Especially in the warm season, when you like to spend your free time outdoors or have a long-awaited barbecue in the garden and enjoy the beautiful summer evening on the balcony, the mosquitoes can quickly spoil your joy. In today's article we have created a guide for you for effective and proven home remedies against mosquitoes. Find out here how you can get rid of the little pests and help yourself with bites.
Home remedies for mosquitoes in the room
Do you know what it's like when mosquitoes buzz around your ear?rob you of sleepand set lots of itchy bites? Unfortunately, even though you put mosquito repellent on windows and doors, the annoying mosquitoes sometimes come into the room. If you want to drive away mosquitoes, you should use the right smells. Nature provides us with healthy mosquito protection. The perfect onesHome remedies for mosquitoesare in the roomPlant,that contain fragrances that repel mosquitoes. For example, distributeBasil, lavender, catnip, tomato leaves, sage, bay leaves, bergamot, scented pelargonium and lemon balm are the unwanted guests. These plants, which are wonderful mosquito repellent home remedies, can be planted in small pots and placed near entrance doors or on the windowsill. The intense scent they give off drives away mosquitoes.
Essential oils, diluted with a carrier oil such as sesame oil, olive oil, almond oil, calendula oil or coconut oil, can also give you help against mosquitoes. Even without any additives, coconut oil is an effective natural remedy against mosquitoes. You can vaporize essential oils such as citronella, tea tree, clove, cedar, lavender or eucalyptus in an aroma lamp. If you want to use the aroma lamp in the bedroom, you should definitely turn it off before going to bed. It is completely sufficient if the aroma lamp burns an hour before going to bed. For vaporization in an aroma lamp, four drops of essential oil of your choice are sufficient for a 20 square meter room.
You can use the smoking method as a natural remedy against mosquitoes in your own four walls. Get dried onesSage leavesand grind a handful of it. Ignite the sage in a fireproof bowl. The insects cannot stand the smell that the smoldering leaves give off.
Another tried and tested home remedy for mosquitoes is:Vinegar. Mix equal amounts of cold water and apple cider vinegar and fill a shallow bowl with the liquid. Place them on the windowsill. The mosquitoes don't like this smell at all and won't come in even if the window is open.
The combination is very effective against mosquitoesLemons and cloves. Cut the lemon into halves or slices and garnish with dried cloves. Distribute them around the apartment where you spend most of your time or sleep.
Naturally protect the skin
There are also a number of effective, natural remedies to protect yourself from mosquito bites outside. The diluted onesessential oilsare ideal for placing on unprotected skin areas such as arms, legs and neck. Before you apply the homemade mosquito repellent to a large area of your body, it is advisable to test a small area of skin for allergic reactions to the oil mixture. If itching or redness occurs, you should choose another method. Stings in infants and small children should not be treated with essential oils. To protect yourself against mosquito bites, four drops of essential oil are necessary for 50 ml of carrier oil.
Coconut oilalso offers effective protection against mosquitoes. The fatty acid it contains, called lauric acid, deters stinging insects. Ahigh quality coconut oilwill not only protect you from the little pests, but also pamper your skin with its nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties.
This is also considered an effective mosquito repellentGarlic. If you like its taste and smell and like to use it in dishes, you can benefit from it in terms of mosquito repellent. The typical smell of garlic is also radiated through the skin, which significantly minimizes the risk of mosquito bites.
If you want to sit outside and end the evening quietly, this is also a good way to protect yourself from unwanted companionsCoffee. Take a fireproof bowl and light the coffee powder in it. Coffee doesn't burn, but rather simmers slowly. The summer evening is then saved from mosquitoes and other insects within a very short time, because they find the scent extremely unpleasant and are driven away by it.
Mosquitoes find sweet scents attractive. It's best to avoid deodorants and perfumes with sweet scents and instead choose cosmetic products that are as odorless as possible.
The right clothing can also protect you from insect bites. It is best to wear light-colored clothing and prefer solid fabrics such as linen. Dark and strong colors attract mosquitoes.
What really helps?
Psoriasis: This is good for the skin in summer!
Sometimes just in individual areas, sometimes all over the body: reddened skin, covered in whitish scales, and itching are the typical symptoms of psoriasis. During the warm season, irritated skin needs special care and attention. We show you how to do your skin good in summer!
Even if the mosquito has already bitten and the most common symptoms such as itching, swelling and sometimes skin infections have already appeared, there are many natural remedies that can relieve the symptoms and heal the affected area.
The anti-inflammatory and slightly anesthetic properties of thelemoncan relieve swelling and itching after a mosquito bite. Halve the lemon and rub the flesh on the mosquito bite. If you have sensitive skin, you should squeeze the lemon juice and apply it diluted with a little water. It is also cooling, itch-relieving and poison-dissolvingVinegar. Dip a cotton pad or tissue in apple cider vinegar and place it on the affected area.
Another effective home remedy for mosquitoes that not only drives away the annoying insects but can also relieve symptoms after a bite is choppedGarlicorOnion. Place the finely chopped mixture directly on the sting, let it work for 10 minutes and then wash it off thoroughly.
Can also combat itchingBaking sodaCreate a remedy. Its alkalinity brings the skin's pH back into balance. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and soak a clean cloth in it. Wring out the cloth and place it on the respective skin area. Then wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat this application two or three times.
The fascinating plant also works wonders against mosquito bitesAloe vera. Cut off an aloe vera leaf and remove the gel from it. Let it cool in the fridge for 15 minutes and rub it on the affected area. The miracle plant has an antiseptic effect, relieves discomfort and accelerates the healing process.
An excellent remedy for mosquito bites is theQuark. It has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect. Spread a finger-width of cold quark onto a compress and place it on the mosquito bite. Wrap the compress with a cloth and allow the natural remedy to work for at least half an hour.
If the area swells significantly after a mosquito bite, you can benefit from the beneficial effects of thewhite cabbagebenefit. The juices contained in the leaves are anti-itching and anti-inflammatory. Crush the white cabbage leaves and make a poultice with the resulting pulp. Fix it with a bandage and let the natural remedy work for 20-30 minutes.