In the past it was declared esoteric and evenFrom yoga hoursbanished. In the meantime, more and more people have discovered meditation for themselves. Because it can help to cope with everyday stress and find the way to inner calm. With the right meditation techniques, even complete beginners succeed in anchoring the thoughts in the here and now. But mindfulness training not only affects our psyche, but also on our brain, as evidenced by the latest studies in the field of neuroscience. If you want to learn how to relax and focus properly during a meditation, you should take a guided meditation for beginners. Because the path to relaxation leads first over the breathing and the relax.
What is a guided meditation for beginners and what advantages does it bring?
Meditation is primarily understood to mean exercises in which you turn to your inner life or become aware of a feeling. To achieve this, focus on a story and embark on a journey of discovery into a new world. Soothing positive feelings such as joy or love are conveyed. In the case of guided meditation, the focus is usuallydirected at breathingthat you first watch for some time and then willingly changed the rhythm. Certain noises also have a relaxing effect and can make it easier to get started with the guided meditation. We summarize the basic principles of several meditation techniques so that you can assess yourself which you would like to try yourself.
Guided meditation for beginners: Heart academic exercises for inner peace and stress relief
The basic relaxation techniques for beginners includeHeart academic exercises. They were inspired by medical research. After numerous studies and computer models, the doctors have succeeded in researching the changes in the frequency of the human heartbeat. It was found that the heartbeat adapts to the inner circumstances. Healthy people without heart diseases that feel relaxed, happy and comfortable have a coherent heart rate. Conversely: In the case of depressive and anxiety, our heart rate is described as chaotic. The aim of the respiratory exercise is therefore to restore the balance.
How is a heart attack exercise for inner calm and stress relief?
First you are asked to breathe in two slowly and deeply. In this way, tensions are solved and concentration is promoted. Depending on who leads the meditation, you are asked to take time to take you in and exhale. You can close your eyes to concentrate better. After that, attention is paid to the heart rhythm. You are asked to imagine that with every breathing the heart takes up certain negative experiences, conflict situations and disruptive thoughts. They then visualize how this negativity is cleaned by your heart. With every heart attack, you now breathe out love, security and gratitude and only scatter positive feelings. In the end they visualize a symbol of good and love. It can be an animal, a landscape, a person or a nice experience.
Guided meditation for children and adults: the Benson meditation for relaxation and satisfaction
Is based on Indian Vedanta teaching, but interpreted in a modern way: Benson Meditation promises relaxation and satisfaction. In the 1970s, the cardiologist Herbert Benson presented the then new method. The doctor tried yoga meditation techniquesto lower blood pressure. He assumed that in some cases the stress could trigger physical suffering and tried to alleviate breathing exercises. In the coming years, his successors will use the method as an accompanying therapy for headaches in children.
How is the Benson meditation carried out for relaxation and satisfaction?
The Benson method is great as a guided meditation for beginners. In the beginning, the participants are asked to sit down. Above all, it is important that you feel comfortable and the posture is comfortable. Then the participants begin to relax with their eyes closed. First the feet, then the body and then the head are relaxed. Then breathing is regulated by a simple breathing exercise. Simply think when inhaling the word “one” and pronounce the same word quietly when exhaling. This exercise usually takes 5 to 10 minutes, so that the participants can relax completely. During this time you try to concentrate on the word “One”. All thoughts, both positive and negative, can distract from the exercise. That is why all participants are asked to think about the word “One” again and again. This exercise is carried out in the evening, on a sober stomach.
Guided meditation for beginners: exercises for self -worth and self -love
A Buddhist method of meditation proves to be suitable for everyone who wants to increase their level of happiness. If you are looking for a guided meditation for self -esteem and self -love, you can choose the loving quality meditation. It is ideal for beginners because it promotes the imagination and at the same time practices to visualize certain people or objects and to concentrate on it. This is how the exercise is carried out: First, the participants are asked to send themselves love and positivity. This self -love should be felt as a warming feeling, but also visualized as a colored light, for example.
After a while, the participants also start sending love and positive things to a good friend. Both the friend and love must be visualized. Then you are asked to send a neutral person, i.e. a well -known, love. Then each participant should choose a difficult person from their surroundings. That could be a well -known, a colleague, but also a member of the family. One should try to send love and kindness to this person. Then all the above groups are desired and happiness. In the end you try to visualize how he sends goodness and love to the whole universe.
Guided meditation for beginners: 10-minute exercises for every day that use the imagination
Anyone who has already mastered the respiratory exercises and tried Benson meditation can start with simple meditations for every day. In the beginning, only pictures are visualized to train the brain. This is how the participants imagine landscapes, objects or strangers. It is important that you stick to a certain order. The next step is to visualize a whole world or a story. They play a very important role, because this learns the participants to break through stress -triggering thoughts or to draw attention to positive things.
In this way, the old thinking habits can gradually change and the brain learns useful techniques that later help to master the challenges in everyday life. This may sound exhausting, but in fact, such meditation techniques are very successful with the right leadership. So we get along more easily with stressful events and don't have to constantly fight with worrying thoughts. The imagination also fight for the experiences analyzed and accepted. The goal: to give up the resistance to the past, the present and the future. Instead, the feelings that you currently feel or felt should be noticed.
Children can use their imagination to get along with their feelings. In the course of meditation, you also learn to distinguish your feelings from your thoughts. So it is easier for them to express them later. You also learn to keep your frustration under control. In this way, parents and children can then communicate better.
Meditation may also be beneficial for the body. In this way we learn to control our breathing and muscles and practice proper sitting posture every day. Some meditations can alleviate symptoms or pain triggered by stress. That is why they are used more and more as accompanying therapy in patients with migraines.