Are you once again standing in front of the refrigerator or snack cabinet and craving something sweet or something to snack on, but you actually ate well? With so much to offer on the market, it's no wonder that the snacks and sweets are hard to resist. But in order to curb your appetite, you don't have to immediately resort to tablets and other promising remedies. Fortunately, nature has its own products to offer in the fightagainst annoying cravingscan help. We have listed some natural appetite suppressants for you to give you an overview. Get closer to your dream figure and a healthy diet in a natural way! So, what to eat when you have a craving?
Onelose weight healthilyTo be able to eat, you should learn to recognize the difference between appetite and hunger. Natural appetite suppressants are not intended to suppress “real” hunger. That would be anything but healthy. If you are actually hungry, you should eat. Appetite suppressants, on the other hand, are intended to suppress so-called cravings. You can achieve this, among other things, with the help of a healthy and balanced diet. Natural appetite suppressants like those we have listed below are only intended to help you avoid unhealthy snacks in between. Chemical-based appetite suppressants should be avoided entirely.
Natural appetite suppressants – apples
Your body is craving something sweet and you're about to reach for the chocolate in the cupboard? Try it firstwith an apple. This natural appetite suppressant would undoubtedly be the better choice, but how does it help?
On the one hand, an apple containsplenty of fiber. These are called pectins and ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety by keeping the glucose balance in the body stable. This will eliminate your desire for sweets and at the same time you will have done something good for your body. Because, as we all know, apples also contain important vitamins. Fiber has another positive effect. They stimulate digestion and hormones are released that stimulate fat burning. Perfect if you're working on your figure. You are welcome to combine the apple with a few almonds, as they are also good herbal appetite suppressants, as you will find out below.
Tomatoes as a natural appetite suppressant
Tomatoes are also natural appetite suppressants that stabilize blood sugar levels. This is ensured by the high chromium content of this delicious, red vegetable. Of course, all the other important nutrients that tomatoes give us should not be underestimated. And since the vegetables can be used in so many different ways in the kitchen, they are also perfect for combating cravings. Prepare a salad or a sauce for pasta according to your mood. Or, instead of reaching for the bag of chips, why not snack instead?a delicious tomato soup!
Oatmeal is a satiating natural appetite suppressant
Oatmeal is a real filler. This is also the reason why nutrition experts keep eating cereal orPorridge for breakfastrecommend. The grain is one of the so-called slow carbs and ensures that blood sugar levels remain constant over a longer period of time. This way you can easily make ends meet until lunchtime without snacking on unhealthy foods. Add fresh fruit to your muesli and pamper your body with vitamins in the morning. Oatmeal also contains plenty of magnesium, which helps supply cells with oxygen and this in turn stimulates fat burning. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?
High-fat salmon as a hunger remedy
You started your day with a healthy and filling muesli or porridge, lunchtime is approaching and you are slowly feeling hungry again. How abouta delicious salmon fillet? Here it is the valuable omega-3 fatty acids that keep you full for a long time and also increase the level of an important hormone. This hormone is called leptin and it regulates the feeling of hunger. This means that high leptin signals to the brain that you are full. And at the same time, the body gets its energy from the fat deposits. What more could you want? Tuna, mackerel and trout are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Ginger is a natural appetite suppressant
Loved by some, hated by others – ginger is a perfect natural appetite suppressant. So if you are a fan of this special root, use it to avoid cravings. Ginger is particularly stimulating, which means it can satisfy cravings for sweet and fruity foods as well as savory and even spicy foods. The superfood also provides you with numerous nutrients, strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It fills you up, reduces the feeling of hunger and stimulates your metabolism. If you are looking for natural appetite suppressants for tea against hunger, meet with usGinger is the perfect choice– the tea tastes great both warm in winter and cold in summer. You can also sweeten it with a little honey.
Natural appetite suppressants – home remedies “Peppermint”
It is also suitable as an appetite suppressant teathe good old peppermint. But this is by no means the only way to use the aromatic plant as a natural appetite suppressant. Since the essential oils it contains are responsible for curbing the appetite, simple peppermint chewing gum and even toothpaste are also suitable for this purpose. They all freshen the breath, which signals to the body “it’s time to eat.” In summer you can use the plant for a refreshing and cooling drink: simply add peppermint leaves to cold water. You can also add a squeeze of lemon, as lemons are also excellent natural appetite suppressants:
Curb your appetite with lemons
Lemons stimulate saliva production, which actually stimulates the appetite. How then can lemons be natural appetite suppressants? Citric acid suppresses this effect. At the same time, your body receiveslots of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and in turn stimulates the metabolism and many calories are burned. You can use lemon juice in many ways - for example to flavor the teas mentioned above.
