Good preparation almost always increases your success rate, regardless of the area. The same is the situation when you fast. Asuccessful fastingoften has as much to do with what you eat before fasting as it does with the fasting itself. We've put together some information to help you get started with fasting.
Getting started with fasting: How to do it successfully!
Regardless of what you eat before you start your timer, you'll likely get many benefits from fasting. But you can make it much easier, and potentially reap even greater benefits, by eating certain foods and avoiding others.
Eat vegetables rich in fiber
When you start fasting, don't forget:to eat vegetables– especially the kind that gives you an extra dose of insoluble fiber (the kind that doesn't get broken down by your gut bacteria, but passes through you and helps you eat regularly). Tip: Go for leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are also rich in insoluble fiber. They also provide antioxidants, vitamins and minerals without a lot of added carbohydrates, so they're filling.
Good tip: legumes and fruit on the menu
Fruits and legumes are a good source of fiber and protein. Beans, lentils, and peas can also be good meat substitutes if you're trying to follow a plant-based diet. Some legumes, such as white beans and lentils, are also high in resistant starch - carbohydrates that have little effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. They can be mixed into salads or eaten plain. Most legumes are easier to digest if they are soaked overnight.
Be sparing with the fruit, as most of it contains quite a bit of sugar, which is stored as glycogen if you don't use it immediately for fuel. Choose fruits that are lower in carbohydrates and lower in sugar and fructose, such as berries, grapefruit and pears. And remember: fruit juice is not the same as fruit. Even when it's natural, raw and organic, fruit juice contains all the sugar of fruit, without the balancing effects of fiber and other nutrients. It is therefore better not to drink juice before fasting.
Changing your diet when starting fasting: Healthy fats are important
Consume essential fats. Even if you eat a plant-based diet, you can find plenty of “healthy fats” in nature’s pantry, including avocados, olives, nuts and coconut oil.
Animal protein sources before starting fasting
In addition to the plant protein sources mentioned above, you can also enjoy animal protein without this having a negative impact on starting your fast. We recommend choosing lean, organic, grass-fed protein. Regardless of the source, it isFocus on the proteinand fat consumption and minimizing carbohydrate consumption before fasting is a good idea.
Shorten the time window for food intake
Gradually shortening your food intake window about a week before fasting can also help prepare your body to go without food. This shortening can also help you if you want to lose weight while fasting.
Avoid alcohol and nicotine
Alcohol and nicotine should be taboo. It's best to avoid caffeine too, but you can of course still enjoy 1 - 2 cups of coffee per day. When starting fasting, prepare yourself not only physically, but also emotionally: you need more rest.
Starting day of fasting
The actual first day of fasting should ideally start with a thorough emptying of the bowels, so that there is no feeling of hunger during fasting.