How can you get rid of bloated stomach quickly? Causes of flatulence and tips for self-treatment

Could increased intestinal gas production indicate more serious problems such as indigestion and how to get rid of bloated stomach? Find out below why flatulence causes unpleasant symptoms and how you can relieve them with home remedies, changing your diet or exercising!

Although flatulence often causes discomfort, it is not in itself dangerous, but what measures can be taken to get rid of a bloated stomach? It is important to first identify the possible causes and then take the necessary steps. If you have an inability to release and your stomach bloats, it is usually due to a buildup of gases, solids and liquids in the intestines. This causes the abdominal muscles to become tense, which could lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain. It is usually a normal condition, but for some people it causes annoying symptoms. Could these cases be signs of more serious health problems and what should be the best course of action? Here is some useful information and health tips that may help you.

How to identify the causes to get rid of bloated stomach?

Normally, one can successfully expel intestinal gases from the body through both openings of the digestive system. Scientific reports show that an average adult produces between 0.5 and about 2 liters of it daily and releases it as intestinal wind about 14 times a day. In medical literature, the gas mixture in the abdomen is also known as flatus. It is caused by external or internal influencing factors such as eating food quickly,bad eating habits,Speaking while eating or through intestinal bacteria while digesting. The amount of air swallowed, the type and frequency of food intake or intestinal motility could also lead to increased gas formation. All of these factors can be further exacerbated by food, medication and, last but not least, stress.

Although the passage of intestinal gas is asymptomatic in most cases, common symptoms also occur. These usually manifest themselves in the form of increased belching or bloating in the abdominal cavity, which is known in medicine as flatulence. In addition, the accumulation of gases in the intestine often leads to distension, which can accelerate intestinal contractions and peristalsis. This in turn can cause conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal muscle spasms and abdominal pain. Excessive swallowing of air, known as aerophagia, usually occurs as a symptom of eating quickly. However, this couldalso because of chewingchewing gum, drinking hot drinks, smoking, poorly fitting dentures and problems in the nasopharynx.

What causes excessive gas formation in the abdomen?

According to gastroenterologists, people should get to the bottom of the causes so that they can get rid of bloated stomach quickly. In addition to the external factors described above, digestive problems are also among the most common causes. These are largely due to intolerance to certain foods. The most typical of these include lactose intolerance in dairy products or gluten intolerance in pasta, although people may also have other food intolerances. In addition, excessive gas formation occurs during the fermentation of undigested food by the bacteria in the digestive tract and particularly in the large intestine. Typically this refers to a lack or lack of enzymes required to break down the following carbohydrates.

Due to which types of sugar you need to get rid of a bloated stomach?

  • Lactoseis a simple sugar that is mostly found in unfermented or unripe dairy products such as cheese or cream. When consuming such products, flatulence usually indicates lactose intolerance.
  • AtRaffinoseit's about a more complex type of sugar. This is mainly found in legumes and grains, but also in vegetables such as broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and asparagus.
  • What theFructoseAs far as this is concerned, this is a simple sugar found in fruits, but it is also found in vegetables such as onions and artichokes, as well as in wheat. However, in the form of glucose-fructose syrup, fructose is also used to sweeten soft drinks. A bloated stomach after eating such foods is a symptom of fructose malabsorption or fructose intolerance.
  • At theSorbitolis sugar alcohol that occurs naturally in some fruits such as apples, pears, peaches and plums. It is also used as a low-calorie sweetener in the production of confectionery. Similar sweeteners that would help you get rid of a bloated stomach are mannitol and xylitol. Such sorbitol derivatives can be recognized by the ending -itol in foods.
  • Starchy foodssuch as corn, potatoes and pasta can also cause increased gas formation in the colon. A common alternative is rice, which is starchy but most people tolerate it well.
  • When it comes tosoluble fiberAs a further disruptive factor, they take on a soft, gel-like consistency and ferment in the large intestine. Potential sources include legumes such as peas and beans, as well as fruit and oat bran. In contrast, insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system virtually unchanged, but excessive consumption leads to stomach bloating and intestinal discomfort.

However, excessive gas formation is not only due to a predominantly carbohydrate-containing diet. Fatty food and alcohol often have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and cause flatulence. They can also lead to delayed gastric emptying, which in turn could make you want to get rid of a bloated stomach.

How does potassium and sodium imbalance affect the intestines?

Another possible cause of abdominal bloating is increased salt intake. If you eat an excessive amount of salty or sodium-rich foods, this leads to imbalances in the body. In addition, when the daily sodium intake is exceeded, the body begins to retain more water. This mainly happens in the subcutaneous layer, which can also cause bloating. If you need to get rid of bloated stomach because of this, you should check whether your skin feels softer and thicker. The recommended sodium intake per day should not exceed 1.5 grams for children and 3 grams for adults.

