Sea salt benefits for skin, hair and health – everything at a glance!

Sea salt has become increasingly popular in recent years. The so-called “white gold” is not only good as a spice, but also as a care product for the skin, hair and of course health. Even if these properties of the mineral are still less familiar to most people, it is increasingly being used in many care products because of its nourishing and healing power. Are you now curious? Then read on - in this article we will introduce you to the best sea salt benefits for your body and your health!

How is sea salt obtained and what is in it?

Sea salt consists of 95% sodium chloride and is obtained from the evaporation of seawater. To do this, the sea water is traditionally allowed to evaporate in shallow basins. It also contains many different minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, bromine and sulfur. Elements such as zinc, iodine and manganese are also found in small amounts. Since the salt from the Dead Sea has a very high mineral content, it is particularly valued.

Which are the best salts?

For skin care, it is recommended to use salt without any additives such as spices, anti-caking agents and other substances. Since sea salt contains many valuable minerals that offer very balancing and healing effects, it is best suited for this. The unrefined salts also include rock salt and Himalayan salt.

  • AtRock saltIt is a rock that is formed from sea salt and consists mainly of the mineral halite. It provides around 70% of the world's salt needs and the iodine content of the two types is almost the same.
  • Considered particularly noble and expensiveFlower of Saltfrom the French, Portuguese and Italian coasts. It is a thin salt crust that only forms on the surface of the water on very sunny and windy days. It is always skimmed by hand, has a very delicate and mild taste and for this reason embodies the purest sustainability and naturalness. The crystals have a flower-like shape and this is where the beautiful name comes from, which translates to “flower of salt”. Because it is unground, unwashed and dried in the sun, it has a very high proportion of magnesium and other minerals and trace elements.
  • Himalayasalzhas existed for more than 250 million years and contains all the minerals important for the body. To preserve its purity, it is always collected by hand, broken with stones and packed in organic cotton bags. Depending on the iron concentrationThe color can range from white to pink to deep redvary.
  • Celtic sea saltis mined near the Celtic Sea in Brittany, France. It also has a very high proportion of suspended solids and minerals that come from an algae and clay. Even after long storage, it still feels slightly moist and the sea salt benefits it offers are a lot - it has a positive effect on brain function, electrolyte balance and the regulation of blood pressure.

Sea salt benefits for different skin types

  • Straight upoily skinThe salt has a particularly positive effect and cleanses it thoroughly down to the deeper layers. With a salt peeling, for example, the excess fat disappears and in this way a clear complexion is created. However, you should definitely not forget to care afterwards - first wash with lukewarm water and then apply a cream.
  • Salt water benefits fordryHigh?Everyone knows that salt attracts water. It may make your skin drier on the surface, but it penetrates much deeper, which is especially important for anyone with dry skin. However, we recommend that you use a moisturizing cream afterwards.
  • Although sea salt is used to treat many skin diseases, you should avoid onesensitive skinbe very careful. In some people, the pH level can be disturbed, which could lead to redness, pustules or itching. Such reactions are very rare, but you should always take good care of your skin afterwards - all care products that are low in fragrance and dyes are particularly good for this.

What are the sea salt benefits for skin?

Our bodies contain the same concentration of minerals and nutrients as sea water. So it's no wonder that the sea salt benefits for skin are endless.

  • Salt scrubremoves dead skin cells and provides a unique and special shine. To do this you need: 100 grams of finely ground sea salt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Mix everything well and apply to slightly damp skin and massage in with light circular movements. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • The salt regulates itAcid-base householdthe skin, has a balancing effect and helps against itching. Honey also has many anti-inflammatory properties and soothes irritation and redness. For this reason, we have the perfect face mask for you that combines the two miracle cures in one. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of fine sea salt with 2 tablespoons of honey and stir until a spreadable paste is formed. Apply this to clean skin and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then place a warm towel on your face for about 30 seconds and only then rinse with water.
  • Sea salt offers benefits tooagainst acne? – A clear yes!Salt ensures deep pore cleansing, balances oil production and fights the bacteria responsible for acne and other skin rashes. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of fine sea salt with 200 ml of warm water in a small spray bottle until the salt has dissolved. Spray twice daily on cleansed skin, making sure to avoid the eye area.
  • Salt nourishes the skinMoisture –Even if this sounds surprising at first, it is true! With a facial peeling or mask, the salt is stored in the outer layer of the skin, which preserves the natural protective layer and prevents the skin from drying out. Just take a relaxing bath with various sea salts and see for yourself!
  • Skin-soothing peeling –The combination of sea salt, aloe vera and lavender has a wonderful effect on your skin and also helps in the fight against annoying wrinkles. Mix 100 grams of sea salt, 80 grams of aloe vera juice or gel, a few drops of essential oil of your choice and 1 tablespoon of dried lavender into a paste. Apply to slightly damp skin and rub with gentle, circular movements. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

A salt bath ensures relaxation and beautiful skin

A sea salt bath offers a ton of benefits for both your skin and health. It stimulates the metabolism, ensures beautiful, firm skin tissue and dissolves various impurities and calluses. At the same time, its high proportion of bromine and magnesium helps against sore muscles, relieves neurodermatitis and regulates sebum production. For one tub you need between 500 grams and 1 kilo of sea salt. There are now a lot of different bath salts on the market - pure or with scented additives for even more relaxation.

