Ginseng effect for your skin, hair and health – everything at a glance!

Ginseng, also known as the root of immortality, is one of the most popular and well-known medicinal plants in Asia. In fact, it has been used to treat various diseases in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. Due to the many advantages of the miracle cure, it has become increasingly popular in Europe in recent years. Would you like to know more about the effects of ginseng? Then read on - in this article we will tell you how the medicinal plant affects your skin, hair and health!

What exactly is ginseng and what types are there?

In Asian medicine, ginseng is considered a medicinal plant that strengthens the mind and body. It is native mainly to the forests of China, Korea and Siberia. It used to be even more valuable than gold and was often used as a means of payment. Depending on the processing method, a distinction is made between red and white ginseng. The red color is created by first treating the tubers with water and then drying them. The white roots retain their color because they are dried directly. The many different ingredients are responsible for the healing effect, and especially the so-called ginsenosides. They are contained in the outer root bark and the higher their concentration, the better the quality of the root. Since the effectiveness depends on the quality, we recommend that you always pay attention to the concentration when purchasing - in Germany it is at least 1.5%.

There are two main types of ginseng: the Asian Panax Ginseng and the American Panax Quinquefolius. Since the American variety contains much less ginsenosides, it is considered less healing. Another reason is the earlier harvest - the medicinal plant must first be 10 years old because only then is the concentration of the valuable ingredients at its highest.

The ginseng effect for your skin

Even though ginseng has been used in medicine for its healing properties for over 2,000 years, its positive effects on the skin were only discovered in 1960. Since then, it has become a staple ingredient in many skin care products and creams.

  • It stimulates collagen production –Numerous studies have shown that the medicinal plant helpsCombat fine lines and wrinklesis very effective and for this reason it is used as an ingredient in many facial moisturizers. The plant is also packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that stimulate the skin's metabolism and protect it from the free radicals to which you are constantly exposed.
  • The medicinal plant for a more beautiful complexion –The miracle herb also acts as a whitening agent and ensures a healthier and more radiant appearance. The ginseng leaves and roots are very rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which are very important for the overall health of the skin. A cup of ginseng tea a day increases oxygen supply and improves blood circulation, thereby contributing to a beautiful complexion.
  • The miracle herb helps with various wounds and burns –Many studies have proven that the plant promotes skin regeneration and burns and wounds respond well to its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. That's why it has become a basic ingredient in many creams for sunburn or other skin irritations.
  • It fights acne –Ginseng's anti-inflammatory effects and its ability to balance oil production in the skin will help you fight acne breakouts or other skin diseases.
  • Say goodbye to those annoying dark circles -Another excellent benefit of the plant for the skin is that it makes dark circles or various eye puffiness disappear. For this purpose, you can either use a cream from the pharmacy or create a face mask yourself at home. Simply mix 1 tbsp ginseng powder with 2 tbsp honey, apply the mixture to the affected areas and leave it on for 10 minutes. If you repeat the procedure every day, the results will be visible in just 1 week!

The medicinal plant also for the hair?

  • Prevents hair loss –The Asian miracle cure is very rich in elements such as iron, zinc, copper and magnesium and amino acids, promotes blood circulation in the scalp and supplies it with many nutrients. This stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. The medicinal plantcomes in many shampoos and hair care productsfor application.
  • Removes dandruff –The herb contains saponin and vitamins A and E, which are of great importance in fighting dandruff.

The most important thing about the effect of ginseng on health

How ginseng actually works is actually very interesting. After ingestion, the medicinal herb comes into contact with stomach acids, microflora and other enzymes in which its ingredients are chemically converted. These are then distributed throughout the body and thus provide the corresponding benefits.

  • Ginseng effect on the vessels –The miracle plant promotes the release of nitric oxide and thus contributes to improving the quality of the vessels and blood circulation.
  • Improves brain performance –By stimulating cerebral blood flow, memory and brain function are improved. It even puts you in a better mood and helps reduce stress.
  • Provides more energy –Many studies have shown that the plant stimulates physical and mental activity and combats fatigue.
  • It helps in treating diabetes –The herb is involved in glucose metabolism in the body. Taking preparations containing this miracle drug helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is of great importance for all diabetics.
  • It increases immunity –The positive effect of ginseng on the immune system has been confirmed by numerous studies and research. It is also used as an immune stimulant in people with various chronic diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties –Due to the high proportion of ginsenosides, the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can relieve joint inflammation and pain, as well as abdominal pain in people with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Ginseng helps you lose weight –The root stimulates the metabolism and therefore far fewer calories are converted into fat. As already mentioned, it also increases energy and in this way you will have much more endurance during your workouts.
  • Helps with asthma and hay fever –Since most asthma therapies have a lot of side effects, the medicinal plant would be an excellent alternative - it clearly alleviates the symptoms of chronic lung damage and respiratory problems.

What are the possible side effects?

Since ginseng is a powerful medicinal plant, you should always use it carefully.

  • insomnia –Because the plant increases your energy, taking too high a dose or taking it late at night could cause insomnia.
  • There may be allergic reactionscaused by prolonged use.
  • High blood pressure and nervousnesscan be achieved by taking coffee orother caffeinated drinksand ginseng.
  • Some dietary supplements that contain the medicinal plant cancause menstrual disorders.
  • If you are taking blood thinning medication, we advise against taking ginseng as it changes blood clotting.
  • If you have an illness and need to take certain medications, be sure to inform your doctor that you are taking the medicinal plant. This is the case, for example, with diabetics. Since the miracle drug regulates blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, you will need to reduce the dosage of medication after a certain period of time.

Here's how to properly make tea from this medicinal plant

The most common and popular home remedy made from the root is of course tea, which is not only very healthy but also extremely tasty! In order for you to really benefit from the ginseng effect, you should drink around 2 cups of it every day for at least 3-4 weeks. And this is how it is prepared:

  • Cut the ginseng roots into fine and thin slices.
  • Pour hot, but not boiling, water over it and cover.
  • Let the tea steep for about 3-4 hours.
  • Then pour it through a sieve into the cup and enjoy.