Whether hula hoop, occlusion training orWild Sail Training– the selection of training methods that promise us a beautiful and slim body has now become so large that you can quickly lose track. The fitness trends this year are clearly moving towards functional training that is fun and keeps us fit. Maybe you've seen those straps that are often hidden in a corner of the gym and wondered what they're for. TRX training is becoming increasingly popular and offers us the optimal full-body workout! No matter whether for strength training, to build muscle or to lose a few kilos - sling trainer exercises train the entire muscles and also improve our coordination, balance and core stability. But how effective is sling training and which are the best TRX exercises? You can find all of this as well as a complete full-body training plan in our article!
In the fitness world, sling training is also known as “TRX training”. TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise and that is actually the name of the company that produces the bands. The trend originally comes from physiotherapy and was primarily used in...Back pain exercisesused. The revolutionary training method was invented by Navy SEAL Commander Randy Hetrick in 1997 and has since become one of the biggest fitness trends. It's an excellent way to challenge multiple muscle groups at the same time and strengthen the body. Doing the same workouts day after day can quickly become boring and will not produce any particular results in the long run. There are now more than 300 sling trainer exercises that provide enough variety in every training routine. Whether you're a couch potato just starting your fitness journey or have years of fitness experience - TRX Training has something for everyone!
How exactly does TRX training work and what benefits does it have for our health?
During the TRX workout, either the feet or the hands are hung in the loops of the straps and we use our own body weight as resistance. Well, what is the difference to classic bodyweight training, you would probably ask yourself. To maintain coordination while in the floating position, we need to tense several muscles at the same time. Depending on whether we perform the sling trainer exercises lying down, sitting or standing, different muscle groups are trained. All of this improves our stability and strength and also ensures good posture. And here are a few more reasons why it's worth giving TRX training a try!
- Strengthens our core –A strong core means much more than a visible six-pack! So that we don't lose our balance and can carry out the sling trainer exercises correctly, the core muscles in particular have to work. A strong core is extremely important not only in sports, but also in everyday life.
- Perfect for people of all fitness levels –TRX sling trainer exercises are hard and seem totally intimidating, but they can still be perfectly adapted to your own level. Change your body position to increase or decrease resistance or experiment with the number of sets and repetitions of each exercise.
- Sling trainer exercises for losing weight –While many of us exercise primarily to feel better and improve our health, weight loss is also a welcome benefit of sport and exercise. During full-body training, more hormones such as testosterone are released, which increases muscle tone and also boosts metabolism. Thanks to the movable slings, sling training makes us sweat a lot and the calorie consumption during a 30-minute workout is between 350 and 400 calories, depending on body weight and fitness level.
- Strength training and cardio in one –Regardless of whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, the perfect training plan should always be a combination of cardio and strength training. Although sling trainer exercises are an excellent alternative to weight lifting, they can also improve your endurance just as well and effectively. Perform exercises such as squats, lunges andShelf Variantswith shorter breaks in between to increase your heart rate and stimulate fat burning. This makes your visit to the gym much shorter, but still super effective! Just 15-20 minutes are enough to complete an effective and strenuous full-body workout.
Get your dream body in 30 minutes – TRX training plan
If you're looking for a way to quickly get your body in shape and lose a few pounds, then our TRX training plan is perfect for you! Perform 3 sets of each of the following sling trainer exercises and try to train 3 times per week for faster results. If you are new to sling training, start with 5-10 repetitions and make sure you do it slowly and in a controlled manner.
- TRX Push-up –To strengthen your arms, chest and the entire back muscles, the classic push-up exercise should not be missing from any training routine. But if you do this with your feet in the loops, significantly more muscle groups are used. Place your legs in the loops at about calf height and get into the classic plank position with your hands placed directly under your shoulders. Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and lower your chest just above the floor. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds and then press back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
- Bizeps CurlsUsing the sling trainer requires greater body tension and also strengthens the lower back. Change the incline angle to adjust the level of resistance to your fitness level. Lean back slightly and place your feet slightly wider than hip-width. Hold the handles directly in front of your face with your elbows raised and forming a 90-degree angle. Now slowly extend your arms completely without changing the position of your body or elbows. Do a total of 3 sets of 15 repetitions each.
