Especially now in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, in which we are forced to stay at home, our health should be our top priority. In addition to a balanced diet with enough vegetables, regular exercise and training sessions are also included. All women dream of slim legs and a flat stomach, but the closure of gyms is making it very difficult to pursue this dream. Well the good news is that a well thought out andhigh-intensity training plan for at homecan be just as effective for losing weight and building muscle as longer, moderate-effort gym sessions. No matter whether you are a beginner or already have sports experience - in this article you will find many great training plans for the perfect 20 minute workout at home!
The best thing about home workouts is that you can do them at any time of the day. Since most exercises don't require any special equipment, all you need is your own body weight and a yoga mat. Fitness experts recommend completing a maximum of 3 to 4 training sessions per week. A day of rest is particularly important to prevent possible injuries or excessive strain on the muscles. Depending on how experienced you are, you can increase the severity of the workout by either doing the exercises with weights or keeping the rest periods in between shorter.
20 minute workout at home – Warming up before training is very important
Whether you train at home or in the gym, warming up is an essential part of any training plan. The warm-up phase prepares the body for the upcoming stress, increases the heart rate and stimulates blood flow. All of these factors are important to prevent potentially dangerous injuries. However, make sure that the warm-up is not part of the actual workout and that overloading can lead to early exhaustion. 5 minutes is completely sufficient for an effective warm-up. Here is an example of suitable exercises:
- Jump rope for 2 to 3 minutes
- Hampelmann – 20 to 30 repetitions
- Bodyweight Squats – 20 reps
- Lunges – 5 reps per leg
- Push-ups – 5 to 10 reps
- Low plank for 1 to 2 minutes
Stay fit and healthy – full body training plan without weights
So that a 20thMinutes full body workoutFor home use to be really effective, you don't have to waste any time and you have to keep the breaks as short as possible. Most bodyweight training plans are designed so that each exercise uses different muscle groups. This in turn allows you to move on to the other exercise straight after the first one. Aim to complete 15 to 20 reps of each of the following exercises, resting for 1 minute at the end of the circuit. Complete the circuit training four times in total. If you are a beginner, we recommend that you take a 10 second break between each exercise. Once you feel like you're doing the workout without any problems, feel free to add weights or increase the reps. And this is what the 20 minute workout at home looks like:
- Squat with jumpis one of the most effective squat variations for using multiple muscle groups at once. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, squat low and jump as high as you can. Return to starting position and repeat.
- Plank with shoulder pat –The good old onePlank exerciseis another excellent option to train the entire body in the shortest amount of time. Get into a high plank position and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and make sure you don't sway back and forth. Now pat your right shoulder with your left hand and then your left with your right hand. Perform 10 reps per hand.
- High Kneesare a great endurance exercise to boost fat burning. To do this, simply walk in place and try to pull your knees as high as possible.
- Dynamic Plank –Take a low plank position and slowly move into high plank. Do 10 reps.
- Lunges with jumpprimarily target the legs and buttocks, but also strengthen the core and our sense of balance. Bend your legs to 90 degrees until your back knee almost touches the floor. Tense your stomach, buttocks and back. Then jump off the ground and switch legs in the air. Do the exercise for 30 seconds without stopping.
- Plank exercise with leg lift –Get into the low plank position and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Alternately hold your legs as high off the floor as possible, making sure to keep your body in a straight line. Do 10 reps per leg.
- BurpeesAlthough they are not an easy exercise, they are still incredibly effective and should not be missing from any intensive HIIT training plan at home. Place your feet hip-width apart and squat down. Now support yourself with your hands and jump into the push-up position. Do push-ups and jump back into a squat. Finally, perform a stretch jump and return to the starting position.
Full body workout for beginners
Full-body workouts are ideal for building core muscles and that's exactly what makes them perfect for all fitness beginners. In order for the body to get used to the strain and to prevent possible injuries, it is very important to learn the correct technique for performing the exercises. Aim to do 10 to 15 repetitions per exercise and complete the circuit training twice. Rest for 30 seconds between each movement.
