3 of the most important yoga asanas for beginners

We would like to show you 3 of the most important yoga asanas that will help you stay fit and healthy. After the exercises for a toned bottom, a flat stomach, a beautiful waist and smooth thighs, today we will show you the best yoga asanas that will play an important role in your health.

One of the most famous yoga teachers, Swami Schiwanda claims that only 3 of the yoga asanas are sufficient enough to keep you in shape: the headstand (Sirsasana), the shoulder stand or candle (Sarvangasana) and the forward bend (Paschimothanasana).

These 3 exercises are the best choice if you are advanced but don't have enough time for all exercises. Even if you don't have much experience, make the effort to learn the 3 yoga asanas - it will be worth it!

Before you start the exercises, do the sun salutation first. After a few repetitions to warm up, you can start.

For beginners

We start with the headstand. This position is also called “the queen of asanas”. If you find it difficult to do a headstand, do it to a position where you are still comfortable. Or use a wall for support. Follow this technique, breathing normally the entire time. Kneel and place your hands on the floor, elbows bent so everything looks like an equilateral triangle. Grasp the floor with your forehead, i.e. head between your arms. Stand your thighs straight and up. (Image 1). Without kneeling, walk your feet forward toward your head, as much closer to your head as you can. (Image 2). Try to place your legs high above your head. Hold it in this position until you are stable. Concentrate on muscle relaxation and on the point between the eyes.

The way back is exactly the same. If you lose balance, try rolling sideways. After this yoga asana, it is very important that you do not get up immediately. Stay lying down for at least 20 seconds.

Headstand is one of the best exercises for the heart, protects against aging, relaxes the back, improves blood circulation and the nervous system. Eliminates back pain, improves memory, concentration and fills the brain with oxygen.

You don't have to do this yoga asana if you're on your period, pregnant, have arteriosclerosis or have high blood pressure.

For good posture - the candle trains the muscles

For this asana, lie on your back. Keep your legs together and your hands on the floor with your palms facing down. With a slow, flowing movement, first lift your legs and then your pelvis. Place your hands on your lower back to support your body in the pose. Stand up so that your body forms as straight a line as possible. Stay in shoulderstand for as long as you feel comfortable.

The candle oxygenates the brain, heals the nervous system and balances hormones. Just don't do the position if you suffer from arteriosclerosis, heart disease or low blood pressure.

Useful yoga asanas – the pliers

Sit on your yoga mat with your back straight and your legs outstretched. The toes point upwards. The hands lie loosely on the thighs. As you inhale, raise your arms, then slowly bend your upper body forward and slide your hands along your legs as you exhale. Don't move suddenly, but slowly, smoothly. Try to grab your toes or just bend over as far as you can. The lower back remains straight. Advanced users can place their stomach and chest on their legs and their head between their knees. Hold this position for at least one minute to five minutes - breathing calmly. Come back to the starting position and relax.

Yoga exercises explained step by step

If you want faster results, first sit with your legs wide apart and try to touch your feet, one at a time - this is how you stretch.

This asana is good for stomach problems, liver problems, spleen problems, kidney and intestinal diseases. Helps concentration and maintaining a good mood.

Forward bend – this exercise stretches the body