Red spots on the face, in a variety of forms, are not uncommon, especially in women. The causes, as well as the external appearance, can look very different and can be accompanied by inflammation or itching. We would like to explain to you below what types of redness on the face there are, what causes them and what you can do in addition to the doctor's tips to get rid of them or at least alleviate them.
You have red spots on your face, but have so far ignored themhidden with makeup? This may be a quick and easy solution for everyday life, but in the end you are not doing anything about the cause and therefore not doing yourself a great favor. In the evening, when the make-up is no longer on your skin, the spots on your face appear again, which can of course also affect your self-confidence.
Instead, you should do something about red spots on your face. But this is only possible if you know the reason for it. That's why we have the most common triggers for youred spots on the face compiled and what you need depending on the correct andgentle skin careshould consider.
Acne as a cause of facial redness
Acne is known to occur during hormonal changes, which is why it is mostly known as one of the typical facial skin diseases of adolescents during puberty. But it is not only at this age that unsightly inflammation can occur. Hormonal acne can affect the chin, cheeks, but also other areas of the face. If left untreated, scars will form that will last a lifetime. They are also red spots on the face that do not itch. Instead, the inflammation causes pain.
Redness on the face – causes
What exactly is the reason why the skin suffers from this inflammation? TheHormone changeleads to overproduction of sebum, which clogs pores. Pustules appear on the face, inflamed pimples that hurt and blackheads. Even if it is acne from adolescence, in most cases it does not go away after a few years, but can last until the age of 30. Red spots around mouth and chin, as wellon the backare then constantly present.
Furthermore, some can alsoMedicationcause acne. Sometimes cortisone causes a rash on the face. Medicines containing cortisone and psychotropic drugs are things that can cause the pimples. Even with thatSmokedo yourself a disservice because it favors themFormation of pimples, just likeStress. Also pay attention to the ingredients in your skin care products and avoid any cosmetics that contain paraffins.
People often tell you that chocolate causes pimples. Still others think this is a myth. But there is actually some truth to it. However, it is not the cocoa that clogs pores, but rather the one contained in chocolateZucker, as well as theMilch. So avoid consuming these two products in large quantities (and yes, that goes for chocolate too!).
Treat acne-related skin redness on the face
Depending on how severe your acne is, you should see a dermatologist. They can tell you about the causes, give you tips on nutrition and proper care and also give you tipssuitable productsprescribe that provide relief. If it is temporary and, above all, mild acne, you can also do something yourself. To prevent acne-related red spots on your face, you should first prevent the pores from clogging with sebum. Greasy creams and care products are therefore taboo.
Instead, products that are surfactant-free and those that contain benozyl peroxide help well against inflammation because they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. But only apply it where red spots can be seen on the face. These products could irritate healthy skin, which in turn can cause new red spots on the face.
Prickly heat
Heat pimples are small red pimples on the face, but also on other parts of the body (e.g. upper arms), that occur when you have been in the sun for too long. They are the result of overheating and heavy sweating. The sweating rash on the face and body is caused by sweat blocking the outlets of the sweat glands. Since this happens deeper in the skin, the sweat can no longer escape and spreads under the skin and inflames it, causing pimples and red spots on the face. So it's not the sun or the UV rays themselves that trigger heat pimples, but rather the sweating caused by the heat. That's why it's also possible for prickly heat to occur in winter.
Prickly heat is not only visually very disturbing. In many cases it is even the case that heat spots itch. You then instinctively scratch the affected areas, but you should definitely not do so in order to avoid inflammation. If itchy, small red dots cover your face and/or body, try tapping instead of scratching. This can also help without hurting or irritating your skin.
What helps against red spots on the face?
When annoying heat pimples “affect” adults and children, quick help is of course required to stop the itching. Regardless of whether you have prickly heat on your forehead, cheeks or body, scratching is, as already mentioned, taboo. Instead, you can cool the areas. You will be amazed at how quickly this tip helps. Simple compresses or cool, damp washcloths are all you need.
