The German Nutrition Society (DGE) sticks to its recommendation: Fish should be on your plate two to three times a week. But what actually makes fish so healthy? And are there even more healthy things to eat from the sea? The following article provides the appropriate answers to these questions.
Fish is healthy – but why?
According to various studies, heart attacks, strokes and lipid metabolism disorders can be associated with oneRegular consumption of fish can be prevented. Fatty acids, which are particularly found in fatty fish species such as mackerel, herring, are responsible for this positive effectSalmon can be found. We are talking about docosahexaenoic acid, which is abbreviated as DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA for short. Together, these long-chain fatty acids reduce the level of trigylceride in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.
A look at the data shows that the choice of fish species is definitely important. While 100 grams of herring contains 3,000 milligrams of DHA and EPA, redfish, hake, plaice and cod remain well below 1,000 milligrams. Anyone who eats fish two to three times a week should get around the recommended daily dose of 250 milligrams of DHA and EPA - and thus get enough of the important fatty acids to prevent heart disease. The positive side effect of consuming fish is that fish can provide selenium, protein and vitamin D. Iodine is also present primarily in sea fish. However, the recommendation is not implemented by the Germans,says the DGEwith reference to a consumption study. According to this, men eat 105 grams of fish per week, while women only eat 91 grams.
What positive effect does coral powder have?
Admittedly, coral powder is probably not on the weekly menu for very few people, but ideally it should be includedSango Coral Calcium from Vitaminexpresschange. The powder consists of finely ground coral, a product from the sea. The high proportion of trace elements and minerals forms the basis for a balanced acid-base balance. The sea corals that were processed into Sango sea coral powder come from Okinawa. The region of Japan includes well over 150 islands in the sea between Japan and Taiwan and is famous for its tropical climate and coral reefs. The drinking water there also has a unique composition, which only very few people know. The pH value, which is between 8 and 8.5, is enriched with trace elements and minerals as it percolates through coral sand.
With each spoon filled with 1,000 milligrams of the powder, 100 milligrams of magnesium and 200 milligrams of calcium are weighed out. Trace elements such as iron, potassium, chromium, boron, molybdenum and others, as well as minerals, have good bioavailability due to their ionized form. The body can absorb them quickly and utilize them well. By combining the coral powder with calcium and vitamins D3 and K2, the powder is enriched by a healthy dose. While calcium has been proven to be important for bones, teeth, nerve cells, muscles, digestion and blood clotting, vitamin D3 and K2 support calcium absorption.
Is seafood just as healthy on its own?
Absolutely! Seafood is high on the list of healthy foods. Shrimp, mussels, scallops, nori, oysters and crustaceans provide the body with a lot of good ingredients. But what exactly is behind these foods?
– musselsare protein suppliers with a low fat and calorie content. Iodine, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc are other healthy ingredients. Excessive mussel consumption could be dangerous because mussels have a property that is unhealthy for them and for humans: they filter sea water. Mussels are less active between September and April. This in turn means that pollution levels are lower during this time.
– Shrimpare particularly valuable food for muscles and brain. This is ensured by the high protein content and the low fat content. While athletes may be happy about this, people with high cholesterol need to be careful with shrimp.
– Crustaceansare rich in zinc and vitamin E. And this duo in particular is known as the perfect food for healthy nails and hair as well asProtection against premature aging.
–Most seafood is rich in natural iodine.Oystersare also predestined to replenish the iron stores in the body. They are also said to be able to strengthen the immune system and provide plenty of B vitamins. While B vitamins are important for the nerves and brain and can even smooth out mood swings, the zinc content ensures that the hormonal balance remains balanced.
So basically, seafood is rich in healthy ingredients. It's just that their habitat is becoming increasingly unfavorable, which also affects marine animals as food. Health experts believe the risk is lower if the recommended two fish meals are followed. Consumers should choose products with a quality seal, only consume fresh products and prepare seafood particularly carefully. Then vitamins, minerals, trace elements, iron, selenium and amino acids arrive where they can have an effect.