“Body Wrap” with sea salt

With the help of a “body wrap” you can benefit from the many sea salt benefits for your skin all at once! It tightens the connective tissue and has a similar purifying and detoxifying effect as the sauna. And this is how it works: Dissolve 50-60 grams of salt in 1 liter of lukewarm water. Dip a cotton T-shirt in it, wring it out well and put it on. Then wrap yourself in a blanket or a large bath towel and lie down on the sofa and relax for around 50-60 minutes. Then take a shower and you'll have super smooth and beautiful skin!

Salt steam bath ensures a clear complexion

A sea salt steam bath cleans the pores and is used both to prevent pimples and to treat existing skin inflammation. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps with a cold. First, bring about 2 liters of water to the boil, then pour it into a large bowl or pot and add about 3-4 tablespoons of sea salt. Then place your face approximately 30 cm above the steam. Hang a large towel over your head so that the bowl is surrounded on all sides - this way the steam cannot escape. After about 10 minutes you will have already benefited from the salt benefits because the steam bath has developed its full effect. After another 5 minutes, you can dry your face with paper towels. Before applying a moisturizer, you should wait until your skin has completely cooled down.

What are the sea salt benefits for hair, nails and teeth?

It is no coincidence that sea salt is still called “white gold” - it is very similar to our blood plasma in terms of the content and composition of nutrients and minerals and has many healing properties.

  • Brush your teeth with salt –Even if it's not particularly pleasant, it's very healthy! The sea salt contains fluoride, which has a very positive effect on dental health. It protects the teeth and prevents the development of tooth decay. To do this, instead of toothpaste, spray some salt spray on your toothbrush. Alternatively, you can use it as a disinfectant mouthwash - but don't swallow it!
  • Natural remedy forZahnaufhellung – SAlz and baking soda are 2 things that everyone has in their kitchen that could help you whiten your teeth naturally and inexpensively. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt and 2 teaspoons of baking powder together. Apply the mixture to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual for at least 3-4 minutes. Repeat the process twice a day and in about 10 days you will be amazed by the results!
  • Nail whitening and strengtheningare other sea salt benefits you could take advantage of at home. It makes the cuticles very soft while baking soda and lemonact against yellow spots. To do this, stir together 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice with 50 ml of water. Soak your hands in the solution for 10 minutes and then scrub lightly with a gentle brush. Then rinse with lukewarm water and apply hand cream.
  • Sea salt for hair loss –More and more cosmetic manufacturers are using salt in various shampoos and care products to combat hair loss. It strengthens your hair and stimulates blood circulation, which in turn is very important for the health of the scalp. Wash your hair only with warm water - without shampoo or conditioner! Gently and carefully massage some salt into your scalp and then rinse thoroughly. Repeat the process a maximum of 2 times a week.

What are the sea salt benefits for your health?

The miracle cure is not only good for your skin, but also for your health. Below we will give you a brief overview of the best and most important properties that sea salt has to offer!

  • It strengthens the immune system –The white gold is rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine and potassium, which are very important for health.
  • Helps with digestion and weight loss –For a long time, salt was considered an ingredient to avoid if you wanted to lose weight. But many new studies in recent years prove exactly the opposite. Sea salt has powerful detoxifying properties that cleanse the intestines and remove harmful parasites and bacteria. In addition, salty food increases the production of the hormone glucocorticoids, which in turn stimulates fat burning.
  • Sea salt benefits for asthma –The miracle cure has long been known to relieve various inflammations and help treat asthma or other breathing problems. In fact, it is believed that sprinkling some salt on the tongue after drinking a glass of water is just as effective as using an inhaler.
  • Reduces stress –The ancient Greeks and Romans still used sea water as recreational therapy. White gold supports the production of serotonin and melatonin - two hormones that contribute to restful sleep and a relaxed feeling. Therefore, it can also be used to combat depression.
  • Sea salt for muscle cramps –Have you ever wondered why your muscles cramp after a long workout? The reason is that the body loses a large amount of electrolytes (mainly sodium) through sweating. To avoid this, drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of sea salt in it before you set off. Or pamper your legs with a foot bath. Add some salt with a few drops of lavender and peppermint essential oils - this will stimulate blood circulation and relieve muscle cramps.

What is the difference between sea salt and table salt?

Even though the two salts consist primarily of the same molecules, there are some differences in their composition. The sea salt is obtained in an ecological, natural and sustainable way through the evaporation of pure sea water. For this very reason, it contains a range of trace elements and minerals that are healthy for you. The classic table salt, on the other hand, is obtained from underground salt deposits. Water is pumped into the salt layer and the resulting solution is then heated and crystallized into fine grains.

Sea salt as far as the eye can see – the Salar de Uyni lake

Finally, we would like to tell you briefly about the largest sea salt pan in the world. The Salar de Yumi lake is located in Bolivia and is 110 km wide and 140 km long - the amount of salt there is estimated to be around 10 billion tons. It was created around 10,000 years ago when a lake dried up, leaving only the salt. During the rainy season from December to June, the salt layer can be covered with up to 1 meter of water and then becomes the largest natural mirror in the well - which is why the sea salt is also known as Sel Miroir. The place simply looks magical and enchanting and is definitely worth a visit!