Do you want to get fit and have a beautiful summer figure, but you don't have much time to train? Work, looking after the children, household chores and whatever else you have to do every day take their toll on today's modern lady. It's a good thing that there is sports science that has developed various solutions for us on how we can still keep our bodies fit and beautiful with little time. We will introduce you to some clever concepts that you can incorporate into your everyday life. A 30 minute workout, 3 to 4 times a week – we can do that! So, despite the daily stressful demands of everyday life, you can still lose weight and get your body in shape, work out, sweat out the stress and in the end you get an extra portion of energy and well-being.
30 Min Workout: High Intensity Interval Training
We all know that exercise is healthy and necessary. Contrary to this knowledge, many people live without enough exercise. Most jobs no longer require as much daily exercise and those who want to exercise will need to set it up after work. Then he has to choose between time with the family, preparing evening meals or rest time. It's not easy to carve out some time for your own exercise with all the obligations.According to studiesis the reason why so many people don't get enough exercise, the subjective feeling that they don't have enough time for it. But don't lose heart because you can achieve a lot with just a little. Try a 30 minute HIIT workout and you won't be disappointed.
HIIT – what is it?
HIIT training offers a very good solution for people who have little time but still want to exercise. High Intensity Interval Training, which is nothing more than a training concept in which you alternate short, intense sequences of exercise with rest periods within a certain period of time. For example, 60 seconds of squats followed by a 60 second rest, followed by 60 seconds of loading and then another 60 seconds of rest, etc.Research results indicate thisindicates that the 60 second intervals are particularly effective.
The individual exercises vary and the entire workout is typically 30 minutes long, including a warm-up and cool-down unit. The individual exercises can vary and include, for example, sprinting, exercises with your own body weight or jumping rope. At this point it should be noted that you should consult your doctor in advance to clarify whether this training is suitable for your personal health constitution.
30 min workout: What are the benefits of HIIT training?
One of the biggest advantages of this concept is that you can reap maximum health benefits in minimal time. The training can achieve effects that would be achieved with twice the time required for moderate training.
Calorie consumption up to 30% higher
In a study, in which the test subjects completed 30 minutes of interval training, with intervals of 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 40 seconds of rest or low-intensity intervals, the HIIT study participants burned 25-30 percent more calories than the participants in the comparison group. This means that with HIIT you can burn up to 30% more calories than with moderate exercise. Or you can burn the calories you would burn in a moderate workout in a shorter period of time with HIIT.
After a HIIT session, your metabolism is increased for hours
This means that after you have completed an exercise session, you can metabolize calories more quickly, i.e. burn them, for several hours afterwards. So your metabolism rate increases for several hours after exercise, more than with jogging or weight training.
Effective fat reduction
HIIT training can lead to fat reduction and hip circumference effects, especially in overweight people, compared to moderate endurance training and in a shorter time.
Building muscles
Evidence was found in an investigationthat HIIT training can have a muscle-building effect, especially for untrained people. This hypertrophy effect was not particularly noticeable in trained people. For the trained group, weight training is still considered the best method for building muscle mass.
Increases oxygen consumption
Oxygen consumption means the extent to which the muscles are able to absorb and process oxygen. Normally these training effects are triggered by endurance training. However, it has been found that HIIT can also achieve these effects in a shorter time.
May lower heart rate and blood pressure
In a study, published in the British Journal of Sportsmedicine, states that HIIT training can lower heart rate and blood pressure levels, especially in overweight people.
Can help diabetics
A number of studies have found that HIIT training can be more effective than conventional training in helping to maintain stable or even lower blood sugar and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics.
HIIT Running, cycling or skipping rope
High Intensity Interval Training can be applied very effectively to endurance sports such as running and cycling. You can also train with this method using a skipping rope. When cycling, it is more effective to do this in the studio or at home on the fitness bike, as you have to pedal hard during the intense sequences and the traffic outside or pedestrians doesn't always make this possible these days. For running, a 20-minute workout would look like this:
- 5 minute warm up
- Sprint 8 times for 15 seconds
- Each high-intensity sprint interval is followed by a 1-minute low-intensity interval as a rest period by simply jogging slowly at a low intensity for one minute. This is followed by a 15 second sprint etc.
- Finally, 5 minutes cool down
30 min workout: Tabata Training, the concept from Japan
This training is a form of HIIT training, but not all HIIT training is Tabata training. It was invented in 1996 by the Japanese doctor Dr. Tabata, who discovered that this form of training trains both the aerobic (cardiovascular) and anaerobic (muscular) systems. His exercise participants trained for 6 weeks, 5 days a week and achieved a 28 percent increase in aerobic fitness and a 14 percent increase in anaerobic fitness. This highly efficient training method is often used by professional athletes, professional trainers and amateur athletes to effectively achieve maximum results in both burning fat and building muscle mass.
Since this involves high-intensity training, we recommend that you consult your doctor before training to discuss any health barriers to training and to check whether it is suitable for you.
30 Min Workout: What is Tabata Training
Tabata training works with fixed interval sequences. These are designed for 20 second intervals of maximum effort followed by very short rest periods of just 10 seconds. An exercise is performed for 4 rounds with an interval of 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest. This is followed by a one-minute break and the switch to the next exercise, which is again carried out for 4 rounds at a 20/10 interval. The entire workout can consist of 6 to 8 different exercises, for which you usually only need your own body weight.
Tabata variants with devices
There are also variants of Tabata training that include small fitness equipment such as a medicine ball or ropes, but you can get very out of breath even without any equipment. Although that may be putting it mildly, because this training method is often feared by trainees due to its intensity and is rated as very strenuous. But, as they say in sports circles: No pain, no gain! Try it once, it may be worth it.
Benefits of the Tabata training method
Effective calorie consumption
According to a study from Auburn University, you would burn as many calories with 4 minutes of Tabata exercise as with oneconventional endurance training, such as B. Running in 20 minutes. This would mean that, in terms of calories, you could substitute a full hour of running training with 12 minutes of Tabata training. This is a very good alternative if you have very little time and still want to train.
Double training effect
Training helps you burn fat as well as build muscle. In order to train effectively, you must achieve a heart rate of at least 75 percent of your maximum heart rate during the exercise phase. The easiest way to calculate this is as follows: (220 – your age) x 0.75 = 75% of your maximum heart rate. Let's say you are 50 years old, then using this formula your maximum heart rate = 170 and 75% of your maximum heart rate would then be 127.5. If you have a heart rate monitor, you can also have it calculate this and check it during training.
Increases their stamina
During training, you are not required to perform a certain number of repetitions of an exercise, but rather you have to achieve a certain level of intensity in a given amount of time. After some time, you will notice that you are able to complete more exercise repetitions during these sequences. You should also notice an increase in your everyday energy levels. You won't be able to get out of breath so easily after such a demanding and tiring workout.
Increases your concentration
During such power training you need to stay focused. Concentration is also a matter of training and so it can help you increase it.
Tabata time saving factor
Since Tabata training is very intense, you can achieve an extremely effective workout with an even shorter session, for example 15. For example, if on some days you have less than 30 minutes for a short workout, you can do a 15-minute Tabata session on those days so that you don't miss out on training altogether. According to the study results, this would be equivalent to jogging for about an hour with a moderate heart rate.
Exercises commonly used for Tabata training
These are examples of bodyweight exercises typically used in a Tabata workout.
- Push-ups
- Knee lift up
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Skater squat
- Squat jumps (these are jumps from the squat position)
- Hampelmann exercise
- Crunches
- Superman exercise