Make kefir yourself – everything about the healthy milk drink & 2 recipes

If you're looking for healthy foods, you can't go wrong with kefir. You may have heard of it before, but don't know exactly what the milk drink represents and what is so special about it. In this article we would like to inform you about the sour milk drink by providing you with all the important information on the subject and explaining how you can easily make kefir yourself. If you haven't tried milk kefir yet, you're sure to quickly become a fan of it and not only consume it because of its healthy properties.

What is kefir?

It is a drink that tastes very similar to buttermilk. It tastes sour, which is the result of the fermentation of the milk, which occurs with the help of the so-called kefir fungi, special bacteria from the Caucasus. In contrast to buttermilk, milk kefir also contains carbon dioxide, which is another reason for its special nature. A small amount of alcohol may also be present due to the fermentation process. While the milk drink in earlierTimes with mare's milkToday cow's milk is mainly used.

While milk kefir consists exclusively of milk and kefir mushrooms, theProduction of water kefir, as the name suggests, requires water. To be more precise, a solution of water and sugar is used. It also contains the so-called kefir crystals. Ultimately, you can compare the taste of water kefir to that of kombucha. You can also make this type of kefir yourself, as we will show below.

The kefir mushroom as a special ingredient

The most important thing for the special taste and of course forthe healthy propertiesare the mushrooms that have already been mentioned several times. The special bacteria are combined with yeast and are also necessary if you want to make kefir yourself. The mushrooms, also known as kefir grains, can be purchased and even used multiple times. The best way to do this is to visit a health food store. But what exactly do the bacteria actually do? They cause the milk to ferment. This in turn leads to the lactose contained in it being converted into lactic acid, which also produces alcohol and carbon dioxide.

What is the drink good for?

This special milk has a number of positive properties. The probiotics ensure that intestinal function is stimulated. And that's just one thing the kefir mushroom does for health and well-being. These good bacteria are perfect for balancing the intestinal flora during and after taking antibiotics and fight pathogens. At the same time, immunity is strengthened and further illnesses are prevented.

The many vitamins and minerals contained in the milk drink also prove that milk kefir is healthy. These include vitamin A, D and B vitamins. In addition, there is folic acid, which is particularly important for pregnant women, and protein. Bones, teeth, muscles, nerves and the thyroid are strengthened thanks to calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine and are important trace elements that you should consume regularly. All of this is contained in just one food, kefir milk. For this reason, it is recommended that you not only make kefir yourself, but also incorporate it into your diet on a regular basis.

But aside from the health benefits you get from milk, you can even use the product to improve your appearance. On the one hand, it is a popular remedy for diets. The proteins and the lack of fats make kefir milk in combination with fruit or vegetables the perfect weight loss product, as it supplies the body with important substances and, thanks to the healthy intestinal flora, the metabolism is stimulated, which in turn contributes to fat burning.

If you complain about skin problems such as pimples, you can also make kefir yourself and use it as a cosmetic product. Yes, you read that right! On the one hand, the milk contributes to cleaner skin from the inside, as a balanced intestinal flora is also beneficial here. Kefir milk is also very popular and recognized as a face mask. This type of mask has a cleansing and moisturizing function.

Buy kefir milk or make it yourself?

It is certainly easier to purchase the finished milk product in stores. However, the traditional and homemade product offers some advantages over the finished product. On the one hand, the finished milk does not contain real kefir fungi, but rather other bacteria and yeasts. This doesn't just affect the taste. The small amount of alcohol is also missing. Instead, milk sugar is present. The “real” kefir is also said to contain many more good nutrients than the industrially produced one. And if that's not enough of a reason for you, you should also know that the traditional kefir product only contains a very small amount of lactose. This makes it also suitable for people with lactose intolerance. So it is without question better if you make kefir yourself.

Recipe to imitate

Firstly, of course you need milk. It doesn't matter whether you use cow's, sheep's or goat's milk. Depending on the taste, the taste also changes, because the more fat there is in the raw milk kefir, the creamier the kefir becomes. So you decide based on your preference. The only important thing is that you boil fresh milk before making kefir milk or use long-life milk. This way you can be sure that there are no germs that could contaminate the kefir culture. If you want to make kefir yourself with mushrooms, you should of course get that too. As already mentioned, you can use this several times and even store it in the freezer. To do this, it is placed in some milk. This is how you can also grow the kefir mushroom. It grows over time and can then be divided. Since you don't need more than one mushroom, it's also a great gift.

Otherwise you will need some additional materials. This includes a glass fermentation vessel with a lid, a plastic spoon and a plastic strainer. It is important that these materials are not made of metal, as they contain ions that damage or even kill the kefir culture.


If you want to make kefir yourself, first fill the glass with room temperature milk. The mushroom is needed so that you can then grow the kefir. Add this to the milk using a plastic spoon. You can also use more than just one tuber. This means that the kefir milk ferments and becomes ready more quickly. Seal the jar airtight and place it in a place protected from light.

This should have a temperature of at least 15 and a maximum of 25 degrees. The temperature also influences the alcohol content. The lower this is, the more alcohol will be present later. In this way, the salary varies between 0.2 and 2 percent. Nature will then do the rest. Keep the jar in the chosen location for two days.

Before you open the jar curiously after 2 days, you should first shake it well. This ensures that the casein is released from the fungus. Separate the mushroom from the sour milk obtained by running it through a sieve. You can then rinse the kefir mushroom under lukewarm water, after which you can use it to make kefir yourself or store it in the fridge for a short time or in the freezer for a longer time. The milk is now ready for consumption and can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days.

If you make kefir and notice that the end product is quite watery, there can be two reasons. Either the temperature was too high during storage or the mushrooms have now become too large and have too many tubers. The watery consistency has no influence on the quality. If it still bothers you, try out which of the two reasons mentioned influenced the consistency in order to avoid this the next time you make kefir yourself.

Make your own water kefir

You can also get a healthy drink if you make kefir yourself with water. Use water kefir mushroom or kefir crystals. We also have instructions below on how you can make this type of kefir yourself. It is not only healthy, but also particularly refreshing thanks to the carbon dioxide. The recipe is just an example and can be varied using alternative products that we include in the list. For one liter you need:

  • 30 g kefir crystals
  • 70 to 100 g sugar or xylitol
  • 30 g dried fruits of your choice (plums, raisins, apricots, dates, etc.) or fresh fruits
  • 1-2 lemon slices from an organic lemon or without peel (alternatively lime)
  • 1 liter of water or cooled tea without aromatic oils
  • If desired, you can also add sugar beet syrup to speed up the fermentation process
  • ginger if desired

Dissolve the sugar well in the water in a sealable glass container. The most suitable containers are those that have a lid with a rubber seal, as the production of kefir produces carbonic acid that must escape. The seal makes this possible without allowing air to enter from outside. If you only have a screw cap available, do not close it too tightly. Add the remaining ingredients to the sugar water and, as with milk kefir, place the container in a dark place with a suitable temperature. Fermentation takes one to three days, depending on your taste. Here too, the finished drink is sieved. The crystals are also cleaned under lukewarm water and can be reused.

They are stored in the refrigerator in a solution of water and sugar, but this should be changed regularly. Freeze the kefir cultures with a little liquid for a longer period of time. The crystals can also be dried. The oven or a dehydrator can help you with this. It is important that the temperature does not rise above 37 when drying. A temperature that is too high would kill the kefir culture.