Of course, you should also avoid the heat and sun. So change your sweaty clothes and stay in the pleasant shade from now on. Your skin will thank you! However, if the inflammation is so severe that simple cooling does not sufficiently relieve the itching, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe medicine and a cream to combat redness on the face and body. In most cases these are antihistamines and ointments, such as hydrocortisone.
Preventive measures
As much as possible, try not to overheat your body. This applies to all seasons. So wear suitable clothing (in summer, airy, loose and, if possible, made of cotton), ensure a comfortable room temperature and use light bed linen that allows the skin to breathe (no artificial textiles). Also avoid irritating and protecting your skin furthercare for them in summer(but not only!) from the sun. Sunscreens, as well as sprays that can be sprayed onto make-up, should be a daily companion if your skin is prone to heat pimples.
Burning red spots on the face – rosacea
TheRash rosaceais a chronic skin disease from which quite a few people suffer. Women in particular are affected by it and complain, among other things, about red spots on their faces. Rosacea occurs in flare-ups. The skin is hypersensitive, cannot tolerate most care products and burns. Nodules, blisters and visible veins also appear alongside red burning spots on the face and also on the décolleté.
If you often have visible red veins on your face, the cause may be rosacea. The skin problems are caused by a disturbed immune system, which can certainly be genetic. However, the exact causes are not known. While healthy skin can adapt to extreme heat or cold and then, depending on the situation, cause the blood vessels to dilate or contract, this is disrupted in rosacea disease.
The skin also reacts sensitively to other stimuli, with red burning spots appearing on the face and other areas. Stress, alcohol and many cosmetic products are difficult for her to tolerate. The result is red spots on the face that not only burn but can also itch unpleasantly. Rosacea can also cause flaky skin or dry, red spots on the face. And flaky areas on the face can be unpleasantly itchy.
What to do if you have red spots on your face caused by rosacea?
The right skin care, tailored to your skin condition, is the be-all and end-all to prevent new flare-ups and avoid red, burning skin on your face. Use pH-neutral facial cleansers and avoid products containing soap. Anything that is aggressive, greasy or contains alcohol is not a good idea and this also applies to creams and ointments. Since rosacea can break out due to heat, among other things, make sure to keep your skin as cool as possible.
Unfortunately, this also means bad news for anyone who likes to visit the sauna or take hot showers, as these habits can cause your face to burn again. You should also pay attention to your diet: spicy food should be greatly reduced or, even better, avoided. Creams that contain vitamin B3 prove to be particularly helpful in the fight against rosacea. It successfully relieves skin irritations, so that red, burning rashes on the face can also be combated.
Red rash around the mouth – oral rose
It's not just red spots on the face that are signs of mouth rose (perioral dermatitis), but also chronically dry skin and pustules, as well as nodules, also reddish in color. As the name suggests, these skin problems and red blisters occur around the mouth, but sometimes also around the eyes. Red dry spots at the corners of the mouth are a typical sign. The skin dries out due to incorrect care and more precisely due to the excessive use of care and cleansing products that are also irritating. The natural skin barrier is destroyed and the skin becomes more sensitive.
How do I get rid of red spots on my face?
The best solution to this type of rash around the mouth is actually quite simple: give your skin a rest and stop using any cleaning and care products. But this also applies to make-up. If more red spots appear on your face during this time and the skin's condition even worsens, you shouldn't be alarmed by this, as this is a normal consequence. Arm yourself with a little patience and enjoy beautiful, spot-free skin within just a few days.
Red spots on the face due to alcohol
If you get red spots on your face when you drink alcohol, that doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. Every person reacts differently to alcohol and some people just blush. However, red cheeks after alcohol (or other parts of the face) can also be a sign of alcohol intolerance. Sometimes the skin redness occurs with other symptoms similar to a morning hangover: nausea and headaches. An increased pulse is also possible.
The so-called alcohol flash reaction is a serious problem because it means that the body cannot keep up with the elimination of toxins. These then remain in the organism for longer and that is extremely harmful to health. If you suspect you are suffering from such an intolerance, consult a doctor.
