Mesotherapy against cellulite – presentation and effect

The popularity of theMesotherapy against cellulitecontinues to rise over half a century after its discovery. Almost everyone has heard of it, but only a few have endured it. The question arises as to whether it is worth having this procedure performed on our body.

The technical term “mesotherapy” comes from the Greek “mesos”, which means “medium” and “therapeia”, which means “therapy”. Mesotherapy is an invasive, non-surgical procedure in which medicinal or homeopathic solutions, plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, amino acids or others are injected into the middle layer of the skin. It is used to treat cellulite and stretch marks and to shape the body silhouette. It is still used as an anti-aging therapy and is used to treat hair loss.

DieMesotherapy against cellulitewas founded in 1952 by Dr. Michel Pistor discovered while conducting a clinical examination. A few years later he published his results and introduced the term “mesotherapy”, which the media later spread. In 1987, the therapy was recognized as a medical specialty by the French Medical Academy and is gradually spreading throughout Europe. At first, therapists injected the solutions by hand, but over time the special guns became more and more common. However, hand injection is still more popular. Because, in contrast to the procedure with a pistol, none of the material is lost, the price is also higher. The price of the procedure varies depending on the area being treated and also depends on the quality and quantity of material used.

DieMesotherapy against cellulite: what to expect

While there are many procedures and machines designed to help combat cellulite, most only treat the skin superficially and unfortunately do not improve its overall condition.

DieMesotherapy against celluliteOn the other hand, it produces such good results because it works on the deeper areas of cellulite and doesn't just reduce the external appearance. In its initial phase, it is best treated in several sessions. But the best thing is that mesotherapy can have a positive effect even on cellulite in an advanced stage.

Mesotherapy is popular among women

DieMesotherapy against cellulitecan eliminate it on the legs and buttocks, free you from cellulite and smooth the contour of the skin. Typically 10 to 25 treatments are recommended to get rid of all visible cellulite. Of course, for patients with more advanced cellulite, more procedures are necessary. But you should definitely not just focus on thatMesotherapy against celluliteleave. Because if you really want to get rid of them completely, a healthy diet and exercise are a must.

DieMesotherapy against celluliteis used to lose weight and shape the contours of the body. It removes the unwanted fat accumulations andsmoothes the skin. This method is aimed at the receptors of the fat cells, which cause lipogenesis, i.e. the production of fats, and lipolysis, the breakdown of fats.

The receptors that are responsible for breaking down fat are called beta receptors and the ones that produce fat are called alpha receptors. The alpha receptors are stimulated to produce fat when there is an increase in carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, hormones or alcohol.

In both women and men, the alpha and beta receptors are relatively equal, 1:1 up to the waist. From the back down, women have 6 to 8 alpha receptors, each with one beta receptor. This is also the main reason why women find it more difficult to burn fat on their stomach, buttocks and thighs. Their bodies are simply designed to accumulate more fat in these areas. The therapist, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, selects the formula from various drugs that block the alpha receptors and stimulate the beta receptors.

Mesotherapy against cellulite and to rejuvenate the skin on the face

During mesotherapy, vitamins, minerals and amino acids are injected directly under the skin to give it the nutrients it needs to regenerate. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and stimulates metabolism. With increasing age, blood circulation slows down and with it the organism's ability to eliminate toxins. For this reason, the skin's elasticity decreases and wrinkles appear.

Mesotherapy procedure

After the procedure, patients find their skin fresher, firmer and more elastic. Mesotherapy can be used both as an adjunct and as an alternative to other rejuvenation procedures such as Botox, chemical peeling, face lifting, etc.

Undesirable side effects of mesotherapy against cellulite

DieMesotherapy against celluliteis completely harmless to health. In contrast, liposuction, for example, causes around 100 deaths per year. Possible side effects include temporary hematomas on the skin, redness, itching, and a burning sensation in the treated area. Mild pain may also occur for the first few days. The risk of infection from the injection itself is minimal.

Most patients can return to work the day after therapy

Despite the widespread use of theMesotherapy against celluliteSome patients do not get the desired effect. This is often their fault because they rely only on therapy and lead an unhealthy and lazy life. Of course, it also happens that the therapist is incompetent. For this reason, you should inform yourself well beforehand and only trust proven specialists.