Low carb smoothie as part of a balanced diet plan

Numerous actors, athletes and celebrities swear by the low carb diet. The nutrition plan promises a slim figure in just two weeks. Mainly low-carbohydrate foods are eaten and low-carbohydrate dishes are prepared accordingly. A low-carb smoothie brings variety to your diet. Fans of the diet usually consume the low carb smoothie between meals. Some recipes are also suitable as a substitute for breakfast or even dinner. We give you an overview of the variants and explain which ingredients come into question and how you can combine them with each other. Learn more about the basic principles of healthy eating and learn how you can create a balanced diet plan yourself!

Low carb smoothie with a high protein content: What does the shake do?

To understand the concept of a low carb diet with a high protein content, we need to take a closer look at the two terms.

Low carb diet: With the term “Low Carb” refers to foods and dishes with a low carbohydrate content. It's not about completely avoiding carbohydrates. After all, they fulfill an important function as energy suppliers. However, in most cases, carbohydrate intake exceeds carbohydrate consumption. Then the body converts the carbohydrates into fat and stores them for “rainy times”. The low carb diet helps to keep intake within reasonable limits (between 30 g and 50 g daily) and instead supplies the organism with other useful nutrients. Especially with shakes, special attention is paid to a low fructose content.

Proteins, also proteinscalled, are the building material of the body's cells. Muscles in particular consist largely of proteins. Normally, the protein content in the daily calorie intake varies between 10% and 35%. So for a 2000 calorie per day diet plan, 50g to 175g of protein per day is appropriate. Therefore, foods such as chicken, eggs, seafood, beans, tofu, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers and lettuce must be consumed daily.

Conclusion: A diet with a high protein content combined with exercise can reduce body fat and help build muscle.

But why have low carb smoothies become an important part of the low-carb diet? There are several reasons for this:

1. If you want to follow the diet, you have to prepare three dishes every day. Experts recommend making a plan for the entire next week on the weekend and then shopping two or three times a week. This way you always have fresh food at home. But if you don't have enough time to shop in the hustle and bustle of everyday life or are too tired to cook in the evening, you need a healthy alternative. Smoothies are quick to prepare and filling.

2. Add variety to your menu with a shake. Well-thought-out recipes contain many healthy ingredients and thus ensure a balanced diet.

3. If you don't have time to prepare lunch at home in the morning, you can mix smoothies to take with you. They prove to be a good alternative to the canteen.

What are the disadvantages of the shake?

Low carb smoothies taste delicious, are healthy and keep the body fit. But the shake also has disadvantages. We give you an overview of:

1. When creating a diet plan, many people only pay attention to the desired results. In order to reach your dream weight more quickly and then keep it, drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake. The one-sided diet quickly leads to a lack of important nutrients, which has a negative impact on health.

Others turn to foods that supposedly help build muscle. However, a protein-rich diet only helps you achieve toned muscles if it is combined with the right training. Otherwise the proteins will quickly be converted into fat.

Only a balanced diet combined with exercise ensures optimal results.

2. Smoothies cannot replace a complete meal in the long run. If you want to keep your dream figure, you can replace breakfast with a green smoothie two or three times a week. To lose weight, you can also prepare a smoothie in the evening for two to three weeks. Otherwise, the delicious drink is more suitable as a tasty and healthy option for in between meals.

3. A smoothie has a low satiety effect. This is because a shake is consumed like a drink. But it contains enough calories for a complete meal. In contrast, fruits and vegetables are chewed, which triggers satiety signals in the stomach.

4. Purchased smoothies, like juices, may contain preservatives or fructose. So if you want to eat healthily, you should mix your shake yourself.

5. Weight loss shakes are a matter of taste. Even fans of green smoothies find the low-carb versions too monotonous. We have selected several recipes for you with fruits that taste really sweet. If you need a change, you have little choice. This is because most fruits contain fructose (i.e. carbohydrates).

Which fruits and vegetables are suitable?

Choosing the right ingredients plays a crucial role when preparing low carb smoothies. The following fruits are allowed for weight loss smoothies: apricot, avocado, all types of berries, citrus fruits such as orange and lime, peach and watermelon. They contain less than 15g of carbohydrates per 100g of fruit. So if you want to flavor your green shake, you can choose between the above-mentioned varieties.

