For many people with migraines, the heat headache can trigger symptoms that are difficult to relieve. Such headaches often occur in hot weather or during physical activities that increase body temperature. These vary from person to person, but are most often a symptom of heat exhaustion. While heat itself doesn't cause headaches, its effects on the body can. Here is some important information and advice that you can follow to counteract such health conditions.
When migraines and headaches can occur in the heat
Certain environmental conditions and lifestyle factors are already known to cause headaches in hot weather. People who claim that heat worsens the frequency or severity of their migraines are probably right. Many people look forward to the summer months because they get to be outside moreDoing activities and sportscan. However, if you don't drink enough fluids in hot weather, you may experience headaches due to dehydration. When you are dehydrated, you have less fluid in your body tissues and brain. Your brain tissue shrinks and pulls away from your skull, causing nerve pain. Drinking fluids replaces lost tissue fluids to normal levels and eliminates the cause of headaches.
In some casesExposure to sunlight can also cause headachesor trigger migraines in the heat. Photophobia is a term used to describe abnormal discomfort and sensitivity to light. It is a neurological symptom in which information is transmitted between the eye and the brain. The part of the eye that transmits light to the brain is different from the part of the eye that enables vision. Because of this, even a blind person can develop a headache induced by it. However, a heat-induced migraine is not the same as a heat-induced headache because the two have some differences in their symptoms. What heat-induced migraines and headaches have in common is that they are both triggered by the way heat affects your body.
Other factors and causes of headaches in summer
Barometric pressure is the air pressure level within the atmosphere. Summer thunderstorms are a common cause of changes in air pressure. Research shows that even small decreases in atmospheric pressure can cause migraines or headaches. Another factor is the hormonal changes in the body. Hot flashes are associated with perimenopause and occur when estrogen levels change.
In addition, the hormone called estrogen works with a part of the brain that is involved in regulating body temperature. Low estrogen levels can raise body temperature to uncomfortably high levels and cause hot flashes and night sweats. However, headaches can also result from physical activity when the weather is too hot, leading to heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body becomes too hot and cannot cool down. This happens more often in the hot summer months, especially when it is humid.
Recognize possible symptoms such as headaches in the heat
The symptoms of a heat-induced headache can vary depending on the circumstances. If your headaches are triggered by heat exhaustion, you will experience additional heat exhaustion symptoms. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include: dizziness, muscle cramps or tension, nausea, fainting, or extreme thirst that doesn't go away. If your headache or migraine is related to heat exposure but not heat exhaustion, your symptoms may include a throbbing, dull feeling in the head, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and dehydration. For migraine headaches that occur in heat or summer environmental conditions, knowing your early warning signs and attack symptoms can help you manage them.
Tips for pain relief
If heat tends to trigger your headaches or migraines, you can deal with them proactively. Limit your time outdoors on hot days and protect your eyes with sunglasses or a brimmed hat when you venture out. Exercise indoors in an air-conditioned environment if you are able. Drink extra water if temperatures start to rise and consider drinking sports drinks to replace your electrolytes. Track daily temperatures and weather morning and evening as well as how you are feeling. Be aware of mild symptoms as well as full-blown attacks. You may soon notice that your migraine attacks begin a few hours after a rise in temperature. However, it may take a little longer to identify a trend. If you track your symptoms for months, you may find that you have more migraines in the summer than in the fall or spring.
If you already have a headache, you may consider home remedies such as lavender or peppermint oils, cold compresses, iced herbal teas, and herbs such as feverfew or willow bark. You can also use some medications, such as ibuprofen, as needed to relieve pain. Even if heat isn't a problem for you, keeping a headache diary is a helpful way to track triggers and the most effective prevention and treatment strategies. If you find that you are sensitive to temperature increases, follow the following strategies as soon as you notice early symptoms. If you find that you are sensitive to temperature increases, follow the following strategies as soon as you notice early symptoms.
Methods to prevent symptoms
- Stay Hydrated:Since dehydration is a common cause of headaches and migraine attacks, even in cool weather, drinking plenty of water and other nutritious fluids can be an essential prevention strategy. Bring a large, cool bottle of water with you wherever you go and drink from it frequently throughout the day. If necessary, set a stopwatch or use an app for reminders.
- Take the medications recommended by your doctor:The best medication varies between migraine sufferers and can be either over-the-counter or prescription. As soon as you notice your early migraine symptoms, such as yawning or irritability, you should take your medication. This can prevent the migraine attack from starting or minimize the intensity and length of symptoms.
- Sit in a cool room:With the lights turned off or with a narrow-band green light, symptoms should subside. When you feel the first signs of a heat-related headache, go to a quiet place where you can sit or lie down and relax. Turn off the lights, draw the blinds, and take a nap or meditate if you have time. If you are at work or can't sleep, try using a narrow band green light to continue your work. Compared to everyday light, this unique band is proven to produce smaller electrical signals that help calm your brain.
- Turn to your proven migraine management strategies:This is where conscientious tracking of triggers and effective management in a headache diary pays off. Use the strategies that work best and most consistently for you. Possibilities include caffeine in a cup of coffee or tea, sunglasses, massage and meditation. However, you should pay attention over time to figure out the ideal methods for you.