- TRX Triceps Extension –Especially with womentriceps trainingoften neglected. In fact, it is precisely the triceps that ensure beautiful and defined arms! In addition to the triceps, this exercise also trains the biceps, shoulders and even your calves. Hold the handles with your palms facing down and slowly lean forward while extending your arms upward. Make sure the body is in a straight line. Now bend at the elbow and slowly and controlledly lower your chest downwards while bringing your hands back behind your head. Extend your arms again and return to the starting position.
- TRX Crunchesare the perfect sling trainer exercise to finally tighten those abdominal muscles and train your butt and legs at the same time! Place your feet in the loops at about ankle height and get into the classic plank position. Tense your stomach and bottom and forcefully pull both legs forward towards your chest at the same time. When executing, make sure that your body remains stable.
- Hip-Thrust –If you want a firm and beautiful butt, then this exercise should become an integral part of your TRX training! Attach the slings about 10-15 centimeters from the floor and lie on your back. Put your feet in the loops and place your arms flat at your sides. Tense your stomach and bottom, bend your legs and lift your buttocks until your body forms a straight line. Hold the position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.
The best sling trainer exercises for the stomach and upper body
A slim and defined waist and a toned stomach - that's every woman's dream! Add some of the following sling trainer exercises to your workout to get your body in top shape in no time!
- TRX Brustpresse –It's time to strengthen those pecs and shoulders! The difficulty of the exercise depends on the position of your body - the further you lean forward, the greater the resistance. Grab the handles and slowly bend your body forward with your arms outstretched. Take a deep breath and open your arms as stretched as possible. Then pull the handles together at the front until they meet in front of your chest. Since the bands are quite unstable in this exercise and a higher level of concentration is required, it is only suitable for advanced exercisers.
- Sling training rowingimproves our posture by strengthening the back muscles and spine. To do it correctly, your feet must be hip-width apart and parallel to the floor - try out different body positions to find the right resistance. Hold the handles so that the palms of your hands face each other. Tense your stomach and back and walk your feet forward until you are leaning backwards with your arms fully extended and your body forms a straight line. Then pull your upper body upwards until it is level with the handles. Lower slowly and repeat.
- Side plank –Sure, they have beforethe plank exercisedone, but have you tried it with the TRX bands? The exercise mainly targets the shoulder and oblique abdominal muscles and also improves our coordination and endurance. Hang the handles about 15 centimeters above the ground and insert your feet into them. Get into the low plank position and turn your upper body to the left side. You also rotate your feet so that the top foot is in front and the bottom foot is behind. Extend your top hand and keep your body stable in a straight line. Hold the position for 10 seconds and lower your hips slightly. Return to starting position, do 10 reps and switch sides.
- climberis one of those TRX sling exercises that will test your core stability and increase your heart rate while working your abs and butt. Insert your feet into the loops and begin in high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Tense your back and stomach firmly and bring your left knee towards your left elbow, returning to the starting position. Repeat with the right leg. This counts as one repeat. To prevent injury, we recommend that you do the exercise slowly. Once you're comfortable with the movement, you can increase the pace.
Sling training for slim legs and a toned bottom
Here we have a few more sling trainer exercises that will really make you sweat and are perfect for a short and effective workoutStomach Legs Butt Workoutsuitable!
- TRX-Pikesare the ultimate exercise to finally get those six pack abs visible! Put your feet in the loops and get into plank position. Tense your stomach and back and keep your body in a straight line. Pull both legs towards your upper body at the same time and push your bottom up so that your legs remain stretched. Hold for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position.
- To tone your legs, there's no alternative to the good old onesLungesover. By hanging the back foot, the classic becomes a test of our stability and mobility. Attach the TRX loops about 20 centimeters above the ground and put one foot back and into the loop. Take a few steps forward with the other foot to assume the classic lunge position. Then bend your standing leg until your knee almost touches the floor. Hold briefly and press upwards.