Fruits with a medium carbohydrate content include apple, pineapple, pear, kiwi, grapes and cherries. They contain up to 25g of carbohydrates per 100g of fruit. The right amount is important here: These varieties are ideal for flavoring green smoothies.

Broccoli, iceberg lettuce, endive, radicchio, cucumbers, celery, peppers, spinach, zucchini, asparagus, tomatoes, beetroot, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, dandelion contain less than 10 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of vegetables and can therefore be eaten safely during a low carb diet become.

Preparing a shake: what do you need to pay attention to?

A low carb shake is made up of several components. The ingredients that can be consumed safely form the so-called base. A weight loss smoothie often consists of up to 60% green leafy vegetables and herbs. Fruits, Greek yogurt and any other sugary foods make up the remaining 40%. For example, dairy products are replaced with almond or coconut milk.

The shake is popular because of its thick consistency. If you avoid water completely, you can even serve it in a bowl and eat it with a spoon. The general rule of thumb applies: the thicker the consistency, the more intense the taste.

Low carb smoothie recipes: orange vanilla shake for breakfast

Diefirst sweet temptationprovides you with the necessary energy. With this creamy, fresh taste you are guaranteed to start the day in a good mood! Here are the ingredients for the orange vanilla shake:

1 Portion

1 cup Greek yogurt

3 tbsp almond milk

30 g Chia Together

1 1/4 EL Vanille-Extrakt

1/2 medium orange

1/2 tbsp orange peel


4 ice cubes to dilute

3 tablespoons cream to taste

Preparation: Put all ingredients in the blender and puree until fine. Serve chilled.

Serve bowl in the evening: recipe with spinach, avocado and ginger

The next recipe is for everyone who likes to treat themselves to a filling smoothie in the evening every now and then. The combination of mango, avocado, ginger and spinach brings an exotic touch to the table. Since it has a thick consistency, you can also serve the shake in a bowl.

2-3 servings

Ingredients and preparation:

Herb and vegetable mix:

200 g Spinat

100 g Broccoli

1 Tomato

1/4 carrot (optional),

1/2 THE Matcha Tee,

1 tbsp ginger, grated

2-3 leaves of mint

1/3 lime

1/4 EL Meerrettich

Fruit and milk to taste:

1/2 mango, diced

1 avocado, pitted, peeled. Cut half into slices

1 Orange

2-3 tbsp coconut milk

Preparation: Rinse the herb and vegetable mix under running water, puree it finely in the blender on the highest setting and set aside. Finely puree half of the avocado together with the orange and coconut milk and add to the herb and vegetable mix. Mix on low speed. Garnish with the diced mango and slices of avocado and serve in a bowl.

Bowl with pineapple, sea buckthorn and orange

The next creamy suggestion tastes fruity and is extremely filling. The vitamin bomb is perfect for in between meals or to take to the office and is also suitable for vegans.

2-3 servings


100 g Pineapples

1/4 Mango

1 Sanddorn

1-2 THE Kokosraspeln

1/2 TL Turmeric

1/2 Orange

1 lemon

300g Spinat

200g Broccoli

1 Tomato

Optional: 1 TL Chia Samen

Preparation: Wash vegetables and fruit, puree finely, garnish with chia seeds and coconut flakes and serve in a bowl. The smoothie tastes best when chilled. You can keep it in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Green low carb smoothie with spinach and parsley

Spirulina and co. play the main role in the next recipe. The next green smoothie gives you a boost of freshness in the afternoon and supplies your body with important vitamins. You can also prepare it in the evening and then take it with you to the office in the morning.



1/2 medium pear

4 medium kale leaves

2 handfuls of spinach

1 handful of parsley

1 medium lemon, peeled

1 THE Spirulina

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cucumber (optional, to thin)

Preparation: Wash all ingredients, put them in the blender and puree them finely. Serve chilled, store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Low carb smoothies not only taste delicious, but are also really healthy. Provided that they are part of a balanced nutritional plan. Then they add variety to the menu and can replace breakfast from time to time. Since they are usually made only from fruit and vegetables (sometimes almond milk is also added), they are also suitable for vegans. In summer they are diluted with ice cubes, while in winter a creamy consistency is preferred. They can even be served in a bowl. The so-called bowl smoothies are therefore very popular in the USA.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.