Is erythritol healthy? – Everything you should know about the sugar substitute!

We are all aware that excessive sugar consumption is harmful to our health in the long term. Sugar is considered one of the main causes of a variety of diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Since sugar is found in most foods, it is no surprise that the majority of people consume much more than the recommended amount. Given the risks involved, many tryto live sugar-free, or to reduce their consumption as much as possible. Fortunately, there are now many sugar alternatives such as stevia, xylitol and erythritol. Would you like to know whether erythritol is healthy and are there any known side effects? All this, as well as much other useful information, can only be found in our article!

Although erythritol was discovered in Scotland in 1848 by the chemist John Stenhaus, it has only become increasingly popular in Europe in the last 3-4 years. The main reason for this is that erythritol tastes almost as sweet as regular table sugar, but only has 20 calories per 100 grams. Therefore, it is often used as an ingredient in sugar-free and low-sugar foods and is an excellent alternative for anyone looking for a balanced and healthy diet.

Erythritol belongs to theFamily of sugar alcohols, also known as polyols and was registered in Germany with the chemical name E698. In the USA it was approved as a food additive without restrictions back in 1999, and in the European Union – in 2006. Sugar alcohols are natural sweeteners that occur naturally in some fruits and fermented foods. Even though they have a chemical similarity to fructose and glucose, they are not metabolized by our body like normal sugar and have no effect on blood sugar levels. This is why sugar alcohols are also referred to as “unusable carbohydrates”, like fiber. Erythritol is found, for example, in pears, grapes, watermelon, wine, beer and soy sauce. However, the quantities occurring there are relatively small. For this reason, erythritol for the food industry is produced through the fermentation of wheat or corn starch using the fungi Trichosporonoides megachilensis or Minillella pollinis.

Erythritol has approximately 60 to 80% of the sweetness of table sugar and has a milder taste. About 125 grams of it corresponds to 100 grams of sugar. But while sugar contains 4 calories per gram and sylitol contains 2.5 calories per gram, erythritol is practically calorie-free with only 0.2 calories per gram. Other reasons why the sugar alternative is becoming more popular is that erythritol does not have the aftertaste of stevia or the gastrointestinal side effects of xylitol. Even though it is a type of carbohydrate, about 90% of it is excreted through the urine. The remaining 10% is absorbed by our body as fiber. Erythritol is often added to many packaged foods and beverages. Below are some examples of where it is included most.

  • Reduced calorie soft drinks or diet sodas
  • Sports and energy drinks
  • Sugar-free chewing gum, mints or gummy bears
  • Low carb or sugar-free chocolate products and desserts such as ice cream, pudding, jam, spreads, chocolates or even cakes and cookies.

Is erythritol healthy for type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes Typ 2is one of the most common diseases worldwide and everyone who suffers from it must significantly reduce their sugar consumption. The German Diabetes Society recommends a maximum of 50 grams per day and that's not even 2 teaspoons. Several scientific studies have already confirmed that consuming erythritol has no effect on blood sugar or insulin levels, making it the perfect sugar substitute for all diabetics. Another study on 24 adults with type 2 diabetes found that erythritol is a powerful antioxidant and taking 36 grams daily for a month even improves blood vessel function and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The sugar substitute is good for dental health

We all know thatHousehold sugar is harmfuland has a bad effect on our teeth. In contrast, sugar alcohols such as xylitol and erythritol are known to suppress the growth of tooth decay bacteria and kill them. A scientific study found that erythritol even balances the pH value in the mouth and has a positive effect on tooth mineralization. This in turn reduces the risk of gum inflammation and tooth decay. Therefore, it is no surprise that erythritol is often used as an ingredient in toothpastes or mouthwashes.

Are erythritol and sugar alcohols suitable for weight loss?

The glycemic index of 0 is further proof that erythritol is healthy. The sweetener is not only low in calories, but also ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Since it avoids unwanted food cravings, this property is particularly appreciated by people who would like to lose a few kilos. If you are trying to eat healthily but still can't do without a piece of delicious cake, then erythritol as a sugar substitute is the best choice for you. You can easily replace household sugar with it in all recipes and you won't notice any difference in taste.

The sugar substitute is also suitable for low carb consumption

Natural sugar substitutes such as erythritolare now an integral part of a low-carb diet and are becoming increasingly popular. Because sugar alcohols taste very similar to sugar, they are often used as an ingredient in a variety of low-carb recipes and desserts. Even though erythritol is mostly composed of carbohydrates, it has no effect on your overall carbohydrate intake. According to the International Food Information Council, sugar alcohols are not metabolized by the body and are excreted through urine. For this reason, erythritol is healthy and a suitable sugar substitute for anyone on a low-carb diet or keto diet.

What is the difference between sugar alcohols and other sweeteners?

Many people don't know the difference between artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols and therefore have concerns about whether erythritol is healthy or not. There are a number of scientific studies that have repeatedly confirmed the negative effects of artificial sugar substitutes. The most well-known and dangerous sweeteners include aspartame, sucralose, saccharin and acesulfame-K. The side effects of consuming them range from migraines and headaches to kidney damage, cardiovascular disease or even cancer. A 2010 study found that daily consumption of foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 67% in healthy adults. In addition, most of them taste up to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Aspartame, for example, consists of 2 amino acids and is 200 times sweeter than conventional table sugar. Sugar alcohols, on the other hand, are completely safe for daily consumption, according to the World Health Organization.

Are there any known side effects?

Although erythritolis generally healthy, excessive consumption can in some cases lead to unwanted and unpleasant side effects.

  • Digestive problems if daily consumption is too high - The same applies to erythritol as with all other foods - the dose makes the poison. The recommended daily dose for adults is 80 grams and for children - 50 grams. Just for comparison - with xylitol, just 30 grams can lead to gastrointestinal problems. At higher intakes, symptoms such as bloating, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea occur. This of course varies from person to person. That's why it's advisable, especially at the beginning, to observe how your body reacts to consuming erythritol.
  • It is often combined with other artificial sweeteners - Because erythritol tastes 80% as sweet as sugar, it is often combined in drinks and foods with harmful sweeteners such as aspartame. To avoid this, we recommend that you read the ingredients on the label carefully.
  • Erythritol can be fatal to pets - Not only erythritol, but also other sugar alcohols and artificial sugar substitutes must not be consumed by pets. Even small amounts of it can cause seizures, liver failure, hypoglycemia or even death in dogs. Symptoms usually appear within 15-20 minutes after consumption. So if you suspect that your four-legged friend has consumed such products, call your veterinarian immediately.

Conclusion: Is erythritol healthy or not?

It is clear that erythritol is the better choice and much healthier than sugar. However, it is important to understand that foods labeled as “low sugar” or “sugar-free” are not always good for your health. Some products that contain sugar substitutes are still very high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats and should not be consumed too often. All in all, a balanced and healthy diet should not consist mainly of diet bars or light drinks. And if the craving for a delicious cake strikes you, it would be much better if you bake it yourself at home and use erythritol instead of sugar.