Other citrus fruits also suppress appetite. So if you prefer orange juice, pineapple juice or grapefruit juice, you can treat yourself to a citrus juice in between meals (or with breakfast).
Almonds as an appetite blocker
Let's move on to the almonds already mentioned. Everyone knows that nuts are healthy in moderation. Butcontain almondsyes, actually plenty of fat. So why use them as natural appetite suppressants if you end up consuming a lot of fat? It's simple: The body can't properly absorb the fat contained in almonds, but they still fill you up. Another plus point should be mentioned here. Almonds also inhibit fat digestion when you eat other foods, meaning fewer calories consumed. A handful of almonds every day is a great idea, but definitely unsalted, because salt stimulates the appetite!
Curb your appetite with lentils
You can also stop the feeling of hunger,by using lenseschoose as a natural appetite suppressant. Fiber and protein are the hunger suppressants that keep you full for a long time. The complex carbohydrates it contains ensure that the blood sugar level only rises slowly and gradually, so that cravings due to low blood sugar levels are avoided. Soup, stew and salad – you can use these little treats in a variety of ways and eat them as a healthy alternative to other treats. Also perfect for vegans and vegetarians who only get their proteins from plant-based foods.
Suppress the feeling of hunger with chili pepper
Not everyone likes spicy food, but if you are one of those people, you willChili pepper your best friendbe. “Capsaicin” is the name of the ingredient that can suppress appetite and also ensures spiciness. The natural appetite suppressant, with which you can satisfy the feeling of hunger, can do even more: the metabolism is boosted, the body temperature rises and this in turn stimulates fat burning. Sounds great, doesn't it?
Natural appetite suppressants – Jerusalem artichokes
A bit like ginger, but alsolike artichokeand potato - this is what this exotic root tuber looks like, which is still unknown to many. However, if you want your appetite suppressant to be herbal, it's worth itfamiliar with the rootbecause it is really helpful if you want to suppress hunger. More specifically, it is the fiber inulin that has a satiating effect because it swells in the gastrointestinal tract. Since the blood sugar level remains constant over the long term and there are no insulin fluctuations, cravings are suppressed.
While we’re on the topic of exotic things –die Avocadois already standard in many people's kitchens. If this isn't the case for you yet, it's high time because it will make it easier for you to lose weight. The natural appetite suppressant has a high content of oleic acids, which have a satiating effect for a long time. A constant blood sugar level is another result that works against cravings. However, the fats you get from avocados shouldn't worry you. These are healthy unsaturated fatty acids that even help you lose weight.
Appetite suppressant foods – proteins
We have already mentioned that proteins have a satiating effect with regard to lentils. But of course this also applies to other foods that are rich in proteins. Lean meat is therefore ideal for satisfying your cravings in a healthy way or even preventing them from happening in the first place. Whether you choose chicken, pork or beef is up to you. If the meat is of high quality (which is of course highly recommended), 120 g of it is enough. You can also use eggs as natural appetite suppressants, which are rich in protein, as well as beans, chickpeas andeven spinachand broccoli.
Stop cravings with home remedies – goat’s rue
This natural appetite suppressant is one of the most effective of all. The goat's rue (Herba Galegae) is an herb that is available in pharmacies and health food stores and contains the active ingredient galegin. This has the following effect:
- lowers blood sugar for a longer period of time
- reduces urinary sugar excretion
The resulting low blood sugar stimulates fat loss and stimulates the body to lower cholesterol levels (ahigh blood sugaron the other hand, would prevent fat loss, promote the build-up of new fat reserves and thus increase appetite). The bitter substances in the plant also curb the appetite. The perfect option if you want to avoid cravings and your appetite suppressants should be natural. It is best to prepare a tea from the herb.
Just water
Often you are not hungry at all but actually just thirsty and confuse the two signals. And thereWater is important anywayIf you feel hungry, you can simply grab a glass of water first. If you still feel hungry after a few minutes, it remains to be determined whether it is really time for a meal or whether it is just your appetite that is bothering you again. This natural appetite suppressant can also be combined with a little lemon juice.
Natural appetite suppressants – exercise
Boredom ensures that you often open the refrigerator door in search of something to snack. So simply distracting yourself with things that are fun is a great help. But it would be even better if you do sports. Whether jogging, cycling, riding inliners or just a few sit-ups and pushups at home-you will not only be theStimulate fat burningAnd then feel better. A British study has also shown that the body's own appetite inhibitors are released. After sport, you have an increased energy requirement, which means that you eat more. However, the test subjects of the study did not equalize this need due to the larger portions. The relationship between calorie consumption and recordings was still in the red, compared to the test subjects who did not do sports.