Dissolve hardening of the arteries with home remedies and other tips – promote your own health!

A healthy and balanced diet is important for our health, we all know that. An unhealthy diet, on the other hand, promotes a variety of illnesses or health problems that increase the risk of illness. Deposits on the vessel walls are one of the most common and dangerous problems because they can lead to heart attacks. But what are the causes of this so-called hardening of the arteries and what can be done both preventively and afterward to clean the arteries? We give you tips on how to resolve hardening of the arteries with home remedies and proper exercise.

When the arteries calcify, fat and calcium build up on the inside of the walls. This causes the vessels to become narrower and the blood can no longer flow as well. The consequences of this circulatory disorder, also known as arteriosclerosis, include:Heart attacks and strokes. Arteriosclerosis is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes not only poor nutrition, but also a lack of exercise and obesity, as well as smoking and higher alcohol consumption. Before you find yourself in the situation where you have to resolve hardening of the arteries, you can take preventative measures.

What to do against hardening of the arteries – preventative measures

So you would likePrevent arteriosclerosis, you should avoid or at least greatly reduce everything that is unhealthy.

  • Eat healthy food to avoid becoming overweight. This not only increases blood pressure, but also disrupts the metabolism of fat and sugar, which ultimately increases cholesterol levels.
  • Drink plenty of water. This flushes the arteries.
  • Get enough exercise. The increased pulse (especially during endurance sports) ensures that the blood is pumped through the arteries more powerfully and quickly, which also contributes to cleansing. This makes the arteries even more elastic. Bad cholesterol decreases while good cholesterol increases.
  • Listen to prevent hardening of the arteriesstop smoking. This step contributes immensely to healthy arteries, as smoking causes them to stiffen. However, depending on how long you have been smoking, it will take time for the elasticity to normalize. This can take up to 10 years.

These tips are also important if you already suffer from arteriosclerosis and want to prevent its progression or even break down the deposits.

Dissolve hardening of the arteries – home remedies and tips

If you already suffer from this health problem, you can still take action against it. But what helps against hardening of the arteries? In principle, first of all, all the points that we have already listed above. But there are also some foods that are particularly helpful if you want to reverse hardening of the arteries.

Dissolve arteriosclerosis with these foods

  • Pomegranate:If your calcifications are still in the early stages, pomegranate can work wonders. It makes the arteries more elastic and inhibits blood clotting to prevent the blood from clumping.
  • Turmeric:Apart from thatthis spice is anti-inflammatoryand according to a study from Japan, it expands blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and inhibits blood clotting. The latter is particularly advantageous if you want to dissolve hardening of the arteries, as it prevents the blood from clumping together - thus reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids:They are found, among other things, in fish, nuts, soy, avocado and some cooking oils such as linseed oil. They ensure that good cholesterol (HDL) is increased while negative dietary fats (triglycerides) decrease. These fatty acids also have ablood pressure lowering effect.
  • Green tea:Green tea expands the arteries and also improves the work of the so-called endothelial cells. If this is disturbed, it can lead to the progression of existing calcification. So if you want to reduce arteriosclerosis through diet, it's worth doing it oftenEnjoy green tea.
  • Chickpeas:Soluble fiber in chickpeas makes it harder for the body to absorb bad cholesterol. Did you know that the body needs cholesterol to excrete bile acid? Chickpeas stimulate this excretion through certain fibers, so that the cholesterol level also drops because cholesterol is consumed.
  • Sunflower seeds:These little treats contain vitamin E, which dilates blood vessels, allowing blood to flow better. The unsaturated fatty acids they contain also contribute to healthy arteries, as we have already explained above.
  • Oatmeal: This popular and healthy cerealis a good remedy for hardening of the arteries because it contains a fiber called beta-glucan and it is this fiber that is able to lower cholesterol levels. Secondary plant substances, in turn, prevent vascular deposits caused by the oxidation of various substances.
  • Garlic:This delicious tuber is known to promote health. For example, it lowers blood pressure and thins the blood. In addition, it has blood circulation-promoting properties, which is all thanks to the substance “Allin” it contains. It is also important to mention that the tuber can reduce arteriosclerosis and make the arteries more stretchy and elastic.
  • Tomatoes:When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes even more dangerous for the body because it can then be deposited on the vessel walls. However, tomatoes can prevent this thanks to an antioxidant called lycopene.
  • Pectin:In case you didn’t know – pectinslower cholesterol levels. This happens by binding the fats in the blood and then transporting them away. Any type of fruit that is rich in pectins (apples, grapefruit and other citrus fruits) can help to greatly reduce the progressive calcification of the arteries.
  • Berries:You probably already know that blueberries are a true superfood. It's no surprise that blueberries, but also other wild berries such as blackberries or currants, work against deposits and thus keep the arteries healthy and elastic.
  • Apple cider vinegar against hardening of the arteries:Initial animal experiments have shown thatApple cider vinegar is capable of, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. It has also been found in humans that it has a positive effect on heart health in the form of dressing for salad.