What is tapioca? Here you can find out everything about the trend ingredient!

You may know tapioca as an ingredient in a sweet pudding, but this gluten-free starch can be used as a binding agent in both sweet and savory dishes. Tapioca is obtained from the roots of the cassava plant, also known as yuca or cassava. Originally from Brazil, the cultivation of the crop has spread throughout South America and Africa, while the starch obtained from it (Tapioca) has become popular all over the world. Read on to learn more about this trending ingredient!

Fast facts on tapioca

use: Used to thicken soups, stews, sauces or to add moisture and texture to baked goods. Tapioca starch is also used in cosmetics, for example to improve the viscosity of creams, gels and lotions.
Features: Gluten-free, tasteless
species: pearls, flakes and flour
Costs: Inexpensive and widely available, prices for 500g of tapioca starch vary between €6 and €10

Tapioca has a neutral taste and strong gelling power. Unlike cornstarch, tapioca starch can survive cycles of freezing and thawing without losing its gel structure, making it an ideal binder for ice cream.

Nutritional values

Tapioca starch consists of almost 100 percent carbohydrates and is considered fat and protein-free. It's interesting that tapioca pearls provide tons of calories and minerals, even though the starch has almost no nutritional value.

Nutritional information according to USDA per 1 tablespoon of tapioca starch (10 g):
Calories 30 kcal
Protein 0 g
Fett 0 g
Carbohydrates 7 g
Natrium 24 mg

Nutritional information according to USDA per 100 g of dried tapioca pearls:
Calories: 358 kcal
Fett: 0,02 g
Natrium: 1 mg
Carbohydrates: 88.7 g
Fiber: 0.9g
Sugar: 3.35g
Protein: 0,2 g
Calcium, Ca. 20 mg
Iron, Fe 1.58 mg
Magnesium, Mg 1 mg
Phosphor, P. 7 mg
Kalium, K. 11 mg
Sodium, Na 1 mg
Zink, Zn 0,12 mg

Tapioca pearls arevery high in carbohydratesand contain almost 89g of carbohydrates per 100 grams. The majority of the carbohydrates in tapioca come from starch. Almost one gram comes from fiber and 3.35 grams from sugar. If you use tapioca pearls asBubble Teaor consuming pudding, you are consuming additional sugar, so the carb count is even higher. Boba tea is usually sweetened with honey or brown sugar.

tapioca isgluten freeand therefore ideal for people with gluten intolerance. You can also bake delicious rolls and cakes from it. When making recipes, make sure that tapioca flour and tapioca starch are one and the same product.

Tapioca is a food with avery high glycemic index. The estimated glycemic load of a 100-gram serving of tapioca pearls is 94. Glycemic load takes portion size into account when estimating a food's effects on blood sugar. Tapioca is more likely to do thatunsuitable for diabetics.

Just like potato starch, corn starch and rice starch, tapioca starch is also oneHistaminintoleranzwell tolerated. If the usual amount is consumed, no symptoms are to be expected.

Tapioca pearls can be onegood source of ironbecause they contain 1.58 mg of the mineral. The recommended intake of the nutrient varies depending on age and gender. Adolescents and adults, for example, should consume between 10 and 15 mg of iron per day.

Tapioca pearls and tapioca flour arenot a good source of other vitamins or minerals. For example, several sources of information claim that tapioca consumption is good for bone and tooth development. They cite the fact that tapioca provides calcium. According to USDA data, there is only 20 mg of the mineral in 100 g of tapioca pearls. The German Nutrition Society recommends 1000 mg of calcium per day for adults. So even if you eat a full serving of tapioca pearls, you're only getting 2% of your recommended daily intake.

What is tapioca good for?

Useful for people with allergies

tapioca isgluten-free and grain-free. People with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity can use this flour to make bread and other baked goods (in combination with other gluten-free flours). It is also an alternative to white flour for thickening soups, sauces and pie fillings. The flour is toovegetarian and veganand is commonly used by people who have aPaleo dietor follow an autoimmune protocol diet (AIP).

May promote intestinal health

Tapioca is a source ofresistant starch, which passes through the stomach and small intestine undigested. Instead, the starch is fermented in the large intestine and serves as a food source for healthy intestinal bacteria. Resistant starch from tapioca is Type 4, which means that various chemical processes are used to make it indigestible.

Tapioca is known to have...Easy on the stomach and easier to digestis as nut and grain flours. Tapioca can be recommended as a source of calories and energy for digestive problems due to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis. It can also be used for ulcers and other stomach problems or during the recovery period after surgery.

