Do you sometimes get dizzy for no reason or feel weak? Then you most likely suffer from low blood pressure. Whilehigh blood pressureis a common topic and people are generally aware of its symptoms and health effects, low blood pressure hardly seems worth mentioning. Although it is usually harmless, in some cases it can be a sign of serious illnesses such as hypothyroidism or even lead to kidney failure and cardiovascular problems. If you are one of those affected, then you are probably wondering how to increase blood pressure. Below you will find some of the best home remedies and foods that will help you bring your high blood pressure back to normal.
Low blood pressure, known medically as hypotension, is a common health problem that mostly occurs in younger women and older people. It can cause numerous symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, tremors, shortness of breath, paleness or even fainting. As unpleasant as all of this is, low blood pressure, in contrast to high blood pressure, is usually harmless and not life-threatening. If your values are often below normal, but you have no symptoms and your body weight is within a healthy range, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if the symptoms occur more often, you should not take the situation lightly and should definitely see a doctor.
The most common low blood pressure causes and symptoms
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, with the upper (systolic) value describing the blood pressure at the moment when the heart muscle ejects blood and the lower (diastolic) value referring to the relaxation phase of the heart. According to the World Health Organization, blood pressure is considered low if the top number is below 100 mmHg or the bottom is below 60 mmHg. Below are the most common causes of hypotension.
- Pregnancy –The circuit expandsduring pregnancyquickly, which lowers blood pressure. This is usually normal and not dangerous.
- Endocrine diseasessuch as type 2 diabetes, low blood sugar, anemia and thyroid diseases often result in low blood pressure.
- Blood loss– If you lose a lot of blood, for example due to a serious injury or internal bleeding, this can lead to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, also known as septic shock.
- Poor nutrition –Slim, petite women are the group most affected by low blood pressure. A deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid, iron or other vital vitamins and nutrients can prevent the body from producing enough red blood cells.
Depending on the causes and symptoms, doctors differentiate between 3 different forms of hypotension. You will only be able to increase your blood pressure with home remedies if you know them.
- Primary (essential) hypotensionis the most common form and usually occurs in young and slim people for no particular reason. It is not life-threatening and can in most cases be treated well with home remedies.
- Secondary hypotensionis usually an indication of another serious illness such as hypothyroidism or cardiovascular problems.
- Orthostasis hypotensionOnly happens when you change your body position too quickly, for example when you get out of bed quickly.
Raising blood pressure – what really helps?
Fortunately, if you want to increase your blood pressure yourself, simple measures and home remedies are often enough. You can find out which are the most effective below.
- Drink lots of water –If your body loses more fluids than you take in, for example through sweating, this can often lead to a drop in blood pressure. To oneTo avoid dehydration, it is very important to drink between 2 and 3 liters of non-carbonated water. Coconut water without added sugar and sports drinks are another good option to get your circulation going. A glass of water before a meal can also prevent blood pressure fluctuations after eating.
- Eat a high-salt diet –While people with high blood pressure should reduce their salt intake, those affected by hypotension can be a little more liberal with their consumption. The high amount of sodium in salt makes it a great way to quickly increase blood pressure. Also try adding other sodium-rich foods to your diet. These include cheese, sausages, spinach, carrots, beetroot as well as shrimp and shellfish. However, it is important that salt intake is no more than 20 grams per day.
- Stay physically active –Sport and moderate exercise not only help us stay fit and healthy, but are also a good way to increase blood pressure and keep it within the normal range. Sports such as jogging, hiking, swimming, cycling or that are particularly suitable for thishigh-intensity Tabata trainingor in other words – anything that stimulates circulation.
- Contrast showersAlthough not particularly pleasant, they are an excellent way to stimulate blood circulation and increase blood pressure.
- Eat smaller portions often –When you eat a large meal, the body needs more energy to digest it. To avoid this, try dividing your diet into several smaller portions instead of the usual 3 meals.
- Limit carbohydrate intake –Some scientific studies have already confirmed that a low-carb diet can help combat hypotension, especially in older people. It is recommended to exclude foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, ready meals and junk food from your diet.
- Coffeeand other caffeinated drinks such as green or black tea are a good option to temporarily increase blood pressure. If it suddenly drops, a cup of coffee or tea can get the circulation going again. However, this only helps for a short time and if you drink coffee regularly, it may not work for you at all.
- Chocolate -Good news for anyone with a sweet tooth. The theobromine contained in chocolate improves the heart rate and can therefore increase blood pressure.
These are the foods you should include in your diet if you suffer from hypotension
A healthy and balanced diet is essential for our health. Below are some of the best foods that can increase and stabilize blood pressure.
- The pickleAlthough they are low in calories, they have a surprisingly high sodium content. Three medium-sized pickles a day provide up to 2.3 mg of sodium, which already covers the recommended daily intake.
- Speckis a favorite among all meat eaters. Not only is it delicious, but it is also high in sodium and fat.
- Foods rich in vitamin B12 –Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and aVitamin B12 Deficiencycan lead to anemia. This in turn causes blood pressure to drop and can even cause serious organ and nerve damage. Foods that are particularly rich in vitamin B12 include eggs, dairy products and fish.
- Foods rich in vitamin Ksuch as beef liver, chicken, kale and leafy greens can also increase blood pressure.
- Raisinsare an excellent way to stabilize circulation by supporting adrenal function. Simply soak 20-30 grams of raisins in water and eat them for breakfast in the morning with some yogurt and fresh fruit and drink the soaking water - delicious and healthy at the same time.
- Beetroot or carrot juice –Start each day with a glass of freshly squeezed beetroot or carrot juice to increase blood pressure. After just one week you will notice an improvement in the values.
Herbs and oils that can increase blood pressure
- Licorice roothas been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years to increase blood pressure. The glycyrrhizin it contains also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with a variety of ailments and illnesses. Although licorice root is also available in supplement form, consumption can lead to unpleasant side effects such as dizziness and severe headaches. Therefore, it is best to consume it as a tea. To do this, simply pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of licorice root and let it steep for 5 minutes. For better results, it is recommended to drink the tea 2 times a day for 10 days.
- Rosemary –A study conducted in 2015 by Harvard University confirmed the blood pressure lowering effects of rosemary essential oil. It stimulates the respiratory tract and blood circulation and is therefore ideal for treating hypotension. If you want to increase blood pressure quickly, rub a few drops of rosemary oil between your hands and take a few deep breaths. Another option would be to dilute 2-3 drops of rosemary oil with a little water and drink a glass 3 times a day.
- Tulsi basil for low blood pressure –And here comes a home remedy for low blood pressure straight from Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Fresh tulsi leaves contain high levels of potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, which can help regulate blood pressure. Holy basil also has antioxidant properties and can lower cholesterol levels - a real miracle cure. If you feel dizzy or experience any other hypotension symptom, simply chew 4-5 fresh basil leaves and after less than 10 minutes your blood pressure will be back to normal.