As the term suggests, stress spots are caused by stress. They are triggered by our psyche when something worries or makes us nervous. This can be an exam or a job interview and similar situations. But they can also be caused by spicy food or simply sweating, because then the body is stressed.
The result is a sudden rash on the face that can extend to the décolleté. Stress can also be the cause of a burning sensation in the face. If you have noticed that the redness always appears in such situations, it is most likely actually stress spots. However, if they occur permanently, it can also be a skin disease. Then it's better to see a doctor.
What to do to avoid stress rash
Since stress can be the trigger for red spots on the face, it is only logical to avoid it if possible. Admittedly, it's a nasty cycle, because just the fear that red spots might suddenly appear on the face can cause this. It is therefore important that you learn to deal with the matter in a calmer and more relaxed manner. In extreme cases, we recommend a psychologist who will work with you on techniques to relieve nervousness and...Reduce stresscan.
Red spots after sun
A sun allergy also changes the complexion. If red spots on the face are caused by allergies, they are usually accompanied by blisters or nodules. However, redness does not occur when you are in the sun, but rather over time. It usually takes hours or even days before the first signs appear on the skin.
Since they are caused by the sun, they also occur on those parts of the body that have been exposed to the sun and these are usually the décolleté and neck, arms and legs, but also the face - redness on the cheek, forehead and rash around the mouth due to allergies against the sun are typical. The itching is particularly unpleasant.
By the way:Although the term “sun allergy” has become common, it is not actually an allergy. The skin simply reacts overly sensitively to sudden and excessive exposure to the sun.
People over 40, and rarely earlier, sometimes notice white spots on their tanned skin. In most cases, white spots on the skin after sun are pigmentation disorders that occur due to chronic light damage. Because the skin has been frequently and permanently exposed to harmful UV rays, the pigment cells are damaged and the white spots are the result. To be on the safe side, you can still consult a doctor.
Treat red spots on skin after sun
OneTo avoid many small pimples on your face due to allergy in the future, you should do itprotect from the sun. And that works very well with sunscreen. Of course, this also applies to all other parts of the body. Is with an SSun allergy makes the face swollen, but even if red spots only form on the face and body, coolness and moisture are good ways to provide relief. You can easily place a damp cloth or rag on the affected areas of skin. In extreme cases, your doctor may also prescribe medication.
Sun allergy on the face in children
Red spots on the face of children that occur due to a sun allergy should be treated immediately with cool compresses, just like in adults. This is the quickest way to treat an itchy face. If inflammation is present, anti-allergic agents can also be applied. However, please seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist and be sure to mention that it is a child. If the skin reacts particularly strongly and edema (swelling) occurs, a visit to the doctor is mandatory!
Red spots on face after showering
Do you have red spots on your face and/or body after showering? This can have various causes. Shower gel or soap, for example, can be the reason, especially for sensitive skin. Some ingredients may irritate your skin. Or maybe the temperature at which you shower is too extreme for you.
If you often have red spots on your face after showering or if they also appear on other parts of your body, you can easily test whether one of the options mentioned above is the cause. For example, try showering at a lower temperature or vice versa - if you usually shower cold, try warmer water. If you suspect that it could be the shower gel, replace it with a milder one.
There is actually a water allergy where people literally cannot tolerate water. A burning sensation on the face and body could be the result of such an allergy. But water allergy is extremely rare, so the likelihood is extremely low. If the symptoms don't go away after your tests, see a doctor.
Rash in children on the face
Red dots on the face in children can have a variety of causes. They are often a side effect of infections, including typical childhood diseases such as chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and others. But alsoHerpes (Herpes simplex)can be the cause, because in many cases people become ill with this disease as a small child. Red spots on the face of a baby who is in the middle of introducing solid foods can also be a sign of a food allergy or intolerance.
