Spring is approaching and with it the well-known spring fatigue. Many people know this feeling that comes with the transition phase to the warm summer.
The reason for spring fatigue is the significantly lower increase in vitamins and minerals in winter. The struggle that the organism also has to wage with the low temperatures leads to a weakened immunity, so that the body has to work hard at the end of March to restore balance and prepare for the warm months. What you should do:
1. Say goodbye to dystonia.Women are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from vegetative dystonia (blood pressure rises, heart palpitations and a feeling of groundless worry). To get rid of this seizure you should:
- take calming and stimulating substances. These include, for example, valerian, mint, ginseng and hawthorn.
- Consume more carbohydrates and fluids. This normalizes blood sugar, which is elevated in dystonia.
- Close your eyes and gently press in your eyeballs for one minute several times a day. This stops or at least alleviates the palpitations and fever.
- have the little fingers/toes and the neck massaged. This normalizes blood pressure.
2. Get rid of the headache. The most common reason for headaches is stress. According to a study, 60% of men and 75% of women suffer from headaches more than twice a month. It is best to treat them with analgesic, lavender tea andCompresseswith lemon peels.
3. Foot pain – what helps? This is the first sign of varicose veins. The latest studies show that taking hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills) and hormone therapy during climax have a negative effect on the veins. The risk also increases during pregnancy. That is why expectant mothers should wear special stockings against varicose veins. The best way to get rid of tiredness in your legs is to:
- Gel with green tea and chestnut extract
- Foot baths from chamomile, mint and others
- the increase in peas, beans, lentils, leeks, egg yolks and olive oil. They contain a lot of vitamin E, which gives elasticity to the veins, and vitamin C, which strengthens the veins.
More tips
4. What to do about breast pain shortly before menstruation. Many women experience severe breast pain a few days before menstruation. This and other problems are experienced by 80% of all women. The swelling of the mammary glands is a result of hormonal changes in the body and is a normal process that is more painful for some and less painful for others. If your breasts not only swell but also become hard and painful, you must seek medical advice. In such cases, there is a risk of mastopathy and the formation of fibroadenoma and cysts.
5. Unprovoked irritability due to spring fatigue. Have your thyroid checked. The nervous system reacts most sensitively to hormonal problems. Initial symptoms include increased irritability, tendency to cry,normal or severe weight fluctuationsand menstrual disorders. If you have thyroid problems, it is best to consume fish and seafood.
6. Take care of your hair. If it is difficult to stretch your legs after sitting for a long time, this is a sign of a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the organism, which strengthen hair and muscle contraction. This deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in later years. Lack of calcium may also lead to:
- Trembling in the legs
- Breaking and splitting of nails
- Dull pain in the lower back, especially after long walks or when lifting a heavy bag
- Pain in the bones
To have your bones checked, have a densitometry done. Bone density is measured using an ultrasound device. To get enough calcium, eat more dairy products, liver and seafood, or polyvitamins with higher calcium content.
Doctor can help you overcome spring fatigue
7. Get examined on time. Apart from infectious diseases, according to medical statistics, 60% of all diseases can be prevented if they are detected in time. Women over 40 should have their blood tested every year, and those over 25 should have a breast ultrasound scan every two years. Women aged 30-35 who have had at least one birth should undergo an ultrasound scan and mammography every two years. Women who have not yet given birth only have an ultrasound scan. Women over 40 are recommended to have a mammogram and ultrasound scan every year and a half, an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs every 2 years and a detailed cholesterol test once a year.
Follow our tips to combat spring fatigue and you will feel better straight away!