- Pelvic lifteris a wonderful exercise for strengthening the pelvic floor and toning the gluteal muscles. Lie on your back and place your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your arms parallel to your body and bend your legs at the knees. Now lift your bottom until your upper body and thighs form a straight line. Hold for 10 seconds and return to starting position. To increase the difficulty, you can alternately lift your legs off the floor.
- Squat with chairhelps you with thatcorrect squat executionto learn. Stand in front of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward. Keep your back straight and slowly go down until your bottom touches the chair. Return to starting position and repeat 15 times.
- Push-ups on your knees –Correct execution of the exercise is simply essential in a 20-minute workout at home. Since incorrect push-up technique can lead to serious and permanent injuries, the kneeling variation is perfect for beginners. Assume the classic push-up position, place your hands directly under your shoulders and place your knees on the floor. Then slowly lower your body towards the floor and return to the starting position. Perform 10 reps.
- Lungesand squats are undoubtedly two of the most effective exercises for training the butt and thighs. Place your feet hip-width apart and tense your abdominal muscles. Raise one leg with a large step until there is a 90 degree angle between the upper and lower legs. Then bend the front leg until the back leg almost touches the floor. Aim to do 10 to 15 reps per leg.
- Downward Facing Dog with Plankis one of the most popular yoga exercises and although it looks very simple, it is much more complex than you think. Get into high plank position with hands shoulder-width apart and feet close together. Lift your hips up and straighten your back. Remember that the body should form a triangle with the floor. Keep your neck neutral and look downward. Hold for 5 seconds and return to high plank. Repeat 5 times.
- Eseltritte (Donkey Kicks)Mainly train the glutes and thighs and strengthen the core. Start on all fours and tense your back and abdominal muscles. Then lift one leg up until it forms a line with your back and bottom. Hold for 2-3 seconds, return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. Do 15 reps per leg, making sure to keep your back straight.
Once you have mastered the beginner workout and learned all the exercises, you should increase the difficulty level. Try for examplea classic push-upto carry out. Walking lunges, single-leg pelvic raises, and planks with leg raises are other good options.
20 minutes stomach legs buttocks workout at home
Would you like to add an abs, legs and butt workout to your routine? Do the following 20 minute workout at home twice a week and you will see the first results after just 1 month. Variations for beginners and ways to increase the difficulty are also suggested below. Do 15 to 20 repetitions of each exercise and rest for 20 seconds between each movement.
- Squats –Beginners can start by using a chair to learn proper technique. Advanced users can do squats with a jump or with a resistance band.
- Lunges while walking– Beginners can hold on to something if necessary to improve their sense of balance.
- Lunges and jump squats –Alternate doing 2 jumping lunges and a jumping squat. Beginners can do the exercise without the jumps.
- Wandsitz –Beginners should try to hold the position for at least 15 seconds and slowly work their way up until they can do 60 seconds.
- Sumo Knee Blowstarget the butt and inner thighs. Beginners perform the classic version of the exercise, while advanced users can try sumo squats with weights. Another great option that also trains the abdominal muscles is sumo squats with knee pulls. To do this, simply squat deeply, push yourself up and alternately pull your knees towards your chest. Repeat 15 times.
- Deadlift –Place your feet slightly wider than hip-width and bring your hands behind your head. Tense your stomach, buttocks and back and slowly bend your upper body forward. Slowly return to the starting position, making sure your back remains straight. Advanced users can perform the exercise with dumbbells or water bottles or perform single-leg deadlifts. To do this, simply stretch your leg backwards when bending, return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
- Leg liftsare one of the most effective abdominal exercises that are ideal for a 20-minute workout at home. To do this, lie on your back and stretch your legs straight or slightly bent upwards. Make sure that your back does not form a hollow back and remains on the ground. Then slowly lower your legs down without touching the floor. Repeat 10 times.
- Side crunchestrain the oblique abdominal muscles. Rotate your upper body and pull it with your elbow to the opposite knee. Do 10 to 15 reps per side.