Bathing season is just around the corner! And what does that mean? It's about time to get our bodies in top shape and finally say goodbye to those last winter kilos. A defined and visible six-pack looks good, is important for health and is desired by women and men alike. Do you torture yourself every day, do hundreds of crunches and sit-ups and still nothing happens? You are not alone! From plank variations to TRX exercises to training with slide pads - there are lots of abdominal exercises that are more effective than crunches and are really fun. Are you ready to work up a sweat and add some variety to your workout routine? Then you should definitely try out our exercises for the ultimate abdominal workout as quickly as possible!
Helpful tips for an effective abdominal workout
Toned abdominal muscles not only look good, but also play an important role in your health. A regular abdominal workout strengthens the back and core muscles and improves our posture, which in turn relieves the strain on the joints and spine. And if you thought that crunches and sit-ups would give you visible six-pack abs, then you're in for a rude awakening. In fact, some research has already shown that the classics may not be all that effective because they don't activate all core muscles. So that you can finally achieve the long-awaited dream body, we have been clever for you and put together many abdominal exercises that are ideal as a more effective alternative to crunches. And here are a few tips on how to get the most out of yoursAbdominal workoutget out.
- Depending on your fitness level, choose 3 to 5 of the following exercises and perform them at least 2 times a week.
- Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps per exercise, resting for 20 seconds between sets.
- Take a 1 minute break between exercises.
Slidepads abdominal exercises as an alternative to crunches
Slide across the floor while tightening your stomach. What sounds like fun is actually a super effective and intensive workout. Have you ever heard of slide pads? These are small sheets of fabric that you place under your feet or hands as a base. As the name suggests, we slide across a surface to perform a specific exercise. Because the body is in an unstable position all the time, our muscles have to work harder to maintain balance. And that's exactly what makes Slide-Pads abdominal exercises more effective than crunches. How to do the “Slider Pike” correctly:
- Start in the classic plank position and stand on the slider pads.
- Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and bring your legs slowly and controlled towards your chest.
- Return to starting position and do 12-15 reps total.
- If you don't have slide pads, you can do the abdominal exercise with towels.
Plank-Jacks mit Slide-Pads
Depending on your fitness level you can choose different onesShelf VariantsIntegrate into your abdominal workout. Super strenuous, intense and extremely effective - plank jacks with slide pads are an excellent alternative to crunches to train the whole body at the same time. And here's how to do it right:
- Place your feet on the slider pads and start in the classic high plank position.
- Keep your back straight and tense your stomach and bottom.
- Then slide your legs far outwards and inwards again for 10 seconds.
TRX mountaineer for an effective abdominal workout
TRX training has become very popular in recent years and for good reason. Depending on which muscles you want to train, either your hands or your feet are hung in the loops of the straps and your own body weight serves as resistance.The TRX mountaineeris undoubtedly one of the best alternatives to crunches to strengthen your core muscles and train your butt at the same time. Here's how it's done:
- Insert your feet into the loops and get into a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Tense your stomach and back and alternately bring your knees towards your elbows.
- During execution, make sure that your back remains straight and carry out the movements slowly and in a controlled manner.
Plank hip dips as an alternative to crunches
As already mentioned, plank variations should be an integral part of every abdominal workout. Would you like to train your side abdominal muscles? Then you are in good hands with plank hip dips as an alternative to crunches!
- Start in the low plank position and position your forearms about shoulder-width apart.
- Tense your stomach and buttocks firmly and make sure that your body forms a straight line.
- Now slowly and controlledly lower your hips alternately to the left and right.
- Try to get as far down as you can without losing stability.
Abs workout: folding knife with medicine ball
Would you like to add some variety to your abdominal workout? There are also many great abdominal exercises with a medicine ball that are more effective than crunches and ensure a visible six-pack. And this is how you make the folding knife with medicine ball:
- Lie on your back and hold the medicine ball above your head with your hands outstretched.
- Extend your legs and lift them a few centimeters from the floor.
- Tense your stomach and bring your legs and arms together upwards at the same time.
- If possible, hold the ball between your legs and slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement and hold the ball with your hands again.
- Do 10-12 reps in total.
Toe tapping for toned abs
Super simple and yet very effective - toe taps are one of the most popular abdominal exercises for beginners.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and position your hands at the back of your head.
- Lift your legs vertically off the floor and keep your back straight.
- Then lower your feet alternately and tap them on the floor.
- Do a total of 10-15 repetitions per leg.