Healthy smoothies for losing weight have been very trendy for several years. They consist of low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods that taste great and keep you full for longer. When preparing smoothies, however, it is important to mix the ingredients correctly! Today we'll give you a few tips on how to mix the perfect smoothie!
Are smoothies good for losing weight?
Diets basically come down to the right selection of nutritious foods, but stilllow-calorie foodsto. That's why many people see smoothies as an opportunity to finally reach their comfortable weight, because you get all the necessary nutrients in one glass, and in the right quantities. Once you learn how to combine foods correctly, you will get a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and vitamins and nutrients. There are also many secret weapons that increase the nutritional value, speed up the metabolism and provide variety in taste. Goji berries, for example, have a stimulating effect on the metabolism, spirulina promotes a feeling of satiety and linseeds provide omega-3 fatty acids.
Top Zutaten
Berries: Whether strawberries, blueberries, blackberries or raspberries - every type and variety gives the smoothie a wonderfully fruity taste. Berries are also rich in antioxidants and fiber.
Cayenne pepper: This spice gives the drink a power kick and greatly stimulates the metabolism. This is due to the substance capsaicin contained in chili peppers. Research has shown that cayenne pepper at breakfast reduces your appetite for fatty and sweet foods later in the day. The spice also acts as a natural fat burner. This means you burn more calories.
Chia-Samen: The small seeds contain protein and fiber that keep you full for a long time. They also contain numerous healthy nutrients such as calcium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also known to absorb toxins from the digestive tract. Chia seed gel is perfect for preparing healthy smoothies because it is easier to digest and provides a nice creaminess. To make chia seed gel, add equal parts chia seeds and water to a small container and let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes. The gel can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.
Cinnamon: The popular spice helps regulate blood sugar levels by improving glucose metabolism. This results in a reduction in the amount of excess blood glucose that can be stored as fat. Studies have shown that fat cells, especially in the abdominal area, are sensitive to cinnamon.
Avocado: It gives the smoothie a creamy consistency and provides healthy fat so that you stay full for a long time. The avocado contains a whole range of vitamins and minerals.
Coconut oil: This is the perfect addition to your smoothie if you're looking to shed a few pounds. By the way, you should eat healthy fats every day and definitely integrate them into your diet plan. The fats in coconut oil are used by the body for energy and are not stored as fat. They help build muscle and combat cravings.
Greek yogurt: Compared to other yogurt products, Greek yogurt has a higher protein content. Choose the full-fat version and avoid fruit yogurt, as it usually contains a lot of sugar.
Green leafy vegetables: Leaf lettuces, chard, spinach and cabbage are excellent sources of vitamins, proteins and minerals. They strengthen the immune system and have few calories. That's why they can support a diet excellently.
What should you be like?Smoothie additiongirls?
Ready-made fruit juiceis anything but healthy. It has a very high glycemic index and contains a lot of sugar. The smoothie should be sweet enough anyway due to the fruit content.
Cow's milkIt doesn't belong in green smoothies either. Cows are often given hormones and antibiotics to make them produce more milk. It is best to use almond or coconut milk.
Tap watermay contain individual chemical compounds. Many recipes recommend using spring water. If you don't want to buy spring water, you can also use mineral water or filtered tap water.
Preparation principle for the perfect green smoothie
The green smoothies consist of 50% fruit, 50% leafy greens and some water. All leafy lettuce, cabbage, fresh garden herbs, wild herbs and the greens of root vegetables can be used as leafy greens. The most important criterion for fruit: it must be ripe and sweet enough. However, make sure you get the right amount. Too many fruits can raise your blood sugar and cause digestive problems. It's best to rely on avocado and berries. Small amounts of sweeter onesfruits like bananas, apples, mango and pineapple are fine, but keep these to a minimum.
Pay attention to the correct order in which the ingredients should go into the blender. At the beginning, add some liquid, fruit and vegetables and mix until small. Then the “greens” go into the blender. Now, just before consumption, possible additional ingredients such as nuts, seeds, spices, etc. follow.
Green tea is good for diluting drinks and is a low-calorie alternative to various types of milk. It contains numerous antioxidants and wakes you up thanks to its caffeine content. As a sweetener, sugar is a no-go in smoothies. It is best to use stevia. Honey and maple syrup are also good, but in small quantities.
