The liver fulfills an important function. It sorts out toxic and harmful digestive products and only releases useful substances into the blood. The waste products from medications, alcohol, fast food, etc. are then removed from the body. The body's detoxification center is therefore considered a vital organ. It is all the more important to relieve the liver from time to time and give it a chance to regenerate. We list several herbs and teasLiver detoxification, which keep the organ fit.
Herbs and teas to detoxify the liver and their effects
Lavish meals, sweets and increased alcohol consumption: the liver works at full speed during the holidays. However, overloading the liver rarely causes pain. Symptoms can vary greatly. However, if you are constantly tired, have itchy skin and feel exhausted, you should definitely check your liver values.A liver cleansewith medicinal plants offers the organ the opportunity to regenerate. Luckily, there are many herbs and teas to detoxify the liver. We list several below. Discuss its effects with your family doctor and be sure to get advice about possible side effects.
Milk thistle as a liver protective plant
Milk thistle is one of the medicinal plants that protect the liver from toxins. Its fruits contain the active ingredient silymarin, which strengthens the cell surface and thus prevents the penetration of toxins. At the same time, cell formation is stimulated.
Tea with milk thistle:Bring 200 ml of water to the boil and pour it over 1 teaspoon or about 3 g of fruit. Cover and let it steep for eight minutes and strain the tea through a tea strainer. Drink the tea hot. The maximum daily dose for healthy adults is 3 cups (200 ml).
Liver Cleansing Herbs: Sage
Sage is one of the so-called bitter herbs. They contain bitter substances, flavonoids and essential oils that fight pathogens, stimulate blood circulation andRelieve gastrointestinal discomfortcan.
Prepare sage tea: Crush the leaves of the plant, fresh or dried. Add 1/2 tsp or about 2g of sage leaves to a cup. Boil water and pour the infusion over it. Let it steep for five minutes and then drink the tea hot. The maximum daily dose for healthy adults is 3 cups.
Dandelion as a blood purifier
Dandelion is a natural blood purifier. It also stimulates digestion and purifies the blood vessels. All parts of the plant are used; for the liver you need the roots. The harvest season begins in September and ends in March. During this period, you can find fresh dandelion roots to add to salad.
Turmeric for liver cleansing
Turmeric is a spice that contains the substance curcumin. Its powerful antioxidant properties protect the liver from free radicals and toxins and promote healing of swollen liver ducts. So that the turmeric can develop its effect, you can make a tea with it.
Tea with turmeric, cinnamon and pepper:Bring 200 ml water to the boil. Add 1/2 teaspoon grated turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper to the water, remove the pot from the heat and cover and let the tea steep for eight minutes. Strain the tea through a tea strainer and pour into a cup.
Nettle to detoxify the liver
The next medicinal plant that can detoxify the liver is nettle. It can relieve various digestive problems and keep the liver healthy. People already knew its effect in the Middle Ages - it was often prescribed by doctors for hepatitis.
Nettle teais prepared with fresh young nettle leaves. Bring 200 ml of water to the boil, add half a handful of leaves to the water and remove the pot from the heat. Cover and let the tea steep for 5 minutes and then strain.
Other useful herbs for liver detoxification
Other herbs that contribute to a quick liver cleanse include burdock, yarrow, fennel and licorice root.
The seeds of the large burdock are edible, they have an antibacterial and cleansing effect. They can also regulate blood sugar levels, which promotes rapid liver regeneration.
Yarrow can promote the rapid recovery of a liver that has been overwhelmed by increased alcohol consumption.
Fennel can also be eaten as a vegetable. It also has calming and anti-inflammatory properties.
Alkaline teas to detoxify the liver
The organs (except the stomach) and the blood in our body have an alkaline pH value. However, an unhealthy diet can lead to acidification of the human body. The alkaline teas can theoretically help to bring the pH levels back into balance. Although this theory has not yet been scientifically proven, many people are convinced of the positive effects of certain types of tea. In fact, most alkaline teas are made from herbs. These include fennel, sage, nettle and dandelion. But such properties are also attributed to linden and apple blossoms. Other herbs include lemon balm, caraway and peppermint.
The classics Green andBlack teado not belong to this group. So if you want to drink a basic tea, you can find a herbal mix in the health food store or prepare one yourself.
A basic tea is best enjoyed pure, 30 minutes before a meal. Lemon juice is allowed, but honey and sugar are not.
The liver needs a rest, especially after holidays or a vacation. Luckily, there are liver detoxification herbs and teas that can speed up the process.