Obesity has been increasing rapidly in Germany in recent years. More than half of all women and over 65% of men weigh too many kilos, and the majority of them have an above-average BMI index of 25, which is classified as overweight by the World Health Organization. A frightening statistic, as it is well known that obese people suffer more often from cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. Being overweight can also cause diabetes and even cancer. It is particularly important for young people to maintain a healthy BMI. Because overweight teenagers can develop metabolic syndrome. The reasons for weight gain are varied, including lack of exercise, unhealthy diet and increased sugar consumption. If you want to lose weight healthily, you should do exercise and a healthy diet plan. In recent years, green tea has become an important part of the diet plan.
In order to get a little closer to the dream figure and the healthy BMI index, many people rely on crash diets and severe calorie reduction. If you want to lose weight quickly, you risk a yo-yo effect. It is therefore much better to change your diet slowly. Anyone three times a dayhealthy foodPrepared meals and drink calorie-free drinks during breaks is on the right track to losing weight. Several tricks also come to the rescue here. Green tea, for example, is considered a real slimming agent and can stimulate the metabolism. We will explain to you how you can lose weight with green tea and reveal what the effect of the tasty drink is.
Green tea for weight loss: This is the effect it has on our body
The medicinal plant has been known for more than 5,000 years. Green tea has strong antibacterial and immune-boosting effects. The medicinal herb is rich in antioxidants that can effectively capture free radicals. It promotes digestion,stimulates metabolismand accelerates fat burning. Green tea can also help convert food energy into body heat, allowing the body to quickly burn more calories than usual.
The type of tea also scores with a high caffeine content and is therefore considered a healthy alternative to coffee, which gives us an energy boost in the morning. Caffeine stimulates the metabolism and, in combination with the L-theanine amino acid, can increase fat burning. Studies have shown that green tea also has a positive effect on sugar metabolism and is therefore ideal for preventing type 2 diabetes.
This is what you need to pay attention to when purchasing
So that the positive effects of the tea can develop better, you should pay particular attention to organic quality when purchasing. This is very important because poor quality products that come from cultivation with pesticides and insecticides can be harmful to health. You should also always compare the price before buying, as loose tea qualities are often cheaper than tea in tea bags. Other important information that must be listed on the package includes:
- Variety, cultivar, production date and year of harvest and exact composition should be listed on the package.
- Airtight packaging guarantees that the contents are protected from light and moisture. By the way, you should also store the tea airtight and protected from light after purchase.
- Organic teas come from cultivation without pesticides and are considered a healthy option.
In contrast toblack teaGreen tea is made from unfermented leaves. The freshly picked leaves are roasted and briefly heated or steamed. This means that the active ingredients are not destroyed by oxidation. Different versions of green tea are available in stores. It is often made into an extract in powder form and can be found as both pills and capsules. However, in Asia, mainly China and Japan, it is traditionally prepared from leaves. Since the tea becomes bitter in boiling water, the Japanese first bring water to the boil and then let it cool to 80 degrees for 5 minutes. Then let the tea steep in the hot water for 2 to three minutes.
It is worth changing the variety more often in order to supply the body with as many useful ingredients as possible. In addition, the golden rule applies when consuming: Don't hope for quick results. The first positive effects can only be felt after two weeks of daily consumption. Therefore, most nutrition experts agree that tea is good for the body and can complement a healthy eating plan.
The best types of tea for losing weight at a glance
Nowadays there is a wide variety of teas to choose from. But which ones are particularly good for your health and which ones can help you lose weight? We give you an overview. Green tea is produced in China, Japan and parts of India. In Europe, the Japanese varieties are particularly popular. They are very different from each other because they are obtained from different parts of the plant (buds, leaves, etc.). Accordingly, each type of tea has different ingredients. That's why experts recommend drinking 1-2 cups of three varieties throughout the day instead of just choosing one type. This means that more vitamins and antioxidants are supplied to the body.
Sencha green tea: The perfect slimming agent
Sencha green tea is very popular in Japan. The tea is considered to be of very high quality and is made from young leaves and buds. The plants are grown in open fields and the tea leaves are exposed to strong sunlight every day. The shoots are almost exclusively picked by people by hand and then processed into tea. To stop the fermentation process, the leaves are steamed for 20 seconds and then dried. Only buds and young leaves are processed. What is specific to the tea is its grass-green color, which makes Sencha immediately recognizable. There are three harvest seasons: spring, late summer and fall. The rule of thumb applies: the best tea is produced from the leaves that were collected during the first picking in spring.
