Bee pollen effects, ingredients and interesting information about the miracle cure

You have probably heard that bee pollen is healthy and is considered a miracle cure. The pollen has numerous ingredients that have a positive effect on our body. For this reason they are also considered a superfood and can improve our diet as a dietary supplement. Nevertheless, you may still have some questions about the topic, such as what the bee pollen ingredients are, what the correct bee pollen dosage is or simply what the difference between bee pollen and bee pollen actually is. We would like to give you the answers to these questions today. Also find out what the effect of bee pollen is on our body and our health. By then you will be convinced that pollen can work wonders and will soon add it to your diet.

What is pollen?

Pollen is the male germ cells of plants. With them they can form fruits and seeds in order to then reproduce. For this purpose, the germ cells must germinate and fertilize the flowers, which can be done via wind, but also via bees and other insects. The male pollen sticks to them and is transmitted in this way.

Apart from that, flower pollen is also an important food source for bees and other insects. The many ingredients and especially the proteins and hormones are an important component of this tiny pollen for bees.

The difference between flower and bee pollen

Many believe that there is no difference between these two “types” of pollen. They sound pretty similar at first. However, this is not correct. The flower pollen is the pollen that is on the flowers and is sucked directly from the flowers using special machines. It is important to know that the pollen is harvested from one and the same plant species and is completely untreated. So it is pure pollen without chemical agents, pesticides and other chemicals.

This is not necessarily the case with bee pollen. These are the pollens that were collected by the bees. You've probably seen pollen on bees' legs before. In order to be able to transport the collected pollen, the bees add some sticky nectar and saliva to this flower pollen. This creates the so-called pollen cluster, which the bees later use as food. The disadvantage of this variant is that it is usually contaminated by other substances. For this reason, the effect of flower pollen is better for the body, but this also makes this type of pollen more expensive. If you would like to supplement your diet with pollen, bee pollen is the better and, above all, healthier choice.

How is bee pollen harvested?

We have already mentioned that the pollen is simply sucked from the flowers. What is also interesting is the way in which the beekeeper gets the bee pollen; after all, it can neither be taken directly from the legs nor removed from the hive before it is further processed by the bees. The trick is for the beekeeper to set up a close-meshed grid in front of the hive. This is also called a pollen trap. In order for the bees to get into your hive, they have to squeeze through these meshes, whereby the pollen is stripped from their legs and collected in a special container.

But you don't need to worry about the bees starving this way. That would not be in the beekeeper's interest at all. The grid is removed often enough so that all the bees, including the queen and brood, can be well looked after.

The positive effect is thanks to the many ingredients. These may vary based on the conditions in which the plants were grown. The location, the weather, the environment and also the harvest time have an influence on the components.

Danger!Despite the positive properties, neither bee pollen nor flower pollen is suitable as a sole source of nutrition, but should only be used as a dietary supplement!

Overall, the following ingredients can be identified as having a positive effect:

Proteins and amino acids

40 percent of proteins are found in flower and bee pollen. The amino acids contained in plant proteins are so important for the organism because they are responsible for building new cells and “repairing” damaged ones. Since the body cannot produce these amino acids itself, you have to consume them through food. For this reason, the large proportion of proteins in the flower pollen is a great thing and the pollen is a perfect source of protein that can be quickly and easily absorbed by the body due to its consistency. The amino acids contained in pollen are:

  • Leucine
  • Threonine
  • Isoleucin
  • Answer
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine


A wide range of vitamins can be found in flower and bee pollen. Particularly worth mentioning are the vitamins of the B group, which include vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6 and the important B12. Vitamin B12 is particularly important for vegetarians and vegans, as it is usually only absorbed through animal products such as meat, fish, milk and eggs and cannot be produced in the body. The bee pollen is also good for people who avoid such products but still want to eat a balanced diet.

Vitamin A can in turn be produced in the body, but certain substances are necessary for this. This also includes the carotenoids or beta-carotene, which is also contained in flower pollen. Other important vitamins in pollen are vitamins C and D. It is also interesting that flower pollen is even a better source of vitamins than fruit.


The positive effect of pollen is also due to the large number of enzymes hidden in it. A total of 11 large ones and over 5,000 smaller ones are known. The enzymes have an important function, without which all the other beneficial ingredients would be useless. They are there to break down all the nutrients you absorb. Only then can they be absorbed and processed by the body.

fatty acids

Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids are another component of pollen and are important for the body. Among other things, they strengthen the cell membranes by improving their elasticity. This also has a positive effect on the brain and nerve cells, because the transport of information via the nerves is improved and thus also cognitive performance. The omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid, which is also contained, is good for the skin and serves to form a protective shield on the skin, which can relieve skin irritation or sunburns. It is not without reason that this ingredient can also be found in many skin creams.


