When you have your blood pressure measured, you will receive two values, an upper value and a lower value. Systolic blood pressure is the top number. This is the highest level your blood pressure reaches as your heart beats and pushes blood through your body. Diastolic blood pressure is the bottom number. This is the lowest value your blood pressure reaches as your heart relaxes between beats. Low blood pressure is generally considered to be less than 90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) at the top (systolic) or 60 mm Hg at the bottom (diastolic). If your blood pressure is naturally low, it probably won't cause you any problems and won't need treatment. Low blood pressure can sometimes be caused by medications or be a sign of another health problem. This can sometimes cause problems such as falling, fainting and dizziness and may therefore need to be investigated and treated.
What are the symptoms of low blood pressure
If your blood pressure is too low, this condition often has no symptoms, but can sometimes mean that not enough blood is flowing to your brain or organs. This can cause symptoms such as:
- Feeling dizzy, faint or light-headed
- Fluctuating feeling
- Nausea (nausea)
- blurred vision
- a general feeling of weakness
- Feeling of confusion
- sudden onset of heartbeat (palpitations)
If you experience these symptoms, you should stop what you are doing, sit or lie down if you fall, and drink some water. Not only are the symptoms uncomfortable, but they can also mean you are at risk of falling. They could also be a sign of another health problem. Sometimes there may be changes in your posturelead to a drop in blood pressure, e.g. B. when you go from sitting or lying down to standing. You may experience the symptoms mentioned above, such as dizziness or fainting, when you stand up. This is called postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension. It is caused by changes in the arteries that occur as you age and when you take medications to lower blood pressure.
Blood pressure too low: causes
Some people have blood pressure that is naturally low. That is, there is no specific cause or reason for it. It can be the result of a healthy lifestyle and a fit and active lifestyle, and your genes can also play a role. Your blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day. It can decrease when you have just eaten something while the blood is being transported to the intestines, when you stand for a long time, when you are dehydrated and when the temperature is high.
There are a number of other possible causes of low blood pressure:
Low blood pressure can be caused by medications. This includes medicationto lower blood pressure,Antidepressants and beta blockers used to treat heart problems.
Health problems
Low blood pressure can also be caused by an illness or health problem.
- Diabetescan interfere with the normal control of blood pressure because it can affect hormones and the nerves that lead to blood vessels. If the nerves are affected, blood pressure may drop when standing up because the blood vessels cannot adjust to the new position quickly enough.
- Neurological diseases(Diseases affecting the nervous system). For example, Parkinson's disease. These can affect the autonomic nervous system, which controls processes in our body, including the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. When the blood vessels are dilated, the blood has more room to flow, and theBlood pressure drops. The medications prescribed to treat Parkinson's disease can also cause low blood pressure, particularly postural hypotension.
- Problems with your adrenal glands. For example, Addison's disease, an infection or a tumor. The adrenal glands sit directly above the kidneys and produce hormones that help control blood pressure. If they are damaged, this can lead to a drop in these hormones and a drop in blood pressure.
- Neurally mediated hypotension. This is a condition in which, after standing for long periods of time, your body sends signals to your brain telling it that your blood pressure is high, when in reality it is too low. The brain then signals the heart to beat slower and blood pressure drops.
- Heart problems. Heart problems such as heart failure or heart attack can lead to low blood pressure because the heart cannot pump blood throughout the body as well as it should.
- Anemia.In this case, the number of red blood cells is lower than normal, or the amount of hemoglobin - the part of the blood that carries oxygen - is lower than normal.
- Serious injuries and shock. Serious injuries, burns and shock can lead to a drop in blood pressure. For example, if you lose a lot of blood, if you have an allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock, or if you have shock caused by a bacterial infection.
How is the problem diagnosed?
Like high blood pressure, low blood pressure can also be easily diagnosed by taking a blood pressure measurement. If you feel dizzy or faint when you stand up, you should have your blood pressure measured while lying down and again while standing. You may be offered a tilt table test. You lie on a table that is initially horizontal and then slowly tilts so that you assume an almost upright position - as if you were standing. Your blood pressure and pulse will be measured and any symptoms you experience will be recorded. A blood test may also be done to determine levels of certain hormones.
What treatment is used
If your blood pressure is naturally low and doesn't cause you any problems, it probably doesn't need treatment. If you have symptoms and your doctor or nurse thinks you would benefit from treatment, he/she will try to find the best way to treat you. Treatment depends on the cause.
A change in medication. If your GP thinks your blood pressure is caused by a medication you are taking, they may try an alternative medication or a different dosage.
Hormone replacement.If your low blood pressure is caused by a change in certain hormones, such as: B. If your adrenal glands are damaged, you may be referred to a specialist, an endocrinologist. They can prescribe hormone replacement medications for you.
Medication to stimulate your nerves. If you have a neurological condition, you may be given medication to stimulate the nerves.
Medication for low blood pressure.These medications constrict your blood vessels or expand blood volume to increase blood pressure. They are very rarely necessary as the treatments mentioned above and the changes you can make yourself are usually enough.
What can you do for yourself?
There are other things you can do for yourself to relieve your symptoms.
- Wear supportive, elastic stockings (compression stockings). They put extra pressure on your legs, which promotes blood circulation and increases blood pressure. For some people this may be enough, but check with your GP first as they are not suitable for everyone.
- Stand up slowly from sitting or lying down. You can also try other simple movements to get your blood flowing before you get up, such as: B. by stretching and bending your legs.
- Avoid standing for long periods of time.
- Drink enough water, about 2 liters, throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
- Eat little and often throughout the day. Soavoid low blood pressureafter eating.