If you want to slim your legs and thighs, this 15-minute workout is for you! To get slim legs you mustAvoid training that is too intense, as this builds muscle. This workout is low intensity and does not involve jumping exercises, which will help you burn fat without getting strong legs. Try it yourself and get ready for summer!
How do I get slim legs?
There are many girls and women who face the same problem: they want to feel confident in dresses, shorts and leggings. Are you also wondering how to get skinny legs? To achieve this, training and nutrition must go hand in hand. The problem with themost leg workoutsBut the fact is that they are very intense and therefore not only burn fat, but also make the legs look massive and thick. So if you want to get lean legs without building too much muscle, then this workout is perfect for you.
15-minute workout for slim legs
The workout consists of 28 exercises, each performed for 30 seconds with 5-10 seconds of rest in between. No fitness equipment or equipment is required except a fitness mat. The majority of the exercises are performed on the floor and there are also some at the end of the workoutStanding exercises. The exact training plan as well as the individual exercises with tips for execution can be found below.
The workout for slim legs begins in a lateral position on the right side. The first exercise is aside plankwith leg raises of the left leg. This is interval training, so each exercise is done for 30 seconds. You decide the pace yourself and it can be increased over time. It is important that you carry out the exercises correctly and in a controlled manner. After a 5 to 10 second break, the next exercise follows - lower leg lift or the side leg raise of the leg below. This exercise is perfect for the adductors. Then you continue with classic leg circles with the top leg and then comes a very interesting exercise - the Heel Press Leg Lift. As you may notice, some of these exercises arePilates exercises. This is followed by three more exercises on the right side and then repeat everything on the left side with the other leg. This is followed by three exercises in a quadruped position, one in a supine position and three in a standing position. The next section shows the exercises in detail with pictures and tips for execution. You can do the workout 3-4 times a week and combine it with a diet for best results.
Slim legs training plan – the exercises
Side Plank Leg Raise
ThisVariation of the side plank exerciseis perfect for slim leg workouts. Start in a modified side plank position with your bottom leg bent at the knee and supporting most of your body weight. To perform the exercise, you can support yourself on either your elbow or your hand. Keep your top leg straight and your toes slightly curled. Raise your leg up and down in a controlled manner.
Lower Leg Lift
Start on your side and move your legs a few inches in front of you. Raise your ribs and support your head with your hand. Make sure your back and neck remain in good alignment. Now bring the foot of your top leg up so that it rests in front of your hip. Bring your top hand behind the calf and grasp the outside of the ankle. Extend your bottom leg, lift it off the floor and lower it back down in a controlled manner. When lifting, keep the leg straight and do not bend the knee.
Upper Leg Circles
Lie on your right side with your right upper arm on the floor and your head resting on your right hand. With your knees straight, bend your hips so that your legs and torso form a slight angle. Lift your left leg and make small forward circles from the hip, lifting the leg higher with each circle. From the highest point, continue making small circles in the other direction as you lower the leg again.
Heel Press Leg Lift
Lie on your right side, support your body with your right forearm, bend your left knee and place your right leg straight on the floor. Lift the right leg off the floor, pull the right knee toward the chest, tighten the abdominal muscles, and then push the heel away by straightening the right leg, then lifting and lowering it again without letting it touch the floor .
Knee Touch Extension
Lie on your side and bend your legs with your upper knee extended up and out. Exhale and quickly lift the leg up and back over the body. Quickly reverse the movement and pull your knee forward and down toward the floor to complete one rep. Tip: Keep your hips upright and steady during the movement.
Up and Over
Lie on your side on the floor with your legs straight and support yourself on your forearm. As you inhale, move your top leg forward and touch the tip of your toes to the floor. Then lift the leg and move it back as you exhale.
Triangle Leg Lift
This is an exercise for the legs and the abdominal muscles at the same time. While lying on your side, support yourself on your forearm and lift your left leg up towards the ceiling. With your left hand, hold your thigh, calf, or heel, depending on your flexibility. Lean into the middle of your body and pull your right leg straight up to meet your left leg. Lower your right leg slowly and in a controlled manner.
Side Leg Raise
Start on all fours. Your knees must be parallel to your hips and your hands parallel to your shoulders. Now stretch one leg and lift it to the side towards the ceiling. Do as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds, then repeat the exercise with the other leg. This exercise works the inner thighs, the outer part of the glutes, and the outer thighs.
Rainbow Kicks
Stand on all fours and place your hands directly under your elbows and shoulders with your fingers spread. Extend your right leg backwards and pull the tip of your foot up. Then bring the right leg over the right side and make a long semicircle with it to bring it to the left side. Do as many reps as possible and then repeat with the left leg.
Fire Hydrant
Back on all fours, lift one leg to the side, keeping your back straight and not tilting to the side. Lower the leg to the starting position. After 30 seconds, repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Single Leg Circles
Lie on your back with your legs stretched out and your arms next to your body. Raise your right leg straight towards the ceiling and make controlled circular movements. Drag the circles clockwise for 15 seconds and then counterclockwise for 15 seconds. Take a short break and then switch legs.
We come to the standing exercises. Stand with your feet wide apart, toes turned outward. Bring your hands together in front of your chest and get into a sumo squat position so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, knees over your ankles. Alternately lift your heels off the floor - first the left, then the right and do as many repetitions as possible.
Standing Gate Openers
Start standing with your arms bent. Raise one knee and then move it to the side. Bring the leg back to the starting position. Keep your chest open, your back straight and your abdominal muscles tight.
Leg Swings
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your right leg off the floor and shift your weight to the heel of your left foot. If necessary, hold onto a wall or chair for support. Start slowly, swinging your right leg from side to side. Try not to twist your upper body too much. Then repeat with the left leg.
Lunge Tap
Step into a steady side lunge with your right leg. Keeping your back straight and chest up, bring your left arm across your body to touch the tip of your right foot. Reverse the movement and return to standing. Repeat the exercise on the other side.