Antibiotics are a blessing. That's true, because without them, countless illnesses, injuries and infections in the past would not have been able to be treated, which would have resulted in amputations or the death of the sick person. Antibiotics are a curse. From today's perspective, this wonderful tool has the “side effect” that some bacteria and germs can develop like thisperfectly adapted to antibioticsthat they can continue to do their mischief happily. Most people have probably heard of “hospital germs”. They are quite unimpressed with antibiotics. But where do these resistant germs come from and does research have a chance of putting an end to them? This article takes a look at it.
How does resistance come about?
Thanks to the good results, antibiotics have become the headache pill over time. Many doctors were happy to resort to this, but without carefully examining the cause of an infection. A good example is the flu, which is often just a cold. If the patient now takes antibiotics, these do not work against viruses, but bacteria have the chance to adapt to the antibiotics. Since many people rarely continue to take the tablets when they feel better, residual bacteria remain - these can now develop resistance. In general, there are several reasons why resistance develops:
–Incorrect prescription– Actually, every flu patient should be swabbed to find out whether the doctor is dealing with viruses or bacteria. This is often omitted. Other incorrect prescriptions can also be attributed to the lack of a swab, as broad-spectrum antibiotics are often used instead of taking a preparation that is specifically intended for individual bacteria.
–Incorrect intake– Incorrect prescription is certainly a contributing cause here: antibiotics have to be taken over a longer period of time so that no bacteria and germs remain. If you feel well, you must continue taking the tablets. An example is the tick bite with redness: In the case of a suspected Lyme infection, experts recommend first a classification, then three weeks of antibiotics that work precisely against this form of Borrelia. In practice, a broad-spectrum preparation without classification is often used and taken for ten days.
–Factory farming– In order to maintain meat production, factory farming is common. However, the animals must be fed antibiotics to prevent diseases from breaking out on the farm. Since there are hardly any germs or bacteria that are limited to a single species of mammal, humans also suffer from the resistance that arises in fattening operations. At the same time there is the side effect that inMeat always contains residues of antibioticsbe found.
Ultimately, the overavailability of antibiotics is the big problem. Germs and bacteria can adapt too easily and develop resistance. TheUse of antibioticsIt would therefore have to be clearly reconsidered, which includes fundamental points:
–Classification– Before using any antibiotics, it would have to be clarified in the laboratory which germs and bacteria are involved. Only after this result should a preparation be used.
–Broadband– it would have to be used less often, so that only the bacteria that are causing the problem for this person at this moment can be targeted.
–Animal husbandry– it would have to be changed significantly so that the animals no longer have to be given preventive antibiotics due to the enormous mass on a small area.
–intake– everyone is involved here and can help. Is it necessary to treat the cold with antibiotics or wouldn't three days of prolonged sniffling make more sense? Why is a medication stopped when you feel better but the instructions require you to take it for a longer period of time?
Overview of common antibiotics
What antibiotics are there actually? An overview of some variants:
–Azithromycin– the medicationworks on bacterial infectionsby disrupting the bacteria's protein production. This antibiotic is used for sexually transmitted diseases, sinus infections and gastrointestinal infections. In recent years there has been an increase in resistance in Europe of between 5 and 15 percent.
–Cefixime– this is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is primarily used for inflammation in the respiratory and hearing areas. There is hardly any resistance to gonococci anymore, which is why the drug is being used again for gonorrhea.
–Dalacin C– the agent is used for bacteria and parasites. Areas of application include joint infections, malaria, bacterial vaginosis and pneumonia.
–Clindasol– This preparation also works against various bacteria and parasites. Skin infections, Trichomonas, soft tissue infections are treated with it. The drug only has a limited effect on germs that are resistant to methilicin.
What about research?
Research is being carried out around the world into the development of resistance and, of course, into ways to prevent or reverse it. AEuropean project called ENABLEhas made considerable progress since 2014 and was able to demonstrate success last year.
The project consists of numerous partners from research and industry. Together they are researching new drugs that, on a project-related basis, are particularly helpful against E. coli. The researchers discovered five lead structures that practically represent the prototype of an active ingredient.
In addition to this project, there are research groups around the world with other types of resistance and germs. However, research results are one thing, practice is another. Medicines have to go through numerous phases from the laboratory before they are actually approved.
Conclusion – pay attention to antibiotics
Everyone can take a step against resistance themselves: Before taking it, you should ask whether this is the right way or whether there are other solutions. This may sound harsh and is certainly not appropriate for bite wounds or serious infections. But if you can survive the cold without taking tablets, you will protect yourself in the event of a major infection. Nevertheless, research is of course very interested in solutions that also relate to hospital germs. Infections with these are serious and lengthy for those affected and often lead to death. It is therefore important that a solution or other preparations are found.