Is mango healthy? Health benefits of mango fruit and recipes using mango

When you enjoy delicious and juicy mangoes every season, you probably don't think about the great health benefits that come with every bite. Although the exotic fruits used to be rare, they can now be found in almost every supermarket. Not only can you use it to prepare delicious smoothies and desserts, but also a variety of salads and exotic dishes. In addition to its wonderfully sweet taste, the fruit also scores with its numerous benefits for health, skin and hair. Read on to know more about the health value of mango fruit. At the end of the article we will also give you a few ideas for healthy and delicious recipes with mango.

What is a mango?

It is not without reason that mango is known as the queen of fruits in its country of origin, India. In addition to the sweet, delicious taste, these fruits also contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that provide many health benefits. Similar to papaya, the mango fruit also contains certain enzymes thatcalm the stomach.

Mangoes are drupes that consist of a peel, pulp, seed and seeds enclosed within. Other examples of such fruits are peaches, nectarines, dates, olives, plums, etc. The main mango producers in the world are India, China, Thailand, Mexico and Indonesia. There are now more than 1000 varieties of mangoes that differ in shape, size and taste. While the skin of mangoes can vary from green to red, yellow or orange, the inner flesh is usually golden yellow. The tropical fruits are imported and are therefore available in supermarkets all year round.

Calories and nutritional values

You cannot lose weight with mangoes because, like many other types of fruit, the pulp contains a lot of sugar - around 12 grams per 100 grams of pulp. As far as calories are concerned, the same amount of fruit contains just under 60 kcal. A ripe fruit still has the following nutritional values ​​per 100g: 0.4 g fat, 0.6 g protein, 12.8 g carbohydrates, 1.7 g fiber.

Despite the high sugar content, mangoes are very healthy. The tropical fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on health. A fruit contains a large proportion of provitamin A (beta-carotene), which is important for cell renewal and strengthens eyesight. Vitamin C, vitamin E and B vitamins such as vitamin B1, folic acid and iron are also abundant in the tropical fruit.

The high content of valuable ingredients such as vitamins and minerals makes the mango one of the healthiest fruits. Mangoes are very easy to digest, have a laxative effect and can prevent colds. This is why they are one of the most popular ingredients for baby food. We summarize all the health benefits of the mango fruit below.

Great health benefits

As already mentioned, the popular tropical fruits have an impressive vitamin content that ensures overall health. They are rich in potassium and magnesium and help reduce high blood pressure. They also contain selenium, calcium, iron and phosphorus, but in smaller amounts. These fruits are vitamin powerhouses and thus help prevent a variety of diseases that can arise due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants in mangoes have the ability to neutralize free radicals in the body that otherwise damage cells and lead to various diseases.

Prevent cancer

Mangoes are high in pectin – a soluble fiber that contributes to lower blood cholesterol levels. Pectin may also help prevent the development of prostate cancer. Recently, studies found that mango consumption reduces the risk of breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Lower cholesterol levels

The large proportion of fiber, pectin and vitamin C in the mango fruit helpsLower cholesterol levels without medication. This supports cardiovascular activity and reduces the risk of a heart attack.

Promote weight gain

For underweight people, eating mangoes is one of the easiest ways to gain weight. A 250 g mango has around 150 calories, which are easily absorbed by the body. The fruit also contains starch, which converts into sugar and further contributes to weight gain. Milkshakes with mango, for example, can speed up the process of gaining weight because they also contain milk and taste super delicious at the same time.

Mangoes as a digestive aid

Mangoes play a prominent role in eliminating problems like indigestion and acidity. The digestive enzymes and fiber contained in the fruit help to improve digestionnatural wayto stimulate. The fruit is therefore a natural laxative.

Help with diabetes

More research is still ongoing, but some studies have already found that mangoes are a great natural remedy for diabetes. There has long been a myth that diabetics should avoid mangoes because of their sweet taste. In addition to the fruit, the leaves of the mango tree are also helpful for diabetes. Place 10-15 mango leaves in a bottle of warm water and let them steep overnight. In the morning, remove the leaves and drink the water on an empty stomach. Drinking this drink regularly has shown positive results in blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Strengthen the immune system

Mango fruits are rich in beta-carotene or provitamin A - a powerful element that helps strengthen the immune system and make it impermeable to bacteria and toxins. Excess beta-carotene is also converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is another antioxidant that serves as additional protection against free radicals.