On the other hand, sodium works closely with potassium in the body, with these electrolytes regulating a number of processes. These include fluid balance and fluid transport, but the combination of elevated sodium levels and low potassium levels causes water retention and bloating. For this reason, you should not only pay attention to your sodium intake, but also to a sufficient diet rich in potassium. In this regard, the recommended daily amount of potassium is around 5 grams, although unlike sodium, it is not as easy to get this through food. Good sources of potassium include bananas, pumpkins, salmon, avocados and mushrooms.

What measures can be taken to get rid of the bloated stomach?

Given the influencing factors described above, the solution could actually lie in the problem itself. If you are familiar with the causes, you can make certain lifestyle changes and measures that could prevent such symptoms. Factors such as hormonal problems during pregnancy or menstruation, accompanying conditions such as constipation, consumption of processed foods or stress can also cause a bloated stomach. Therefore, it would make sense to take the right steps in the relevant situation. Here are some self-treatment steps you could take.

  • Take medication – By getting rid of bloated stomach, visiting the pharmacy and relying on diuretics, you enable one of the easier solutions to the problem. Such so-calledAntispasmodicsFor example, you can relax the intestinal muscles if you want to medically get rid of your bloated stomach overnight. However, such drugs also have side effects, which could make them advantageous or disadvantageous in individual cases. For this reason, you should speak to a doctor first before resorting to these medications.
  • Since stress is the cause of high cortisol levels and therefore bloating, you should take yourStresspegelMonitor in everyday life to stay within normal limits.
  • In the case of digestive problems such as constipation, which also causes the stomach to bloat, it is important to ensure sufficient intakeHydrationto care. Otherwise, fiber can also help, but excessive intake would further worsen the situation.
  • The taking ofProbiotics and prokineticsas a dietary supplement would be an equally effective self-treatment attempt. Probiotic cultures are live bacteria that help balance gut bacteria. You can find these in ffermented foods such as sauerkraut, although you should avoid them if they cause you flatulence. As for prokinetics, these are medications that help food move through the digestive tract more quickly. However, age, health status and other aspects such as availability must be taken into account.

How to use home remedies and alternative methods to get rid of bloated stomach?

Once you have identified the triggers for stomach bloating, you can also add some home remedies to curb the change in diet. Depending on your eating habits, health status and preference, this can be done in different ways. You can either use some natural products that have beneficial effects or exercise more and try certain exercises for relief. If your case is not serious or is not due to an underlying medical problem, you can try to help yourself by trying the following remedies, lifestyle changes, and activities:

    • If you want to get rid of stomach bloatingDrink tea– If you have intestinal problems, consider drinking teas that calm peristalsis such as chamomile, mint or matcha every day.
    • Use herbs like clove in cooking – The effects of clove oil can also help you reduce bloating by promoting the production of digestive enzymes. In addition, fresh herbs such as parsley and coriander in dishes also contribute to better digestion.
    • Avoid chewing gum – By chewing such products less, you will avoid inhaling excess air. This can also help you quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption.
    • Prevent Yeast Infections – The development of Candida or other unwanted yeasts can be prevented in some cases using nutritional supplements, essential oils, homeopathy, etc. However, you should only take this step once you have had a detailed analysis of your intestinal microbiome with stool diagnostics.
    • To get rid of bloating, consider exercise and physical activity – Support the function of your digestive tract by moving more and doing more sports. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the influencing factors that have a negative effect on peristalsis and thus promote flatulence.
    • FODMAP diet – Both fructose and lactose intolerance are part of the so-called FODMAP intolerance. Speak to a nutritionist to help manage symptoms such as bloating and abdominal discomfort when consuming certain foods through a suitable diet plan.

Do exercises to combat bloating

In addition to walks, yoga or dancing, which improve blood circulation and intestinal patency, certain movements also help. This is one of the best and most effective methods for various ailments, including bloating and abdominal discomfort. So if you suffer from constipation, have a bloated stomach or otherwise develop annoying gas that leads to cramps, you can try to solve the problem with the following exercise.

  • First, lie on your back and bend your knees near your stomach.
  • Then use your hands to press your knees as far into your body as possible and hold them for a few seconds.
  • Start by moving your bent knees to the side and spreading your arms so that they form a T-shape with your body.
  • Now turn your head in the opposite direction of your knees and hold this position for a few seconds.
  • After that, repeat the pressed position with the twist on the other side in the same way.