Water Kefir Recipes: Health Benefits and Possible Side Effects

Probiotic drinks have become a trend. Since vegetarians avoid animal products, water kefir recipes can be a healthy alternative for them. This fermented blend of probiotic cultures can quickly become a favorite drink among health-conscious people thanks to its delicious taste and nutrients. You can also make water kefir yourself at home to make the drink dairy-free orAdd to vegan diet. However, in addition to the many health benefits, there are also some side effects that you should be aware of when consuming it. Just read on to find out more about it and enjoy water kefir healthily.

Good reasons for water kefir recipes

So water kefir is a fermented drink full of probiotics and other healthy ingredients. It contains live bacteria and yeasts that significantly influence our intestinal flora. This is also the main reason why you choose this or othersfermented probiotic foodsincorporate into your diet. However, the tasty drink not only contains a lot of probiotics, but also strengthens immunity, slows down the growth of cancer cells. So it can improve overall health. The fermentation process lasts from 24 to 48 hours and the drink can be an alternative replacement for milk kefir. Probiotic supplements are a great way to restore your gut flora. When you buy water kefir or make it yourself, you gain good bacteria naturally instead of having to take supplements. In this article you will find some possible uses for this fermented drink if you make water kefir yourself and want to conjure up your own products with it.

Althoughtraditional kefirMade from cow, sheep or goat milk, water kefir allows you to minimize the consumption of animal products. At the same time, you will fully enjoy the benefits of its healthy ingredient. Since this is also thinner than traditional kefir, you can combine it with fruits, vegetables, herbs or spices and enjoy it instead of higher-calorie drinks. For example, you can buy water kefir crystals and mix them with sugar water to make water kefir and reap its benefits. When dieting, water kefir allows you to reduce calories and lose weight effectively. This means you can optimize your intestinal health at the same time so that you feel your best. The drink also tastes delicious and refreshing. Water kefir is low in calories but high in probiotics, including a variety of beneficial strains of bacteria. In fact, scientific studies have shown that water kefir is one of the best dietary sources of probiotics available and can contain up to 56 different strains of yeast and bacteria.

Water kefir ingredients

Water kefir is a symbiotic mixture of differentBacteria and yeasts, which are enclosed in a white soft shell and form crystals. They are also called tibicos or Japanese water crystals. The bacteria and yeast live on sugar in all forms. This makes water kefir one of the most cost-effective fermented probiotic drinks. A sugary solution is all the probiotic bacteria need to feed. They feed on sugar and produce lactic acid, which gives them the slightly spicy taste. Because of fermentation, such a drink also contains around 0.5% alcohol and carbon dioxide. So, water kefir can be the best probiotic drink for those who cannot consume dairy products. It is a perfect substitute for milk kefir.

Making water kefir is very easy. Simply fill a glass bottle with water and add sugar and the starter cultures. Let it ferment for 24-48 hours. As mentioned above, water kefir increases intestinal health through probiotics and beneficial bacteria that can support this. Studies show thatProbiotics have far-reaching effectscan have on your health. In fact, immunity and mental health, as well as metabolism, can benefit from it. Start by slowly introducing water kefir into your daily diet. You can initially do this with 1/2 cup per day and then gradually increase the dose. You'll likely feel the effects quickly if you don't eat or drink fermented foods regularly. However, this depends on how sensitive your stomach is and what kind of diet you are following.

Use in traditional medicine

Foods like kefir are often included in traditional forms of medicine. They are believed to possess powerful healing properties due to their probiotic content and nutritional content. At aAyurvedic dietFor example, fermented foods such as kefir are highly recommended because the fermentation process promotes digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients.

Probiotic foods can also helpBalance gut microbiomeand to avoid health problems associated with digestive problems. Similarly, the fermentation process has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a practice that dates back centuries and is based on ancient brewing technologies used in China. Fermenting certain foods, such as kefir, can simultaneously improve digestive health and enhance the healing properties of certain ingredients used in holistic medicine.

Possible side effects from water kefir recipes

Reactions may be noticeable and may become more intense until your body adapts. This is typically evidenced by increased bowel movements. What happens is that the bad bacteria are flushed out of your body and new good bacteria are introduced. Sometimes it takes a good 2 weeks for your bowel movements to return to normal. Once your intestines are repopulated with benign bacteria, you will no longer experience the unpleasant symptoms. So you will then have more energy, clearer skin andnotice increased immunity. Drink as much as you want because the path to good health is linked to good gut health. So when consumed in moderation, the potential dangers of water kefir or the side effects of kefir are minimal.

As with other probiotic foods, regular consumption of kefir can cause digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and stomach cramps. This is especially true if this is your first time introducing this into your diet. Such problems subside over time with continued use. If you have a medical condition that affects your immune system, you should speak to your doctor before consuming more water kefir. While most research shows that probiotics are safe for these individuals to consume, there are also case reports. These indicate that probiotics may be associated with a higher risk of infection in people with impaired immune function. Finally, water kefir contains a very small amount of alcohol due to the fermentation process. Depending on the length of fermentation for water kefir recipes, this can vary in the mixture. The more sugar, the higher the alcohol content. If you have concerns about theAlcohol content during fermentationyou should use a hydrometer to test the concentration.