A super fruit for the eyes

The vitamin A contained in the fruits also has a positive effect on our eyesight. The eyes need vitamin A to produce fluid. One bowl of sliced ​​mangoes provides 25 percent of the required daily value of the vitamin, which promotes good vision and protects against eye diseases and night blindness.

Mango is good for the skin

The pulp of this exotic fruit is often used for facial care andis good for the skin. The antioxidants protect the cells from harmful external influences and thus prevent skin aging. Fresh mango can be used for soothing face masks, as a cleanser or peeling. The ingredients it contains are perfect for sensitive skin.

Mangoes are equally effective against acne by opening the clogged pores of the skin. Once these pores are opened, acne formation will eventually stop. However, you don't have to eat mango every day. Simply apply the pulp directly to the skin, leave it on for about 10 minutes, and then rinse.

Treatment for anemia

Mangoes contain a lot of iron, making them a good food for people with diet-related anemia. Taking it regularly can help with anemia by increasing the number of red blood cells in the body.

Eating mango during pregnancy

Mangoes are a good food for pregnant women. They are rich in important vitamins that are usually taken as dietary supplements during pregnancy. Mango contains folic acid, vitamin A and iron, which women need in large quantities during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women can safely include the exotic fruit in their daily diet. Caution is only advised if you have a pistachio or cashew nut allergy.

Healthy recipes with mango

Well, if you already know about the many health benefits of mango, you can try including the sweet fruit in your weekly or monthly diet plan. However, you don't always have to eat mangoeseat raw as a snack, but can also be used to prepare various healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch or dessert. You can find a few ideas below.

Select a ripe fruit, cut and peel it

Before you use the pulp of this delicious tropical fruit, you should know exactly how to cut and peel it correctly. Many people also make the mistake of cutting the mango when it is still unripe. A little trick will help you determine whether the mango fruit is ripe or not yet.

Ripeness test for mangoes

To tell whether a fruit is ripe or not, you should first do a pressure test. If the flesh under the peel gives way when lightly pressed with your thumb, then the fruit is already ready to eat. If the mango you bought is still too hard, simply leave it in the fruit bowl for a few days before eating it.

Peel and cut properly

Only the pulp of the mango is eaten, so you should peel the fruit and remove the core before eating. You can easily peel a mango fruit that is not too ripe with the peeler. However, if the flesh is a little riper, the peel cannot always be removed with the peeler. In this case, you can try the glass trick. First, cut the fruit lengthwise and then loosen the peel by applying pressure to the edge of the glass.

To separate the pulp from the core, you should first cut the mango lengthwise. Then carefully cut out the pulp until only the core remains.

Healthy salad with mango, tomatoes and avocado

Ingredients for 2 servings:

1 avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced
1 mango, peeled, seeded and sliced
10 cherry tomatoes or 1 large tomato, halved or roughly chopped
1 medium shallot, peeled and thinly chopped
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 small handful of fresh basil, thinly sliced
Salt and black pepper to taste


On a medium plate, arrange the avocado, mango, and tomatoes in an even layer. In a small bowl, whisk together the shallot, red wine vinegar, and salt. Let this sit for a few minutes until the shallot softens. Then scatter the shallots evenly over the salad and drizzle with the vinegar. Sprinkle the olive oil and a little more salt over the salad and season with black pepper and fresh basil.

Chia pudding with mango and raspberries as a healthy dessert

Ingredients for 3 servings:

1 1/2 cups soy milk (or almond/coconut milk)
1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup or agave nectar
Pinch of sea salt
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
6 THE Chia Samen
1 mango, peeled and seeded
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
2 tsp maple syrup


First add soy milk, maple syrup, sea salt, vanilla and chia seeds to a suitable bowl. Stir well and leave to rest in the fridge for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight. After half the time is up, stir the pudding to loosen it.

Once the pudding is ready, puree the mango pulp. Then put the raspberries and the maple syrup or agave syrup in a bowl and mash them lightly with a fork until you get a kind of puree.

Now layer the chia pudding, the mango and raspberry puree in a glass. For a nice visual effect, do two coats of each. Finally garnish with some fresh mango pieces and a few raspberries and keep in the fridge before serving.

Smoothie bowl for breakfast

Ingredients for 2 servings:

For the smoothie

2 large mangoes (peeled, chopped and frozen)
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup almond milk
2 TL Honig
1 frozen banana


Chia Together
fresh mango
Berries, fresh or frozen
Almond flakes


Add the frozen mangoes, frozen banana, coconut milk, almond milk and honey to the blender and mix on high until smooth. Divide the finished mango smoothie into two bowls and top with toppings of your choice.