Losing as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time is probably what many people want. FromGlyx dietFrom low-carb and keto to numerous crash methods - the number of diets that promise us rapid weight loss now seems endless. Intermittent fasting, also known as intermittent fasting, has become very popular in this country in recent years. There are different fasting methods that you can try. You hear everywhere that losing weight is super easy and effective. Have you tried it too, but somehow it didn't work out so well? So that you can improve your weight loss success and finally get rid of the excess kilos, we will tell you below the most common mistakes when intermittent fasting that you should avoid!
The most common mistakes when intermittent fasting: You chose the wrong method
The principle ofintermittent fastingis actually quite simple: food intake is stopped completely over a few hours or individual days. There are various methods that vary greatly in implementation and duration. For example, the 16/8 diet is one of the most popular fasting options for losing weight. One of the most common intermittent fasting mistakes is choosing a plan that doesn't fit your lifestyle. Think of it this way: If you get used to eating every 2-3 hours, an intense 24-hour fast will probably discourage you.
So instead of jumping into a plan without thinking,analyze your lifestyleand think carefully about what best suits your schedule and habits. For example, if you train in the evening, you need more energy. On the other hand, there are still people who can't get going in the morning without breakfast. Even if your job is physically demanding, you should not fast for too long. Therefore, choose to fast either in the morning or in the evening.
You eat too much
This is without a doubt the most common intermittent fasting mistake that most people make. Especially if you've chosen a particularly restrictive program, you'll most likely overdo it once the clock says "It's time to eat." Any diet that keeps you preoccupied with your next meal is a sure recipe for disaster. It is obvious that after 14 or 16 hours of fasting, one feels hungry. But that doesn't mean you should cram everything in. One of the reasons why thatLosing weight doesn't work, is that most people only focus on when to eat and not what to eat.
Of course, after a long fasting break, it's tempting to treat yourself to a pizza and then a bar of chocolate for dessert. In theory, with intermittent fasting you could eat as much as you want, as long as you do it within the time frame. Although such foods are not necessarily forbidden, they should be consumed rarely and in moderation. To avoid intermittent fasting mistakes, keep an eye on your daily calorie intake. Eat a balanced diet and balance your plate with fiber, healthy carbohydrates and fats, and protein-rich foods. To avoid putting too much strain on your stomach and digestion, try not to eat too quickly.
You eat too little
Yes, this is also one of the most common mistakes when intermittent fasting. The less we eat, the faster we should lose weight - sounds logical, right? Well, unfortunately that's not the case. If we don't consume enough calories for a long period of time, weight loss may stagnate. This is because the body is holding on to its reserves, causing digestion to slow down. Intermittent fasting is actually not a diet in the purest sense of the word, but rather a permanent change in diet and lifestyle. In this case, calorie intake that is too low can lead to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies and nutrient deficits. If you only practice the method in this way for a few days or weeks, you will lose weight quickly, but as soon as you eat normally again, you will have a yo-yo effect. To avoid this mistake when intermittent fasting, you should always make sure that you consume at least 1200-1300 calories a day.
You consume “hidden” calories
Just a dash of milk or a spoonful of sugar in your coffee? Doesn't sound so bad, does it? Well, actually you shouldn't underestimate the effect of small amounts of calories during the fasting phase. Just one tablespoon of milk contains so much lactose that it can trigger insulin release or an increase in blood sugar levels. We often forget that it's not just what we eat that has calories. There are also tons of calories hidden in drinks. To avoid this mistake when intermittent fasting, avoid sweetened drinks completely and drink your coffee without milk or sweeteners of any kind. However, to add some flavor to the water or tea, you can add a few slices of ginger or lemon.
Not drinking enough water is one of the most common mistakes when intermittent fasting
As with many other forms of nutritionDrink enoughThis is also the key to successful weight loss with intermittent fasting. According to the German Nutrition Society, an adult should drink between 1.5 and 3 liters of water a day. In order to promote the elimination of toxins and reduce the feeling of hunger during the fasting phase, you should definitely drink enough. Additionally, 20-30% of our daily water intake comes from the food we eat. To compensate for water loss through your diet, it is recommended to increase your water intake during the fasting period.
You have no patience
When we test a new weight loss method, we naturally want to achieve results as quickly as possible. However, intermittent fasting is not a diet, but rather a lifestyle. The following applies: losing weight is not a sprint, but a marathon and only those who stick with it will succeed. Just because nothing is happening on the scale doesn't mean you should give up. Give your body time to get used to the change. For some, this can take one to three or even five weeks. In addition, slow weight loss is much healthier and significantly reduces the likelihood of the yo-yo effect. In particular, people who only have 2-3 kilos to lose will lose weight much more slowly than people who are very overweight.