Sugar melon is so healthy! Honeydew melon, cantaloupe and co. at a glance

There are around 750 varieties of melons worldwide. In this country, above all,the watermelonand the sugar melon is known and widespread. The term sugar melon now combines many types of melon. In the botanical sense, they are not fruits, but pumpkins, closely related to the cucumber. 3 of the most well-known types of muskmelon are the honeydew melon, the net melon and the cantaloupe melon. They differ visually in the texture of the fruit surface (smooth, reticulated, warty) and the color of the fruit skin and pulp (from green to yellow to pink and orange).

Sugar melon varieties in comparison

Honeydew melons, net melons and cantaloupes are popular melon varieties of the same species,Cucumber melon. They are similar in many ways, but also have some unique differences.

The honeydew melon, also known as yellow canary melon, is probably the most well-known sugar melon. It is easy to recognize by its bright yellow skin and greenish white flesh.


100 g of honeydew melon contains:
Calories 36 kcal
Fett 0,1 g
Carbohydrates 9.09 g
Fiber 0.8 g
Sugar 8g
Protein 0.5 g
Calcium 6 mg 0% of ETD
Iron 17 mg 1% of ETD
Kalium 228 mg 5 % der ETD
Vitamin A (beta-carotene) 3 mcg 0% of the ETD
Vitamin C 18 mg 20 % der ETD


The Cantaloupe Melonis also called “mustmelon” because of its peel. It has orange flesh and tastes slightly less sweet than honeydew melon. The melon variety owes its name to the Italian town of Cantalupo, where it was grown on papal land around 1700.

100 g of cantaloupe melon contains:
Calories 34 kcal
Fett 0,2 g
Carbohydrates 8 g
Fiber 0.9 g
Sugar 8g
Protein 0.8 g
Calcium 9 mg 1% of ETD
Iron 0.21 mg 1% of ETD
Kalium 267 mg 6 % der ETD
Vitamin A (beta-carotene) 169 mcg 19% of the ETD
Vitamin C 36,7 mg 41 % der ETD


A particularly well-known variant of the net melon is theGalia-Melone. It was bred in Israel in the 1970s as a hybrid between a cantaloupe and a honeydew melon. Their shape is typically round and the yellow shell has a characteristic reticulated pattern. The flesh is white or slightly green and tastes very sweet.

100 g of Galia melon contains:
Calories 23 kcal
Fett 0,2 g
Protein 0.62 g
Total carbohydrates 5.58 g
Fiber 1.8g
Sugar 3.93 g
Calcium 15 mg 1% of ETD
Iron 0.31 mg 2% of ETD
Kalium 137 mg 3 % der ETD
Vitamin A (beta-carotene) 85 mcg 9% of the ETD
Vitamin C 24,9 mg 28 % der ETD

Cantaloupe and honeydew melon in comparison

Honeydew melon is often compared to cantaloupe because they both belong to the same melon family. Both melons contain approximately the same amount of calories per serving, although they each have a unique nutritional profile. According to the USDA, cantaloupe contains more than twice the vitamin C of honeydew melon and over 60% more vitamin A in the form of provitamin A carotenoids. Honeydew melon, on the other hand, provides more vitamin B6. They also contain similar amounts of fiber, potassium, vitamin K, folic acid and water.

100 grams of sugar melon or honeydew melon contain less than one gramFructose(Fructose). All melon varieties are tooatHistaminintoleranzwell tolerated.

Because of its natural sugar content, cantaloupe has oneglycemic index (GI)of 65 (which is moderate; under 55 is low). Due to the high water content of the melon, itsglycemic load (GL)However, only 4. The glycemic index of honeydew melon is 62 and has a glycemic load of 9, which is also considered low.

There is one with the cantaloupe or the Galia net melonDanger of pathogens, because germs such as salmonella can adhere well to the rough peel and get into the flesh when cut. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid these types of melons during pregnancy or if the immune system is weakened. This makes honeydew melon the healthiest variety of muskmelon.

What is muskmelon good for?

No matter which of the three subgroups of muskmelon you choose, you can benefit from its healthy ingredients. Find out below what benefits these extremely versatile plants bring with them!

Prevents high blood pressure

In general, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. More specifically, it has been proven that a low-sodium diet and sufficient potassium intake can have a positive effect on blood pressure regulation. Honeydew melon is also a good source of folic acid and other B vitamins, which help lower levels of homocysteine, an important inflammatory marker. Adequate folate intake is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. So, if you want to increase your potassium intake and maintain healthy blood pressure, muskmelons are ideal.