Store water kefir

In order to achieve the healing effects of live cultures of benign bacteria and water kefir, you must be able to store them well. These jelly-like grains can usually survive for a long time. However, there are sometimes problems that you have to deal with when making water kefir. For example, temperature is an important factor for the fermentation of the crystals. If you live in a cooler climate, the bacteria cannot multiply and thrive as much as they would in the warmth. For this reason, a 48-hour rather than 24-hour fermentation is recommended in winter. This way more sugar is eaten up and the fizz builds up better. The grains also need a chance to get used to the new water. You must therefore always follow exactly the same process and use the same ingredients. Changing the variables like the types of sugars or the amount confuses the grains.

The beauty of doing water kefir recipes like this is that you can stop and start at any time. You can put the grains into dormancy by freezing the first jar of water kefir or placing it in plain water in the refrigerator. This way the bacteria become “hungry” and can only produce infrequently when you are ready to start again. They can survive in the refrigerator for up to three months. The size doesn’t actually matter. After you use small crystals for your first water kefir preparation, they can become quite large. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it will make them better. When the grains are smaller, there is actually more surface area involved, allowing you to create a better water kefir. The starter cultures also tend to multiply more when they are smaller. So here is step-by-step water kefir instructions that you can make yourself at home.

Basic water kefir recipe

It's important to get started with starter cultures by purchasing water kefir from a health food store or visiting an online retailer. Another way to make the bacteria is to borrow some of them. Each time you make your own water kefir, multiple populations are created that you can then reuse to make a new batch. However, you should not confuse these with the starter cultures for milk kefir, which are fed with lactose in milk.

Rather, they are a symbiotic colony of beneficial bacteria that produce probiotics and enzymes during the fermentation process. The stories about the grains' origins seem to indicate that they originated in Mexico, where they appeared as crystals on the leaves of cactus plants. The entire process usually takes 3 days. After putting everything together, you can let the mixture ferment for 2 days and then another day once you've added fruits and flavors.


Although water kefir recipes contain a lot of sugar, most of it is eaten up by the grains during the fermentation process. If you're watching your sugar intake, this information might be useful to you. All you need for the basic recipe are the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup starter cultures
  • 2 glasses and another larger glass to add the fruit
  • 8 cups filtered water
  • ½ cup raw sugar
  • Sieve
  • Fruit of your choice for any flavors
  • A few sultanas (organic, sulfite-free)
  • ¼-½ teaspoon treacle


  • First, pour the 3 cups of filtered water into each of the 2 glasses. Bottled water is usually a better choice because of all the minerals, but filtered water seems to work just as well. Just try to avoid chlorinated water.
  • Add the sugar to 2 cups warm water and stir until dissolved. Then divide this evenly between the 2 glasses.
  • It's then time to add the crystals for water kefir recipes. The grains look as if they were small, transparent, slightly golden blobs of color the size of half a grain of rice.
  • Then add a few drops of molasses (approx. ¼ – ½ teaspoon) to each glass. This is optional, but treacle is rich in minerals and nutrients and has a nice malty flavor that gives the kefir depth and more character. Add about 5 sultanas to each jar as this also enhances the flavor and adds some extra sweetness.
  • Then attach a muslin cloth or paper to the opening and leave at room temperature, or in a warming cupboard if it is cold.
  • Try the water kefir in a few days to see if the drink has fermented. You can recognize this by a slightly spicy, fizzy taste. Then strain it from the grains using a sieve into a new glass.
  • You can then use the grains to fill a new glass with the sugar water as in the steps above. With the drained water, add some chopped fruits of your choice (usually about ¼ – ½ cup per 4 cups of water kefir).
  • It is best to use seasonal fruits, although you can add ginger to your water kefir.

Additional fruits for water kefir recipes

For 4 cups of kefir, you can use the juice of 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger, 2 pinches of ginger powder, ½ teaspoon of lemon peel and ½ tablespoon of honey. If you also have ripe pears, you can add a few pieces of them. Strawberries or other mixed berries, as well as passion fruit, peaches and pineapple are also perfect for this. Then put a lid on and let the whole thing ferment for another day. It should get even more bubbly after that. Finally, strain the fruit again and put the drink in the fridge. You can easily enjoy your kefir after the initial fermentation process. However, some choose to give water kefir a second fermentation, which allows you to add flavor and fizz to your final product.

Before letting your kefir ferment a second time, add a selection of fruits, juices or natural sweeteners and place in a warm place for another 24 to 48 hours. Add water kefir to smoothies, swap it for sodas, or consume the drink neat for a refreshing, bubbly treat that's guilt-free and full of goodness.