Numerous minerals and trace elements can also be found in pollen. Which exactly and in what quantities depends primarily on the origin. They have a wide variety of functions and contribute to the formation of new blood, as well as to growth or are responsible for a good metabolism. In short, trace elements and minerals are also an extremely important part of the body, without which it cannot function well. Possible minerals are:

  • Eisen
  • copper
  • Iodine
  • sulfur
  • Phosphor
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • calcium
  • Chlor
  • silicon
  • Titan
  • Zink
  • Selenium
  • Mangan

Positive pollen effect

The bee pollen effect is safe in that it is a supplier of many vital building materials. If you regularly supply your body with everything it needs to function, you will strengthen it and thus improve your health and performance.

Strengthened immune system

Just as fruit and vegetables with their numerous vitamins can have a positive effect on and strengthen our immune system, bee pollen can also have an effect. So it's the ideal option if you want to ward off colds. The reason for this is that thanks to regular intake of pollen, you also provide your body with an even supply. Nevertheless, you should not miss out on additional vegetables and fruits to strengthen the immune system. And if you do get sick, the body can fight the infection much more easily.

Better hair growth

Is your hair thin and brittle? Then the bee pollen can probably help. The nutrients it contains cannamely strengthen the hairand at the same time accelerate growth. And a healthy diet with pollen as a dietary supplement is also known to guarantee healthy, shiny and supple hair. However, if your hair problems are genetic or caused by an illness, you should not rely on pollen. Because then even this miracle cure can't do anything.

Problems with the bones

Although there is no evidence that only the bee pollen effect was responsible and not additional medications or treatments, people suffering from osteoporosis claim relief from pain when taking pollen regularly. The reason for this may be the amino acids it contains. These are known to strengthen the bone structure. In any case, there is no harm in trying it, provided you consult a doctor beforehand to avoid side effects in combination with other medications.

Better digestion and fewer gastrointestinal complaints

The healing properties of flower pollen also prove to be very helpful in the intestines. If you often have problems with your stomach, the anti-inflammatory properties of pollen will help soothe your stomach. Even if you have no appetite, you can try this miracle from nature. You will certainly be amazed at the flower pollen effect!

Improved endurance and strength

A strengthened immune system and a stable circulation and metabolism also enable better endurance. They make you cheerful and strong. So if you strengthen and improve your immune system and circulation with pollen, it will also have an impact on your endurance. Sounds logical, right? Especially if you exercise regularly (but not only then!) you can take advantage of this effect of bee pollen.

weight loss

Just because you eat bee pollen doesn't mean you will automatically lose weight. You should already be aware of this. But since you boost your metabolism with their help, you can use the bee pollenin combination with a healthy dietand get enough exercise to reach your desired weight more quickly.

The flower pollen effect can also prove to be very beneficial for the following complaints:

  • Metabolism and circulation
  • Improving vision
  • Anti-Aging
  • Prostatalien
  • Psychological complaints
  • Loss of appetite
  • helps detoxify the liver

Buy pollen

Pure pollen

Bee pollen is healthy and can have a positive effect on our body. They are suitable for consumption in their pure state. This means that they are consumed as they are, in the form of grains. To make this possible, their hard shells are removed beforehand. However, it is advisable to soak the pollen before consumption. This is especially true if you want to consume them on an empty stomach.


Capsules are another variant. Here, however, the pollen is no longer the sole product, but is usually combined with beeswax, water and oils. Here you should keep in mind that the effect is stronger because the concentration in the capsules is higher. For this reason, taking it on an empty stomach is not recommended. Instead, swallow them with a meal or with plenty of water. It's best to read the package leaflet.

As granules

You can also buy bee pollen in the form of granules. This is the ideal option if you want to use the sweet pollen to refine certain meals instead of consuming it plain. For example, combine it with muesli or mix it with natural yogurt, smoothies or dough for baked goods. Eating healthy is really fun, isn't it?

Can everyone eat flowers and bee pollen?

Although some people have used pollen to combat allergies, there are said to have been cases in which allergic reactions were triggered instead of alleviating them. For this reason, anyone who is aware of allergies or suffers from asthma should avoid consuming pollen of any kind or at least consult their doctor beforehand. Pollen allergy sufferers stay away from flower and bee pollen! The effects of some medications can also have negative effects in conjunction with taking bee pollen.Blood thinnersMedicines, for example, are not recommended in combination with bee pollen. If you take medication regularly, you should first seek the opinion of a doctor.

During pregnancy

Of course they also have many good ingredientsduring pregnancyor breastfeeding has a positive effect on your body and that of the baby. Of course, this only applies if you can actually tolerate the flower or bee pollen and are not allergic. It is best to have your doctor check this if you are unsure. Do not expect any special miracles such as an easier pregnancy or childbirth, but in any case, in combination with other healthy foods, you will provide your body with everything it needs. And he definitely needs that at this time because the baby demands a lot from him. So do something good for yourself and your baby by using the bee pollen effect and supplementing your food with it.