When it comes to weight loss, fats and oils have long been frowned upon as our number one enemy. But that is far from the case. Whether asFitness pancakesfor breakfast or fat bombs on the go - just like proteins and carbohydrates, fat is essential for a balanced diet. Whether for frying, baking or as a dressing – oils give our dishes flavor and should not be missing in any kitchen. But if you want to buy a bottle of oil in the supermarket, you are literally spoiled for choice. Should it be olive oil? Or would you prefer coconut oil? And then the question arises: So which ones are?healthy cooking oilsand which ones should we avoid? So that you don't stand in front of the shelf without a plan next time, we'll tell you the best and worst oils on the market below.
What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
Whether certain cooking oils are healthy or unhealthy depends on various factors. The composition of the oil and the ratio between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids play a crucial role. Saturated fatty acids are the so-called “bad fats”, which are mainly found in animal foods such as meat and butter as well as in vegetable fats such as palm oil and coconut oil. Industrially processed foods, such as cakes, cookies and frozen meals, are also rich in unhealthy fats. Since these are produced by the body, they are not essential and should only be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of saturated fat slows down metabolism and can therefore lead to weight gain or higher cholesterol levels.
Atunsaturated fatty acidsA distinction is made between polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. For example, nuts and avocado are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which lower bad LDL cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Excellent sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids are salmon, tuna, but also various healthy cooking oils. Since these are not produced by the body, we have to get them through food. Unsaturated fatty acids offer different benefits for our health. They can lower cholesterol levels and are also important for our brain, blood pressure and cell formation.
Healthy cooking oils: It depends on the smoke point.
Has it ever happened to you that the oil in the pan starts to smoke when you fry something? The most important factor when choosing the right cooking oil is its smoke point. This refers to the temperature at which the oil begins to break down.Will be the cooking oiltoo hot, it not only loses its taste, but also the healthy and valuable ingredients it contains. Additionally, oils that have reached their smoke point release harmful compounds that could have negative effects on our health and even cause cell damage.
Depending on whether you want to fry, bake or just season your salad, some cooking oils are healthier than others. As a rule, it can be said that the higher the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the lower the smoke point. Or to put it another way – although these cooking oils are healthy, they arefor fryingrather unsuitable. It is best to use oils in which more than half of the fatty acids are saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids. Since refined cooking oils become heat-resistant through hot pressing, the smoke point is also slightly higher and is in most cases over 200 degrees.
Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils ever
Almost all of us have a bottle of olive oil in the kitchen and that's a good thing! The regular oneConsumption of olive oilcan lower bad LDL cholesterol, reduce inflammation and prevent a number of chronic diseases. It consists of more than 70 percent monounsaturated fatty acids. The oleic acid it contains regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. So it's no wonder that olive oil is considered one of the healthiest cooking oils on the market. When it comes to olive oil, a distinction is made between virgin and extra-virgin olive oil. While the two cooking oils are healthy and cold-pressed, extra virgin olive oil contains more than 30 different phenolic compounds and therefore belongs to the commodity class. According to the latter research, extra virgin olive oil contains a natural compound called oleocanthal, which helps prevent Alzheimer's and scavenges cell-damaging free radicals. And the best part? Since the smoke point of olive oil is around 180 degrees, it is ideal for baking and cooking.
Healthy cooking oils: linseed oil
When we talk about healthy cooking oils, then of course we shouldn't forget linseed oil. It is characterized by a slightly nutty taste and is often referred to as “liquid gold” due to its extremely high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Just 1 tablespoon of linseed oil a day has a digestive and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, linseed oil contains more alpha-linolenic acid than almost any other product. Alpha-linolenic acid has a preventive effect against strokes, dilates blood vessels and regulates cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, linseed oil is rich in numerous vitamins, including vitamins E, A, B1, B2, B6 and C. To benefit from all the benefits of linseed oil, it is best to choose a natural and cold-pressed oil. It is important to note, however, that linseed oil cannot tolerate high temperatures and is therefore unsuitable for cooking and frying.
Avocado oil as the new superfood of 2022
If youAvocadoslove, why not try avocado oil? It has a neutral taste and can be used similarly to olive oil. Its smoke point is around 240 degrees, which makes it perfect for deep-frying and grilling. Avocado oil consists of almost 80 percent unsaturated omega-9 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol levels and boost metabolism. The high content of vitamins A, E, D and K also makes avocado oil one of the healthiest cooking oils ever. As a plus, it acts as a kind of catalyst and ensures that important nutrients from fruits and vegetables are better absorbed by the body. The quality of avocado oil depends on several factors, including where the avocados were grown and the extraction method used.
Grapeseed oil
Like most vegetable oils, grape seed oil is also a healthy cooking oil. It contains around 90 percent unsaturated fatty acids and scores with a high content of the important linoleic acid. Grape seed oil is also very rich in vitamin E, which strengthens the immune system and is crowned as an anti-aging agent. The high smoke point of around 200 degrees makes it one of the best cooking oils for cooking and frying. Its nutty and mild taste also goes well in salad dressings.
Rapeseed oil is also one of the healthy cooking oils
Because rapeseed oil is often used for deep-frying, it has a bad reputation. But that is far from the case and it is actually one of the healthy cooking oils that you can use without hesitation. Just 10 grams of it is enough to cover our daily need for omega-3 fatty acids. The relatively high content of alpha-linolenic acid also makes rapeseed oil one of the best oils of local origin. The relatively unbeatable price-performance ratio compared to other cooking oils, such as olive oil, should not be underestimated. With its neutral taste and high smoke point of 220 degrees, rapeseed oil is a real all-rounder in the kitchen. Whether for frying, deep-frying, baking or as a dressing - healthy cooking oil always works.
Unhealthy and healthy cooking oils: Avoid palm oil
After we have clarified which cooking oils are healthy, we will explain to you which ones you should avoid. As you know, palm oil is used primarily in the food industry to produce finished products. It is often used as a stabilizer, particularly in nut spreads, cookies and bread products. The main reason whyPalm oil unhealthyis its quite high proportion of saturated fatty acids. As mentioned above, excessive consumption of saturated fat can have a negative impact on blood lipid levels and increase bad LDL cholesterol. However, this only applies to refined palm oil. Untreated and cold-pressed palm oil is actually good for your health and provides around 20 times more carotene than carrots. It is also rich in vitamin E and coenzyme Q1 - two antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body and are considered to prevent cancer. Untreated palm oil has a strong reddish color and is available in some health food stores.
sunflower oil
Due to its fairly low price and high smoke point, sunflower oil is widely used in many households. Experts recommend replacing it with other cooking oils. Sunflower oil contains approximately 120 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids and the fatty acid ratio is therefore not considered particularly favorable for health. A ratio of 1:5 (omega-3 to omega-6) is considered optimal and for sunflower oil it is 1:20. An excess of omega-6 fatty acids can actually clog arteries and promote inflammation in the body.