Barbecuing in the garden with friends, lying on the beach all day, taking long hikes in the forest, etc. - without a doubt, summer is the most beautiful season! But as soon as the temperatures outside rise, they lurk everywhere - ticks! It's not just animals that are bitten by the little bloodsuckers in the warmer months - people often catch ticks too. A tick bite is not only particularly annoying, but can also be very dangerous and that is why it is important to know how we can protect ourselves from it. So that you can enjoy the summer to the fullest, we got clever and will tell you which remedies against ticks help people! What does black cumin oil do against ticks? How can you make your own tick repellent spray? You can find the answers to this in our article!
These remedies help against ticks in people
Whether in meadows, in your own garden, in the park or forest – ticks lurk everywhere in Germany and not only infect animals, but also people. The small bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease or TBE meningitis. There is a vaccine for TBE, but no medication that can help after the outbreak. There is no vaccine approved for Lyme disease, but the disease can be treated with antibiotics. And since prevention is always better than cure, we should know how to protect ourselves from oneProtect against tick bitescan. Most pharmacy insect repellents are full of chemicals and can cause allergic reactions in some people. Fortunately, there are also many natural remedies for ticks in humans that are just as effective.
Cedar oil against ticks
Cedar oil is one of the most popular essential oils and is obtained from the wood of the tree of the same name. It contains a variety of vitamins and ingredients that are irreplaceable for our organism. These include potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, vitamins from groups A, B, D, E and F as well as almost 20 different amino acids. Cedar oil is also a veryeffective meansagainst ticks on humans and is also considered safe for our pets. The little bloodsuckers actually can't stand the smell at all. To do this, apply a few drops of cedar oil to vulnerable areas such as the neck, arm and leg joints and ankles. For dogs, you should be a little more careful with the dosage as some breeds may have an allergic reaction to it.
Eucalyptus oil against ticks
While we find the scent of eucalyptus wonderful, the little bloodsuckers can't stand it at all. Today, eucalyptus oil is considered one of the most effective natural remedies for ticks in humans. Here is a recipe on how to make your own tick repellent spray with eucalyptus oil - mix around 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil with 200 ml of distilled water in a spray bottle. Pour well before use and spray on the vulnerable parts of the body.
Neem oil
Less well-known, but also a great remedy for ticks on people – neem oil is an extremely effective plant protection agent against various pests. The external application of neem oil can be used for hair and skin care and provides natural relief for many complaints. To use neem oil for ticks, place several drops on your palm and rub your skin. Since the taste of neem oil takes some getting used to, you could dilute it with other essential oils. Neem oil not only helps keep ticks away from people - it can also be used to treat a tick bite. To do this, apply a few drops of neem oil directly to the tick and after a few seconds it will come off on its own.
Does coconut oil help against ticks on people?
Use coconut oil against ticks? Yes, coconut oil helps against ticks in humans and is definitely one of the most popular home remedies against the annoying bloodsuckers. The lauric acid it contains is responsible for this, which acts as a kind of barrier and deters ticks. Caprylic acid is also a natural insecticide that quickly dissolves the chitin shell of insects. To protect yourself from ticks, rub it on susceptible areas of your body.
We all know garlic has tons of health benefits, and now we can add one more to the endless list. Certain smells in sweat are perceived by ticks as more attractive than others and there are also some smells that the bloodsuckers don't like at all. This also includes the smell of garlic. Regular consumption of garlic or taking garlic capsules significantly reduces the risk of tick bites. To keep ticks away, it is also sufficient to chew 1-2 cloves of garlic before going for a walk.
Does black cumin oil help against ticks in people?
Black cumin oil has been considered an excellent remedy since ancient times and can be used for numerous ailments. Black cumin oil is a popular home remedy for ticks on dogs, especially among dog owners. Unfortunately, there has not yet been sufficient research into whether black cumin oil really helps against ticks in humans. However, it is relatively safe and definitely worth a try. In addition, black cumin oil can nourish dry skin when used regularly. Simply put a few drops of oil on your skin and massage in well.
Make your own tick repellent spray
After we have told you the best, natural remedies for ticks on people, we will now show you how to make your own tick repellent spray yourself:
- 100 ml of high-proof alcohol such as Korn or vodka
- 4 drops each of eucalyptus, lavender, citronella and lemon oil
- 3 drops each of patchouli and lemongrass
- Spray bottle
How to do it:
- Fill the spray bottle with essential oils and alcohol using a funnel, shake well and you're done - it's that easy to make your own tick repellent spray!
- You can spray the spray on your skin as well as your clothing.
Remedies against ticks at Stiftung Warentest
There are now an endless number of products on the market that are supposed to help against ticks. Okay, but which ones really help? Below you will find the tick repellents that performed well in Stiftung Warentest.
- “Anti Brumm Forte” with a grade of 0.6 is one of the best remedies against ticks according to Stiftung Warentest. The spray should also help against mosquitoes, but it has an unpleasant smell and can irritate the mucous membrane.
- With a grade of 0.8, “Autan Protection Plus Multi Insect Protection” is a great remedy against mosquitoes and ticks and also received a better rating in the “Health” category.
- “Rossmann Zeckito Classic Insect Protection” also performed quite well and achieved the same marks as the “Autan” product.