Quitting smoking will improve your appearance by reducing the signs of premature aging. These are mainly caused by the toxins from tobacco smoke. Most scientists and doctors also suspect that prolonged smoking causes the skin to wrinkle more quickly because it attacks collagen. The teeth also suffer from cigarettes as they become discolored with yellow stains. This happens over time due to nicotine, which is also linked to gum disease. In some cases, we even “owe” tobacco for the falling of our teeth. So if we break the habit, we can look forward to a healthier life, better smiles and fresher breath. Quitting cigarettes also helps you restore the taste and smell sensations that tobacco chemicals dull. So, below is a list of reasons that might help you quit for good.
Why stop smoking?
When you quit smoking, you refresh your natural skin color while improving the overall condition of your skin cells as they absorb more oxygen and nutrients. It also improves the condition of the eyes, as chain smokers often have red and tired eyes due to constant exposure to smoke. For example, people who suffer from dry eyes also feel better when they don't breathe in cigarette smoke. TheRefusal of cigarettesalso leads to more body energy. Within a few weeks of stopping the bad habit, lung capacity increases by up to 10%. Quitting smoking also leads to increased oxygen levels in the blood, which makes it easier for the body to get tired more slowly. It also improves workability as the amount of oxygen increases concentration and memory.
A study also showed that non-smokers are three times as attractive partners as smokers. This even improves fertility and the chances of having a healthy baby. What better reason is there to quit smoking? There is a lot of evidence that inhaling tobacco smoke is toxic and carcinogenic. Burnt cigarettes contain lead, cyanide and ammonia, as well as many other ingredients that can seriously harm our health and cause cancer. Reducing the number of cigarettes is beneficial for both smokers and those around them. So here are some of the most important arguments and reasons why you should stop smoking.
Improved taste receptors
The smell and bitter taste of a cigarette can override the taste of other foods. Smokers also always have less sensitive taste buds in their tongues than people who don't smoke. So what would our lives be if we couldn't fully enjoy the endless variety and aroma of food?
Better smelling clothes and hair
Cigarette smoke has a strong odor that continues to make our clothes and hair smell long after a cigarette has gone out. Fortunately, smoking is not permitted in most public areas these days, as well as in bars and discos. So this gives another point for quitting smoking, which will save you from the unpleasant smell.
Healthier family and friends
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Secondhand smoke causes illness and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke. In particular, exposure to secondhand smoke in infants and children can cause lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory infections, as well as worsen existing asthma symptoms.
Healthier pets
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) lists tobacco smoke as a harmful poison to pets based on many research studies. For example, one such study found that cats living with smokers were twice as likely to develop malignant lymphoma. Another study at Colorado State University showed a higher incidence of nasal tumors and sinus cancer in dogs housed withsmokers live.
More money for the budget
When smokers multiply the amount they spend on cigarettes each day by 365 (the number of days in the year), the total can be quite surprising. That's a lot of money each year that you could be spending on other things: bills, hobbies, vacations, college money, etc. And the health benefits of quitting smoking mean they'll also save money on health care costs in the future.
Stronger bones
Some research has shown a direct link between tobacco use and reduced bone density. Most studies on the effects of smoking also suggest that smoking increases the risk of a fracture.
Better sleep
Every night, a smoker's body is rid of nicotine, which leads to sleep disorders. Research has shown that smokers are four times more likely than non-smokers to become restless after a night's sleep. People who smoke generally spend less time in deep sleep and more time in half-sleep than non-smokers.
Quit smoking for whiter teeth
The tar in cigarettes stains teeth yellow or brownish. If you stop smoking, the discoloration may no longer occur. Since our smile is a sign of our general health, a healthy lifestyle without inhaling cigarette smoke contributes enormously to this.
Reduce risk of heart attack and stroke
Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks and have more strokes than non-smokers. Be readyyear after quitting smokingHowever, the risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a persistent smoker. Five to 15 years after quitting, the risk of stroke reduces to that of a non-smoker.
Reduced risk of lung and other cancers
Smoking increases a person's risk of many types of cancer, not just lung cancer. However, ten years after quitting smoking, the mortality rate from lung cancer is about half that of a persistent smoker. The poor outlook for cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas also decreases after quitting.
Less wrinkles
As mentioned above, smoking can accelerate the aging process of a person's skin, leading to more wrinkles. Cigarettes reduce blood flow to the skin and damage collagen and elastin, which make up the fibers that give skin strength and elasticity.
Limited freedom
When a person wants to light a cigarette in a public area, it is often limited to a specific area, away from events and other people. Many states and cities have also banned smoking in public areas.
Better chances of finding a partner and getting pregnant
Clothes and hair that smell of cigarette smoke can leave a really bad impression on a first date. The yellowed teeth and fingers as well as the annoying cough often caused by smoking could make the chances of a second date disappear just as quickly. Smoking affects fertility and male potency. According to research, women are 40 percent less likely to become pregnant if they smoke. Women who smoke also have a higher incidence of infertility. In addition, men who smoke cigarettes have a lowerSperm count and more abnormal spermthan those who do not have toxins from tobacco in their blood.
Failure to stop smoking increases the mother's risk of potentially serious complications. Research shows that women who smoke during pregnancy are three times more likely to have a low birth weight baby. The more cigarettes smoked during pregnancy, the greater the risk of perinatal mortality in newborns. (Stillbirth or death in the first four weeks of life).
Endurance during training
Smoking adds carbon monoxide to a person's blood, reducing its ability to carry oxygen. This means that the body's cells, heart and lungs receive less oxygen. A reduction in oxygen levels makes it much more difficult to participate in sports or climb stairs. For this reason, it is advisable not to inhale cigarette smoke before or after exercise.
Reduce coughing and wheezing
Many people who smoke experience excessive coughing and wheezing. One to nine months after quitting, this and thus also the shortness of breath decrease. This causes the lung cilia, which are tiny hair-like structures, to begin functioning properly again. These organs help deal with mucus, cleanse the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection.
Be a role model
Children often imitate what their parents and siblings do. Research has shown that children of smokers are much more likely to become smokers themselves. However, if both parents quit smoking, the chances of their children smoking regularly decrease by about 40 percent.
Healthy and long life
Based on the difference in life expectancy between smokers and non-smokers, each cigarette is equivalent to 11 minutes off life. This is the time a person could spend with family and friends in their golden years. However, it is important that you make the decision to quit smoking yourself. Many people have mixed feelings about this. It is normal to have difficulty quitting smoking and want to continue using tobacco.