Home remedies for coughs and colds in children

Colds are particularly more common in kindergarten and school-age children than in adults. The reason lies in the children's still weak immune systems. In contrast to their parents, who are already immune to certain viruses, the little ones suffer more often and more severely from respiratory infections. Each year, more than 200 viruses can cause the common cold. Washing your hands regularly, eating a healthy diet and exercising help prevent infections. And with a cold, complications rarely occur. Nevertheless, it is still worth continuing to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. If the cold lasts more than 10 days or the temperature stays high for three days, a visit to the pediatrician is an absolute must. Medical professionals are also the best judge of whether the cold can be treated with home cough remedies. In this case, the parents are then faced with a major challenge - because children generally do not want to take medication, even if they have made it themselves. Then creativity is required - in the article you will find recipes for home remedies in the form of lollipops. Fruit gums and gummy bears. They are made from fruit, honey and herbs and help with a cold.

Gummy bears with pineapple juice for coughs and colds

Coughing itself is not a disease in itself, but rather a body reflex that removes pathogens from the respiratory tract. Small children usually find coughing to be distressing, especially if it disrupts their sleep. A home remedy for coughing can help - the next recipe for gummy bears with pineapple juice is intended to strengthen the immune system and successfully combat the dry cough that occurs at the beginning of a cold. The juice is rich in vitamin C and contains the enzyme bromelain, which has long been known for its anti-inflammatory effects. The gummy bears made from pineapple juice are combined with gummy bears made from red currant or blueberry juice. Red currants are considered vitamin bombs, blueberries have an antibacterial effect and can therefore prevent infections.

Ingredients for the yellow gummy bears: 100 ml pineapple juice (either buy direct juice or prepare it yourself in the juicer), 1 tbsp lemon juice, pepper (optional), 1 packet of gelatin, 1 gummy bear silicone mold.

Ingredients for the red gummy bears – 100 ml red currant juice, 1 tbsp lemon juice, pepper (optional), gelatin. Our tip – try other juice variants (always consult your doctor in advance to be on the safe side!). In spring and summer, the currants can be replaced with other types of berries. Strawberries contain salicylic acid, which...Relief of inflammatory symptomscontributes. Black currants contain important fiber that promotes digestion. The vitamin C content in currants can be compared to that in citrus fruits. Gooseberries are rich in vitamin B1, iron and calcium.

Preparation: First place a few sheets of gelatine in cold water for 8 minutes. Then heat 4-5 tablespoons of pineapple juice/blueberry juice/currant juice, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and pepper in a pot to 50 degrees and carefully add the gelatine. Stir constantly until the gelatine is completely dissolved. Place the silicone mold on cooking paper and pour the finished mixture into the mold. Then leave the gummy bear mold in the fridge for at least two hours. As soon as the gummy bears are no longer sticky, they are ready and can be carefully removed from the mold.

The finished gummy bears are not only a remedy for coughs, but also taste delicious and fruity. They are also naturally sweet and can be served as a daily dessert or prepared as a souvenir at festive occasions. They should also not be missing at the birthday table, together with the vegan cake, for example. Let your creativity run wild and experiment with the children - of course they can help with the preparation. This is important because it not only creates a balanced daily menu, but also allows the little ones to have a say.

Fruit gums with elderberries

The black elderberryis a shrub with arching branches. It reaches a maximum height of 10 meters. The shrub is found in both Europe and Asia - in Germany it is easy to find in parks and gardens. The harvest time begins at the end of August; the ripe elderberries are black in color with purple nuances. Unripe fruits are very poisonous and should not be eaten, even if cooked!

For the recipe for home remedies for cough shown above you will need the following ingredients – ripedried elderberries, 2 cinnamon sticks, 10 cloves, 2 tablespoons ginger, 2 cups water, 1 cup honey, 4 gelatin sheets. Preparation – Bring water, elderberries, cloves, ginger and cinnamon sticks to a boil in medium saucepan uncovered over medium-high heat. Then cook over low heat for 1 hour until the liquid is reduced by half. Now carefully remove the berries, cloves and cinnamon sticks - add the honey to the remaining juice and stir until it dissolves. Then add the gelatine again over low heat and stirring constantly. Pour the finished mixture into the silicone mold and leave it in the refrigerator for one night. The finished fruit gums must be stored in the refrigerator and last about 4 days.

Children love fruit gums in different shapes - hearts, stars or flowers create a happy atmosphere at the table. In winter these can be eaten every day to strengthen the immune system. The gummies are sweet, you don't need to add sugar or stevia. You should avoid sugar if you are sick anyway, because it serves as a source of energy for the bacteria in inflamed areas such as the throat and nose.

