You should take life as it comes and, above all, love yourself – exactly as you are. Well, the body is constantly changing, and so is the attitude. We grow up, become wiser and avoid making mistakes multiple times. This does not mean that we welcome all deviations from the familiar with equal joy. Hello, droopy eyelids, good morning, frown line! We become wiser and some strands of hair whiter. Luckily, a shade of gray in your hair is still one of the hot trends in 2019. We can then consider whether we can do without dyeing and let nature take its course, because some of us already have the first gray strands in our 20s. But what about the other changes that the body is exposed to?
Love yourself - or change yourself
One thing is clear, the best beauty cure is love, be it a fresh infatuation or love for ourselves. It makes us shine, rest within ourselves and become indifferent to the world's judgment. We radiate that and appear attractive and irresistible. But sometimes self-love isn't enough, simply because there are things about us that we don't like, even with the help of giant rose-colored glasses. Keyword drooping eyelids and frown lines. However, it can also be the fat pads that don't want to disappear despite all the torture, or the breasts that are too large that cause us health problems.
Today it is completely normal to look for a permanent solution to these small or large dissatisfaction and to ensure that you can love yourself completely again through a surgical procedure. Patients in the Düsseldorf area are increasingly placing their trust in Dr. Späth, who with her practice forPlastic surgery in Düsseldorfis settled. As a woman and surgeon, she has a special perspective on the problems and problems that women sometimes have with themselves. But she also understands men and their problems and knows how to address them.
Cosmetic surgery makes you happy
Nobody should have to suffer, everyone has the right to happiness. That is the credo of today's world, which on the other hand demands a lot from us when it comes to self-optimization. But the fact is that it isdemonstrably happywhen you have body imperfections surgically corrected. Anyone who has ever felt the suffering that a flaw – real or perceived – can cause will understand this all too well. Once you have adapted your appearance to your inner image, a huge burden falls off your shoulders and your self-confidence blossoms. Who could begrudge someone this happiness? The stars and starlets are leading the way and the “woman next door” is following close behind.
But you don't always have to resort to such radical measures to feel more beautiful and look younger. An appropriate lifestyle and the wise use of home remedies ensure that some signs of the times only appear much later. We have collected the best beauty tips that we all know but unfortunately don't always use. Time to change that!
Cheating age
Choose the right lifestyle and pamper your body and soul in everyday life.To be happyis the first and most beautiful step on the way to an eternally young self. A happy heart shines from the eyes and face and knows how to easily conceal many wrinkles. What do you need today to be permanently happy? First and foremost it isserenity, the art of not attaching too much importance to things. At least not more than they actually have. Yes, time seems to pass faster, elbows are being extended in business. But no one has to take part in these games by getting emotionally involved.
Drink enoughis one of the best tips against wrinkles and sagging skin. Heard it a thousand times, unfortunately implemented far too rarely! Prepare two or three bottles of water that you “inoculate” with fruit as you like and look forward to drinking it every day. You will automatically lose weight because there is water stored in your stomach, which reduces hunger. The skin, as one of the largest storage organs for fluids, becomes tighter by itself as it stores the valuable liquid and thus keeps it available for the internal organs. And of course digestion also works better when you consume enough fluids.
Eat healthy and wholesome foods, but don't torture yourself with diets. In any case, the very thin looks best on very young girls, who can maintain such a figure without any effort. Treat yourself to indulgence, but fill your body with the highest quality and healthy foods possible. Lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and high-quality protein make it easy for the body to extract the nutrients it needs from food.
Do moderate exercisestimulates the muscles that tone the body and give it a beautiful silhouette. Muscles increase the body's basal metabolic rate, meaning we can eat more without gaining weight. Of course you can go to a gym and get fit on the machines there. However, this is one of the most popular sports in recent yearsYoga. It helps to stretch and stretch the body and also keeps it fit. The nice thing is: once you've learned the basic movements, you can do the exercises comfortably at home.
If you follow this program consistently, you will easily cheat age. Try it with us!