Lose weight with Hula Hoop: Tips for an effective workout with a great fun factor

Hula Hoops are primarily associated with the vivid dreams of a happy childhood in which all adult responsibilities had not yet occurred. What's somewhat surprising is that hula hooping isn't trending latelyas a children's toy, but as oneeffective means for weight lossthrough exciting hula hoop workouts. Can hula hooping provide all the benefits of regular exercise or is it just entertainment? What are the best exercises with the good old hoop? Read on to get all the important information about losing weight with Hula Hoop.

Can you lose weight with the hula hoop?

Are you looking for an exciting workout that will help you lose those extra pounds? Then try the Hula Hoop! You'll be really surprised at how much you can lose weight with the good old tire. This doesn't just mean just twisting around the waist, but also other exercises that train all muscle groups.

Here are some general fitness and health benefits associated with hula hoop training:

  • You stay fit and in shape.
  • You can lose weight in just a few weeks as it helps burn up to 450 calories in an hour.
  • It tends to strengthen your muscles as they are involved in hooping.
  • It works on both the abdominal muscles and the core.
  • Training is fun and helps fight depression.
  • It will help you get the flat stomach you have always longed for.
  • Training makes your body more flexible.
  • Since it is a fun and spirited activity, it makes you cheerful and maintains positivity.
  • It strengthens your concentration.
  • It gives you a flexible and toned waist.

To lose weight with the hula hoop, even 20 to 30 minutes a day are enough. This may not sound that difficult, but if you rotate the tire around your hips for half an hour, you will quickly realize how strenuous it actually is.

But what makes this workout so special? By rotating the tire, the cardiovascular system really gets going, which increases the happiness hormones in the body. After training you feel liberated and the little everyday worries disappear.

Calorie consumption and weight loss

One of the first things you'll notice when you start hula hooping is the fact that you can burn as many calories as you would if you were running on a treadmill. On average, you can burn between 200 and 300 calories per hour with traditional fitness exercises and routines. With hula hooping you can burn the same amount in just 30 minutes. This is a huge calorie burner and a benefit for someone who is trying to shed a lot of excess pounds through exercise but isn't that into gym workouts.

Is the hula hoop suitable for a good full-body workout?

If you're looking for a full-body workout without a ton of equipment, hula hooping may be an excellent choice. The Hula Hoop can give you a full body workout and fit into your current body resistance routine.

For example, you can do lunges while exercising your arms with a hula hoop. You can also balance and do some yoga poses while incorporating a hula hoop. This can also be used to train your abs, arms, shoulders, legs and core. It all depends on how you incorporate the hula hoop into your routine.

However, this does not mean that you should exclusively resort to hula hooping. Hula hoop exercises help you align your body with the core stability, endurance, and focus you need to build core strength, but they alone won't give you six-pack abs. If this is your goal, you shouldthe other exercisesDon't ignore those that target your core.

Losing weight with hula hoop – experiences

Many ladies who suffered from being overweight orgained too much pregnancy weighthave, swear by the hula hoop for quick and effective weight loss. Furthermore, hula hooping reduces fat around the stomach and hips and significantly tightens the waist. And how much can you actually lose weight with the hula hoop? Of course, you can't give an exact answer, but the results from women who have already tried the workout are really convincing. A bride-to-be from the UK, for example, lost almost 40 kilos just by hula hooping between her engagement and her wedding. An American woman who lost her pregnancy weight of a little more than 35 kilos in a year had a similar experience with maturing.

Lose weight with the hula hoop – this is how it works!

So hula hooping is not only fun, but also effective. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind if you want to use the tire as a weight loss tool. Even if you have no experience with the hula hoop,it's never too late to learn.

First steps

In order to really lose weight with the hula hoop, you should first choose the right hoop. Tires that are weighted down with small weights are best suited to reducing weight. Weights between 0.7 and 1.2 kilograms for beginners and up to 2 kilograms for advanced users are optimal. The diameter of the hoop also plays an important role - the larger the hoop, the easier it is to circle around the waist. If possible, try out the hula hoop you choose before purchasing it.


  • Start with shorter workouts to get your body used to the movements with the hula hoop.
  • Watch some videos.
  • Choose a suitable hoop (weighted hula hoops, for example, are a suitable choice for the waist, but are not as suitable for arms, hands and legs).
  • Wear comfortable, stretchy, tight-fitting clothing that allows for plenty of movement.
  • Pay attention to correct posture and movement.
  • Play music to make your workout more fun.

Great exercises for losing weight with Hula Hoop

Here we have collected a few exercises with the hula hoop so that you get an idea of ​​what you can do with the hula hoop. This is only a small part of the workout variations, as almost every classic exercise can also be performed with the hoop.

Tree Press

In this exercise you use the hula hoop like a dumbbell. You'll basically be doing triceps extensions with a little variation. Here are the steps.

Hold the hula hoop behind your head. Then lift your right leg and place the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left leg just below the knee. Keep your back straight and look forward. Now lower your hula hoop behind you by bending your elbows and then return it to the starting position. Do this 10 times and then switch legs.

Hoop Squat

Squats are onesuitable exercise for the hips and thighs. Adding a hula hoop will help you lose the extra fat on your hips. Here's how to do it.

Place the hula hoop in front of you at a distance of one arm and hold it with both hands. Place your legs shoulder-width apart. Your toes must point in the same direction as your knees. Now push your hips out, bend your knees, and lower your body as if you were sitting in a chair. At the same time, move the top of the hula hoop away so you can squat properly. Make sure your knees don't exceed your toes. Go back to the starting position.

Hula Hoop Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is an excellent core exercise. You can take them up a notch if you do them with a hula hoop. Here are the steps.

Sit on the floor and hold the hula hoop with both hands. Bend your knees slightly and lift both legs. Lean back a little and turn to the right while holding the hula hoop. Pause for a second and then turn to the left. Repeat 25 times to complete a set. Do 3 sets.

There Ninja Pass

Place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Hold your hoop in your right hand and rotate your waist over your right shoulder. Then turn to the left as you pass the hoop to your left hand. Repeat this process, but take a break if necessary as the added weight of this tire can be heavy.

Side stretch with hula tires

First, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the tire in the air above your head. Lean to the side, stretch your sides and warm up your body. Then hold the stretch for a few seconds and switch sides.


In summary, losing weight with hula hoop is a convincing alternative to workouts for those who shy away from abdominal crunches or push-ups. They are comparable to cardio in terms of weight loss effectiveness while improving your core strength. Still, you need to follow a healthy diet to achieve best results.