20 foods that make us happy: Rich in tryptophan, serotonin and co.

There are many factors that can affect our mood and diet is one of them. Research examines the connection between diet and mood and shows that a lack of certain nutrients can promote depression. Believe it or not, there really are foods that make you happy. They release certain chemicals and cause joy and excitement. Read on and discover our list of the best foods for a good mood.

Tryptophan foods for depression

Bananas are the serotonin stars among fruits. They eliminate depression and improve mood because they contain 18 milligrams of L-typtophan and 7.7 grams of serotonin. Bananas provide energy, minerals and vitamins.


Bananas apparently work best with other mood-boosting foods. You can have one for breakfasthealthy smoothiePrepare with bananas, blackberries, fortified soy milk and a spoonful of peanut butter.


There's a reason why health-conscious people love lentils so much. Not only do they have a high content of soluble fiber, protein and folic acid, but they are also particularly rich in good carbohydrates.


Eating seafood has several benefits. Sea creatures such as shrimp and oysters contain, among other things, a mineral called selenium, which, together with vitamin E, removes toxins from the body and ensures healthy skin. Several studies have also shown that selenium deficiency can cause depression and anxiety in some people. If you follow a vegetarian diet, Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium for you.


Vitamin B6 – or pyridoxine – can promote the production of feel-good endorphins. This vitamin is found in a number of foods including salmon, tuna and mackerel.

Dark chocolate

When we eat chocolate, our body releases endorphins. They are chemicals in the brain that can improve our mood. However, be careful not to eat too much sweet and fatty foods. There is no need to limit your consumption of these “feel-good” foods.


Eggs are rich in proteins,Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, selenium and vitamin D – a nutrient we primarily absorb from the sun and is linked to mood. The yolk also contains the chemical choline, which is important for brain health, and tryptophan, which supports the production of the happiness hormone serotonin.

Vitamin-rich foods that make you happy

The delicious blackberry is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, soluble fiber and folic acid. A lack of folic acid in the blood is associated with depression. Scientists at Cardiff University have found that increasing soluble fiber intake can prevent fatigue by up to 10 percent, suggesting a good mood throughout the day. They are also incredibly low in calories (only 43 kcal per 100 grams).

sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of antioxidants, potassium, vitamins A and C, which work together to strengthen the immune system. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream and can help regulate your blood sugar levels, keeping them steady and helping you maintain a consistently good mood.

Sunflower seeds

Small but mighty! Sunflower seeds are stars when it comes to healthy nutrition. They are rich in folic acid, soluble fiber, vitamin E and essential Omega 3 and 6 fats, which are linked to the increased production of serotonin in the brain - the happiness hormone. Add sunflower seeds to your muesli and feel the difference!


Research has shown that spinach increases iron absorption and is good for the blood. The green leafy vegetables are also rich in soluble fiber and magnesium - both of which are linked to mood. It has been suggested that magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety, depression and other symptoms of stress.


If you're trying to reduce your caffeine consumption and get a similar mood boost, try a steaming cup of nettle tea instead. The herbal infusion contains several immune system boosters such as flavonoids, minerals, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, calcium and malic acid, which ensures a beautiful complexion. Nothing complements a dazzling smile better than a glowing complexion, right? Nettle tea is also believed to lower blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and even relieve pain.


Buckwheat is a robust grain with many good properties. First, it is rich in B vitamins, which are linked to the production of serotonin in the brain. Secondly, buckwheat also contains the amino acid tryptophan – the vital protein needed to produce serotonin in the brain.


What they do NOT contain is the question. Avocados are packed with B vitamins (including B6), the amino acid tryptophan, vitamin E and folic acid. And who doesn't like avocados? Broccoli, spinach, peas and whole grains are also good sources of folic acid.

Sour cherries

Do you have sleep problems? One possible cause is that serotonin levels in your brain are reduced. When we go to bed at night, our body begins producing a hormone called melatonin, which is important for deep, restful sleep. Tart cherries are a particularly rich source of natural melatonin.


Chilies and spicy foods can put a smile on your face and boost your metabolism. This is because our body releases endorphins when our pain receptors are stimulated. Endorphin production appears to vary between people, which may explain why some people like their food very spicy and others don't.

Citrus fruits

Did you know that lack of vitamin C in your diet makes you feel depressed? This is because vitamin C is necessary for the composition of norepinephrine - a neurotransmitter that is active on the sympathetic nerve and in the brain.


Like citrus fruits, pineapple is a healthy vitamin booster and as an added bonus, you get enzymes that aid digestion and can help relieve a bloated stomach.


Vitamin B6 and vitamin D are also found in milk. Milk is rich in proteins, vitamins, calcium and the amino acid tryptophan, all of which have a positive effect on sleep quality.

Whole wheat bread

Whole grain bread offers the perfect combination of proteins, amino acids and slow-digesting carbohydrates - all the nutrients your brain needs to function properly and produce hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

Finally, you need to pay special attention to how much water you drink. Studies have shown that drinking water has indirect effects on our mood. According to the researchers, dehydration is often associated with depression and feelings of anger.