If you want to create a particularly filling smoothie, then seeds are just the thing for you. Particularly suitable asIngredient for smoothiesare flax seeds, oat seeds and chia seeds. Other ingredients that can give your smoothie an extra boost include protein powder, maca, spirulina, wheatgrass and bee pollen.
The drinks as a cure or as a meal replacement
There are several ways to include healthy smoothies in your diet. You can either do a pure drinking regimen with delicious smoothies or simply drink the smoothie as a meal replacement.
At aDetox-KurSolid food is replaced with healthy smoothies. You can cleanse the body, recharge your batteries and get your metabolism going. The result: You feel fitter and lose a few annoying pounds at the same time. A detox plan typically includes a glass of water with lemon as a starter and 4 smoothie meals in a day. Depending on your goal, you can do the detox program for 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. The detox treatment often serves as a starting point for a generally healthier lifestyle.
Even after the treatment, detox smoothies should find their place in our diet as a healthy snack or as a meal replacement. This way the positive effect is prolonged. If you drink a delicious smoothie in the evening and forego a hearty dinner, you can significantly reduce your daily calorie intake. A serving of spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce, for example, contains around 480 calories. In 350 ml of fruit smoothie, however, there are only 200 calories. This way you can save almost 280 calories per day and lose around 700 grams per week. With the right nutrition plan, you can lay the perfect foundation for healthy and lasting weight loss.
However, most people prefer to drink the drink in the morning as breakfast. This means that the valuable nutrients are particularly effective and you can start your day well. As a healthy breakfast, the smoothie can be larger and also contain a protein source such as yogurt. Decide for yourself when the smoothie fits best into your daily routine.
The best recipesforgesunde Smoothies
Here are a few ideas for smoothies for weight loss. Some of these smoothies may seem too high in calories for you, but these are good calories that would help you lose weight and feel full until your next meal. The recipes are each calculated for one person.
TheperfectSmoothie for weight loss
1 cup of water
1/2 medium avocado
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 tablespoon coconut oil (increase to 1 tablespoon over the course of a week)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon honey (optionally use stevia or maple syrup or half a banana)
Nutritional information
Calories: 331
Fett: 24g
Protein: 4 g
Carbohydrates: 31 g
Phases: 11 g
Sugar: 16g
Vitamin C: 29% RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)
Vitamin K: 110% RDA
Calcium: 8% RDA
Iron: 11% RDA
Mango avocado greensTee-Smoothie
1 cup of green tea
1 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks
1/2 medium avocado
1 cup spinach
1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
A pinch of sea salt
Optionally a little honey, maple syrup or stevia to sweeten (the mango is sweet anyway)
Nutritional information
Calories: 329
Fett: 22 g
Protein: 4 g
Carbohydrates: 35 g
Fiber: 10g
Sugar: 23g
Vitamin C: 131% RDA
Vitamin K: 216% RDA
Calcium: 6% RDA
Iron: 14% RDA
Blueberry yogurt
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
3/4 cup Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon honey (optionally use stevia or maple syrup or half a banana)
Nutritional information
Calories: 327
Fett: 20 g
Protein: 8 g
Carbohydrates: 31 g
Fiber: 5g
Sugar: 21g
Vitamin C: 13% RDA
Vitamin K: 86% RDA
Calcium: 30% RDA
Iron: 9% RDA
Berry bananas
1 cup of water
1 cup fresh or frozen mixed berries
1/2 fresh or frozen banana
1 cup spinach
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon gelatin (optional, for protein)
Nutritional information
Calories: 251
Fett: 14 g
Protein: 3 g
Carbohydrates: 32 g
Fiber: 5g
Sugar: 18g
Vitamin C: 43% RDA
Vitamin K: 181% RDA
Calcium: 10% RDA
Iron: 10% RDA
When making smoothies, it is not necessary to follow recipes exactly. Of course, you can try out your own recipes or modify existing recipes. Whether puristic with just three ingredients or exotic - smoothies open up a field of flavors that you can explore creatively to your heart's content. Have fun experimenting!