The topic of “nuclear attacks” has worried many people in recent weeks. The war in Ukraine is making people realize that such attacks can be a realistic threat. After we explain to you whatto do in such a caseToday we would also like to explain to you what actually happens when a nuclear bomb explodes. What effects does a nuclear explosion have on the human body and the environment? The extent to which it affects health depends on various factors.
The nuclear explosion, sometimes called a nuclear explosion, occurs when a nuclear bomb explodes. Here, atoms combine (nuclear fusion) or split (nuclear fission/fission), which triggers an intense impulse. This pulse is usually characterized by a wave of heat, light, air pressure and radiation.
What happens if a nuclear bomb explodes
The resulting heat, which also heats up the surrounding air and causes a fireball of up to 2 kilometers, causes everything on the ground to evaporate - be it rock, water or other materials. Everyone knows the typical mushroom cloud that results. It is precisely this that contains all the evaporated materials and this is where the actually dangerous thing arises: when they cool down, they condense and turn into dust and other particles that are so fine that they can be spread over many kilometers by wind currents. This so-called fallout is radioactive and contaminates everything it comes into contact with when it settles like precipitation - plants, animals, people, water and food supplies.
Effects of a nuclear explosion on the individual
Several factors influence the severity and consequences of a nuclear explosion: firstly, the size of the bomb and secondly, the distance. So anyone who is in close proximity is more seriously affected than someone who is many kilometers away. Either way, however, a nuclear explosion would cause severe destruction, death and injury. The consequences of exposure also depend, among other things, on whether those affected were exposed to radioactivity “externally” and “internally”:
How the nuclear explosion affects – External exposure
External exposure occurs when the explosion itself or the radiation it triggers causes injury or illness. It comes from outside and immediately damages the DNA and tissue; in extreme cases, high amounts of radiation can lead to death after just a few days or months. The following cases are referred to as external exposure:
Injuries from debris and burns
The nuclear explosion itself initially kills and injures through the heat and debris thrown by the wave. The pressure wave is so strong that it destroys entire houses and even shatters windows from a distance of 20 kilometers. Accordingly, moderate to severe burns occur - something that explosions of any kind have.
Nuclear explosion and eyes
A common consequence of a nearby nuclear explosion is eye damage. This happens if you look directly into the light at the time of the explosion. Eyes that have seen a nuclear explosion may experience temporary blindness or severe retinal burns. This is why it is so important that if a nuclear attack occurs, you turn away and cover your eyes to prevent yourself from seeing the nuclear explosion.
The so-called radiation sickness
This serious illness occurs when the person affected has been exposed to high levels of radiation. In addition to possible burns within minutes, other symptoms may develop over the next few days and weeks depending on how much radiation the body has absorbed. The type of radiation, the route of exposure and the duration of irradiation also influence the effects on the body. Slight skin rednessup to cancerand even death are possible health consequences of radiation sickness.
Nuclear explosion with subsequent internal exposure
Internal exposure occurs when radioactive food is consumed or contaminated air is inhaled. This occurs due to the aforementioned fallout, which, as you already know, can occur many kilometers away from the actual explosion. This type of exposure makes you sick more slowly – it can lead to cancer and other serious illnesses.
Long-term, global effects
Although there have already been numerous nuclear tests, it is not entirely clear what consequences would be expected on a global scale. What is certain is that the radiant isotope strontium-90 is deposited on bones and teeth. People with cancer who lived in times of above-ground testing had high levels of this isotope in their baby teeth. Those who even grew up close to the test regions had a particularly high death rate. According to the organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the number of deaths due to American above-ground weapons tests amounts to a whopping 2.4 million people. There are also areas that are completely uninhabitable.
What is nuclear winter?
Nuclear winter is something that would occur if 100 nuclear weapons were used. As a result of such a nuclear catastrophe, dust, soot and wildfires would lead to a darkening of the earth's atmosphere and to its cooling. The devastating effects would be crop failures, which would sooner or later lead to famine. The ozone layer would also be depleted, which in turn would...UV radiation valueswould increase.