Notice: Beta-blockers, which doctors often prescribe for heart disease, can cause potassium levels to rise. People taking such medications should consume cantaloupe in moderation as high potassium levels can lead to kidney damage.

Helps you lose weight

Fruit is not typically considered a low carb food, so melons may not be suitable for a keto or Atkins diet. But muskmelon can help you lose weight because it is low in calories. So as long as you burn more calories than you consume (through exercise, diet, or both) you will lose weight. The amount of calories in Galia melon is lower than honeydew melons and cantaloupes - 100 grams have 23 kcal.

All types of melon also have a high water content - the water content of the melons is a full 90 percent. Water helps cleanse the body from the inside and keep it hydrated. That's exactly why muskmelon is an excellent snack on hot summer days or after training.

Honeydew melon for diabetes

Managing diabetes is difficult, especially if you have a sweet tooth. Fortunately, fresh fruits like cantaloupe have been linked to improvements in blood sugar control, despite their natural sugar content. The fiber and water content in honeydew melons prevents them from causing large blood sugar spikes.

In fact, one analyzedStudy from China from 2017the medical records of 482,591 adults from 2004 to 2008. The researchers concluded that high daily fruit consumption was associated with a 22 percent reduction in diabetes risk. The false belief that fresh fruit is too sweet for people with diabetes can do more harm than good when treating the disease.

Keeps skin healthy

Cantaloupes are a great source of vitamin C, which plays an important role in...Production of collagen in the bodyplays. Collagen can make not only your skin beautiful, but also your hair and nails. Vitamin C also influences the concentration of hyaluronic acid, which gives the skin a youthful appearance. Vitamin A, on the other hand, promotes cell growth and supports the skin's regeneration process.

By the way, you can also prevent and heal sunburn with pureed honeydew melon. Melon has a moisturizing effect when applied topically to sunburned skin. It also increases the antioxidant activity of the skin, reduces sunburned cells andincreases melanin levels. The carotenoids in melons also prevent damage from UV light, which is a major trigger of malignant melanoma.

Promotes bone health

Muskmelons also contain the minerals calcium and iron, which are important for healthy bones and our blood formation. Nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin K and phosphate also help to strengthen bones. Bone-forming cells also need magnesium in order to function properly. 100 grams of muskmelon contains 12 mg of magnesium.

Lowers the risk of cancer

Studies show thatCantaloupe peel and seed extractprevents the growth of human tumor cells. Cantaloupe's high antioxidant activity helps scavenge free radicals before they cause cell damage. The results were particularly promising in kidney and colon cancer.

Strengthens the immune system

Muskmelons are an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and also supports various cellular functions against pathogens. The vitamin promotes iron absorption and skin healing. As a radical scavenger, it stimulates skin cells to divide and repair DNA. Without taking vitamin C, blood vessels become porous and susceptible to bacteria and infections.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene) for healthy eyes

Carotenoids are known to support eye health and prevent the development of age-related vision loss. Due to its beta-carotene content, cantaloupe is a...Top foods for healthy eyes. Beta-carotene is the precursor to vitamin A and is therefore also known as provitamin A. These are the same vitamins that give carrots their orange color.

Cantaloupe allergy

A true allergy to honeydew melon or cantaloupe is unusual. However, cross-reactive symptoms may occur when consuming melon, due to a phenomenon known as oral allergy syndrome (OAS). This is when the body mistakes proteins in the melon for certain tree or grass pollens that cause “real” allergies. Ragweed/ragweed (blooming late summer to fall) is the most common pollen associated with honeydew melon OAS.

Compared to true allergies, OAS symptoms are relatively mild and short-lived. You can
– an itching or burning feeling in the mouth,
– swollen or numb lips,
– Sore throat, sore throat and
– include a stuffy or runny nose.

Symptoms usually develop immediately after eating melon and may take an hour to resolve. An over-the-counter oral antihistamine may help relieve symptoms. Call your doctor or seek urgent medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

Sugar melons are versatile and healthy!

Muskmelons are available in supermarkets all year round, but are in peak season in summer. Sweet honeydew melons are a healthy alternative to sugary desserts. Because melons have such a high water content, cooking them would destroy their texture. It is therefore best to eat them raw - diced, sliced ​​or served in ball form. Simply cut small balls out of the melons with a ball cutter, place them in a bowl and chill.

Muskmelons taste great in a fruit salad, added to smoothies or combined with Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or ricotta. Also try them in a chia seed pudding. You can also slice honeydew melons, wrap them in prosciutto, and serve them as an appetizer. Experiment with the versatility of muskmelons while enjoying their healthy benefits andsummery taste.