But the taste of the slimming product isn't for everyone - it has a bitter taste that you have to get used to. It is precisely these bitter substances that are supposed to suppress the appetite. A 250ml cup of tea in the early afternoon will energize the body and give you the energy you need for a late afternoon workout. Preparing Sencha green tea is child's play. You bring water to the boil, then let it cool to 60 degrees and let the tea leaves steep in the water for 2 minutes. The only special feature of the preparation is the steeping time, which should not exceed 2 minutes.
Sencha tea at a glance:
- High quality tea from Japan
- The taste varies depending on the harvest time and climatic conditions. The best Sencha teas have a slightly bitter taste.
- The harvest season begins in spring
- Has a caffeine content of over 60 mg per serving. In comparison, coffee contains over 110 mg of caffeine per serving, almost twice as much.
- Provides the body primarily with antioxidants.
- The recommended daily consumption is one 250ml cup in the afternoon.
- Sencha tea has a fairly high caffeine content.
Green tea for weight loss: Bancha tea keeps the body fit
The popular Bancha tea is enjoying increasing popularity in Europe. It has long been one of the most popular varieties in Japan because it contains many trace elements, including iron. It contains less caffeine than Sencha and is considered the only type of green tea that can be drunk in the evening without having a negative effect on sleep. The tea is cheaper on average. Its low price comes from the slightly later harvest. It is suitable for daily consumption. When it comes to taste, Bancha scores with a sweet, very mild taste. Bancha is drunk twice a day - once after lunch and once after dinner. That's how he candigestionand stimulate metabolism.
Bancha tea at a glance:
- Inexpensive alternative to expensive Sencha tea
- Suitable for daily consumption, a 250 ml cup of tea after lunch and another 250 ml cup of tea after dinner is recommended
- Harvested later as Sencha, the second picking produces a particularly tasty tea.
- Contains important trace elements
- Has significantly less caffeine content per serving - only 42 mg and can therefore also be drunk in the evening.
Genmaicha tea ensures a satisfying feeling of satiety
Genmaicha tea is another interesting type of tea. It is made from roasted tea leaves and rice grains (brown rice). The type of tea scores with a very pleasant, strong aroma and was mainly drunk by the poor population between meals. Green tea makes you feel full and at the same time contains almost no calories. The tea can also increase body temperature and boost fat burning. It is the perfect alternative to Sencha tea and can partially replace it.
Genmaitcha tea at a glance:
- Inexpensive type of tea
- Suitable for daily consumption and can replace Sencha tea 1-2 days a week
- Contains roasted rice grains, which is where its specific taste comes from
- Can be combined with other types of tea, for example matcha tea
- After a cup of Genmaicha tea, you quickly feel full.
- Drink between meals.
Matcha tea: A healthy option for weight loss
Matcha Teeis perhaps one of the world's best-known types of tea. The tea variety gained popularity several years ago and has enjoyed strong interest ever since. It is considered a true slimming agent and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that have a positive effect on the skin, hair and body. In contrast to the green tea varieties already mentioned, matcha is not suitable for daily use, but can provide variety four times a week. You can prepare a tea infusion, but matcha tea is also greatadd to smoothies.
Matcha tea at a glance:
- High-quality tea that was drunk by Japanese nobles during tea ceremonies
- Is made from the leaf flesh
- Contains many vitamins, amino acids and catechins
- Has a very pleasant fresh aroma
- Sold in powder form
- It has a high price, but with the right dosage you can get by with one matcha tea packaging for 3-4 months
- Not suitable for daily consumption. It's best to add matcha powder to your smoothie in the morning
- Has a very high caffeine content of more than 270 mg per serving (compared to coffee, where the caffeine content is around 120 mg per serving)
Other popular tea blends that stimulate metabolism
Several special types of tea that are mixed with other ingredients can also be found commercially. It is not uncommon to find a green tea blend. We have selected the best two for you:
Green tea with ginger
This combination is not only delicious, but ginger also regulates the feeling of satiety and softens the strong aroma of green tea. Batcha tea can be combined particularly well with ginger and lemon.
Combine green tea with mate tea and pu-erh tea
Pu-erh is a type of Chinese tea with a red-brown color and a slightly spicy taste. It is obtained from the same plants as green tea, but processed differently. Tea mushrooms are added to it during fermentation. When buying, you should pay special attention to organic quality, because in the past researchers have found pesticide residues during laboratory tests. Pu-erh tea is primarily said to have a healing effect. Mate tea stimulates the metabolism and helps burn calories. This tea is drunk cold, this is the only way the positive effects can fully unfold.