If the child or baby has red spots that itch or burn, this is particularly uncomfortable and soothing medication should be given. It is therefore advisable to see a doctor, especially for children and babies, especially if the redness is accompanied by a fever. It's better to be on the safe side instead of waiting unnecessarily long or experimenting with ointments and creams for red spots on the face or body. Depending on the cause, your pediatrician will prescribe the right cream for red spots on your face.
Possible causes of red spots on the face depending on the area of the face
After we have put together a few common skin diseases and situations in which red spots can appear on the face and other areas, we would like to focus on specific parts of the body again. Find out what can be the cause of a rash around the nose, red spots on the forehead or a rash on the cheek and what can be the reason that the chin itches.
Red dots on the face of adults - redness around the nose
Red dots on the nose occur, among other things, with rosacea. The oral rose also likes to make its presence felt around the nose. In women over 40, the redness around the nose can also be a side effect of menopause. Then the skin usually burns and itches.
A rash around the nose can also be a sign of an infectious disease (e.g. ringworm starts on the nose and cheeks and then spreads; herpes) or a skin disease (e.g. ringworm). If the redness does not disappear within a short time or even gets worse, you should consult a doctor, as some diseases are contagious. It doesn't matter whether you have red spots on the skin in the nose area without itching or with it - it's better to be on the safe side.
Red spots under the eye – health
As you can probably imagine, red spots under the eyes can have a variety of causes. Herpes and other infections, inflammations, allergies, but also other triggers already mentioned such as stress, caffeine or alcohol can cause a rash around the eyes. It is usually accompanied by a burning sensation and itching.
Has a red spot appeared under your eye? Have you recently performed handstands or other exercises that involve standing upside down? Then it could be that this is the cause, because gravity can cause so-called bleeding, which is completely harmless. A red spot can also appear under the eye with greater exertion (e.g. after vomiting or coughing). If you have a rash around your eyes or red dots that spread to your mouth, herpes, but also mouth rose, is a possible cause of red spots on your face.
Rash on the forehead
Blisters, scales, pimples and other types of spots can also appear on the forehead. Measles, rubella, chickenpox, shingles are a few of the possible infectious diseases that manifest themselves, among other things, as red spots on the forehead. But bacterial diseases and fungal infections are also possible, as are autoimmune diseases and neurodermatitis. It may also be that the rash on the forehead is caused by an allergy, which can best be diagnosed by a doctor.
A red spot between eyebrows can also have a variety of causes - a simple insect sting or bite, right up to food allergies and intolerances, so anything is possible. Or maybe you simply didn't wash off a cleansing product properly and your skin is now sensitive to it. Monitor the stain and seek medical attention if there is no improvement.
Red blotchy cheeks
Red spots are particularly common on the cheeks, as the skin there is particularly tender and sensitive. That's why all of the skin diseases and causes of red spots on the face mentioned above are also possible triggers for red burning cheeks, itchy or non-itchy red cheeks. Therefore, it is difficult to make a diagnosis without a doctor. Red cheeks can also occur due to allergies, stress or due to sun and heat. Rosacea also manifests itself through reddened cheeks.
Glowing face – causes
Do your cheeks suddenly become hot and red? Even then, an allergy is possible. For example, if you recently changed your detergent, it could have triggered an allergic reaction that causes burning and red cheeks. Also check your blood pressure. It doesn't have to be the case that hot, red cheeks mean an illness. Maybe your blood pressure is elevated due to stress or other reasons and that's why you have a warm face.
A single red spot on the cheek (but also on other parts of the body) occurs in the early stages of dandruff or fungal infections, but can also be a simple skin irritation.
Red rash on chin
If the rash affects the chin and the surrounding areas of the jaw, small blisters, redness or spots appear, perioral dermatitis (rose of the mouth) is a possible cause and then you have probably simply overdone your care and cleaning and irritated your skin. A red, itchy rash develops that also burns. So if red spots suddenly appear on your face, you don't have to worry because oral rose, also known as stewardess' disease, is harmless. What to do about red spots on the face and to soothe the skin and get rid of itching on the face? You can read about this above on the topic of mouth rose.