 4 days, you can rest and treat yourself to something special on the remaining 3 days. Whether chocolate,juicy spareribsor a delicious ice cream – you can enjoy everything in moderation. This will make you appreciate these things even more and you won't suffer from binge eating like with most diets. Are you afraid that you'll go extra hard on these cheat days and end up gaining weight? This can happen, but the 2+2+4 formula for losing weight is not about giving up, but rather about changing our eating habits in the long term.