Ripe elderberries (also poisonous when raw!) contain the valuable vitamin A and vitamin C and are rich in iron and folic acid. No wonder that the fruits of the black elderberry are considered a remedy for coughs. Elderberry tea can also reduce high fever and regulate digestion. But be careful - because the raw fruits contain samburghin, which can cause nausea. Therefore, either buy a ready-made juice from the pharmacy, or boil the fruit first and only then use it. Experienced gardeners can also prepare the juice themselves - boil the ripe berries and 260 ml of water per 1 kilo of elderberries in a pot for 20 minutes. When the berries end up juicy, squeeze the fruit. When preparing the recipe above, only use ripe elderberries. Serve the fruit gumsAfternoon tea. By the way, you have to offer liquids to sick children again and again - after every meal and in between.

Home remedies for coughs – gummy bears and fruit gums with lemon juice strengthen the immune system

If you have a cold, you should firstly treat the symptoms and, secondly, strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C helps to build up the immune system of small children and in this way can contribute to rapid improvement. Since the human body cannot produce ascorbic acid itself, it must obtain the vitamin through food. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is closely related to several factors; in general, this is 100 mg daily for adults. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits have long been known as the main suppliers of vitamin C. These three fruits form the basis for the next recipe. There is also honey, which is often recommended by doctors as a home remedy for coughs and sore throats for its antibacterial effect on colds. In any case, honey should only be given after the first year of life at the earliest, otherwise babies may develop allergies. Unprocessed honey can also contain bacteria that have a harmful effect on the intestinal flora that is not yet fully developed.

Ingredients: 2 cups fresh juice from: 1 orange, 1 grapefruit and 1/2 lemon, 3 tablespoons honey, 1/4 tablespoon sea salt, vitamin C (only after consultation with a doctor), gelatin

. Preparation: Warm the fresh juice over medium heat, then add the gelatine and stir until it dissolves. Then add honey, sea salt and vitamin C - pour the finished mixture into molds and store in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 weeks. Always offer the delicious gummy bears after meals, no more than twice a day.

These lollipops help with a sore throat

Lollipops are a popular sweet - but you can also make delicious and healthy lollipops yourself. We offer you a super simple recipe for lollipops with honey. You need the following ingredients and materials: wooden sticks, pot (preferably made of stainless steel as the mixture gets hot around 300° degrees), baking paper, 1 cup honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice, cinnamon (optional). Preparation – First pour the honey into the pot and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a glass of very cold water. After 10 minutes, pour a drop of honey into the water - if it hardens immediately, then the thick mixture is ready. Otherwise, continue cooking for 2-3 minutes and then test again. Remove the pot from the heat and immediately add the lemon juice and cinnamon and stir gently. Place the baking paper on a baking tray and use a spoon to first form the lollipops on the paper and then press the wooden sticks into the still hot mixture. Wait until the honey hardens. Complete! You can serve the delicious lollipops with tea, or simply prepare them as sweets without the wooden sticks. Important - you should only offer the honey lollipops if the child is sick. Honey is one of the foods that sticks to children's teeth and can potentially lead to tooth decay.

In any case, you can pack the honey lollipops as a small birthday present or as a souvenir to a family celebration. Decorate the lollipops with a gold satin ribbon - the children are guaranteed to look forward to it and appreciate the surprise. The delicious sweets do not need to be stored in the fridge and can easily last for a week.

By the way, you can also make lollipops from honey and lemon juice - the recipe is basically the same, only in this case 6 tablespoons of lemon juice are added instead of just 1. Lemons are available all year round and are delivered fresh from southern Europe. At home you can store them in the basement or in a cool room; the cold-sensitive fruits cannot last long in the refrigerator. The fresh lemon juice lasts for about a week, the fruit itself can stay fresh for two months if stored correctly. Especially in summer, when the little ones don't want to drink tea, the lollipops with honey and lemon can successfully replace it.

Fruit gums with cherry juice for children

In the USA, cherries are considered a natural medicine for headaches and muscle pain. Apparently, in addition to vitamin C, they also contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances. The fruits are also good for your teeth – antibacterial ingredients prevent the formation of plaque. But what if the child doesn't eat fruit? Some children refuse to eat fruit and vegetables, especially between the ages of two and three. Then patience and creativity are required - the delicious and healthy fruit gums offer an alternative for parents. Our tip – buy several silicone molds for gummy bears to ensure variety at the table. By the way, for the recipe for home remedies for cough shown above you need the following ingredients: 3/4 cup cherry juice, 1/4 fresh lime juice, 2 tablespoons honey, 3 gelatin sheets. The recipe for gummy bears is extremely simple - warm the cherry juice and lime juice over medium heat, add the gelatine leaves and at the end dissolve the honey while stirring constantly. Store in the refrigerator. You can serve the gummy bears as a refreshment once a day in the summer or give them to a sick child as a snack. Especially in the afternoon, most children fall into the trap of sweets because the interval between meals is too long. Fruit, nuts and a glass of milk are a suitable alternative to unhealthy calorie bombs. Nutrition experts recommend that children eat fruit at least twice a day and up to four timeseat vegetables a day. That keeps her fit.