May help prevent iron deficiency anemia

In some countries, iron deficiency anemia is common in women of childbearing age and children. It can lead to health problems including birth defects, infant mortality, impaired cognitive function and poor immunity. A single serving of tapioca pearls contains 1.58 mg of iron.

In the United States, recommended daily allowances for iron vary by gender and age. Women ages 19 to 50 should consume 18 mg daily. One serving of tapioca would cover almost 9% of your daily needs. However, women over 51 and men over 19 only need 8 mg daily. For these people, one serving of tapioca pearls provides almost 20% of the recommended daily intake.

May promote breast milk production

Starchy foods are sometimes recommended to increase milk supply when breastfeeding. Tapioca is a complex carbohydrate that is an excellent source of strength and energy. Some studies report that cassava is commonly used to increase women's breast milk production in some parts of the world. However, it is not known whether tapioca provides the same benefits specifically for nursing mothers.

Side effects

In most cases, tapioca does not cause any adverse effects when prepared correctly and in moderation. However, there are some concerns when cassava is not processed properly or when tapioca is consumed in excess.


Tapioca (cassava), like some other plant foods, contains cyanogenic glycosides that release cyanide in the body. This can lead to high levels of neurotoxicity. Some deaths and non-fatal toxicity in children have been reported in areas such as Nigeria and Uganda. Symptoms of nonfatal toxicity include drowsiness, weakness, and vomiting.

Processing raw cassava for tapioca pearls or flour should reduce cyanide levels. However, in April 2019, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control reported 98 cases with two deaths following suspected cyanide poisoning from cassava flour in western Uganda. However, the agency acknowledged that cyanide poisoning from cassava flour is rare and that proper processing (soaking, drying and peeling) can detoxify the cassava root.

May promote obesity

Bubble tea or boba tea was originally consumed primarily in Taiwan. But in recent years its popularity has increased and now there are bubble tea shops in the US and Europe. The pre-sweetened pearls are sold in stores and online.

With increased consumption of bubble tea, some nutrition researchers are increasingly concerned about its potential health effects. In particular, they fear that it may influence obesity rates.

Tapioca Allergy

There have been isolated cases of cassava root allergy, including in Mozambique in 2003, Brazil in 2004 and Spain in 2007. Cassava allergies have been shown to cause anaphylactic reactions and are thought to be associated with latex allergies. However, more comprehensive studies are needed to confirm this association. If you have an allergy to cassava root, you should not consume tapioca.

Tapioca during pregnancy

Starchy foods are high in carbohydrates and can have a significant impact on blood sugar. A problem that many women face during pregnancy is gestational diabetes. This is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and usually disappears after the pregnancy ends. However, it is possible to reduce your risk of gestational diabetes by eating a healthy diet and achieving moderate weight gain. A small 2009 study showed that women with gestational diabetes who followed a Glyx diet, meaning eating low glycemic index foods, reduced their insulin needs compared to women who ate high GI foods. People who limit their carbohydrate consumption or are concerned about how starches affect blood sugar levels may find tapioca unhealthy. The cyanide poisoning mentioned can also be harmful to mother and baby.

What types of tapioca are there?

Tapioca starch can be purchased in the form of flour or instant flakes; it is opaque before cooking but becomes translucent upon hydration. Tapioca pearls and tapioca powder are most often white or cream-colored, but the pearls, commonly used in desserts, can be dyed almost any color. Tapioca pearls come in large and small sizes. Boba are large sweetened pearls often dyed black and used for bubble tea.

Tapioca is most commonly sold in pearl form, which can range in size from 1 millimeter to 8 millimeters in diameter. Smaller tapioca pearls are typically used for pudding, while the larger pearls are typically used for boba tea. It is also sold in flakes and powders, commonly used to thicken sauces, soups, or gravies.


Tapioca starch is a dry product and will remain fresh indefinitely as long as it is stored in a tightly closed container to prevent exposure to heat, moisture and pests. Store tapiocanotin the refrigerator or freezer.

Tapioca usage

You can use tapioca flour or flakes to thicken foods such as soups, gravy, or broth-based sauces. It can also add texture to baked goods and be used as a binding agent in meat recipes (such as meatballs or meatloaf). It has a neutral flavor that blends easily into sweet and savory recipes. Tapioca flour is a common ingredient in gluten-free recipes.

What can you replace tapioca with?

Arrowroot and potato starch are suitable alternatives to tapioca starch because they share many properties. You can also use wheat flour to thicken a sauce instead of tapioca, but this will add gluten to the dish. Cornstarch can also be used as a substitute for tapioca, especially in milk-based sauces, but keep in mind that it adds cloudiness to a liquid while tapioca adds a glossy finish. This is particularly desirable forCake icings.