Burpees: Which muscles are used and how many calories does the exercise burn?

Burpees are the ideal exercise for a full body workout and have many benefits. They burn a lot of calories because they work a lot of muscles in the upper and lower body and core. Using multiple muscle groups at the same time also increases the body's need for oxygen, which increases breathing and heart rate. One of the benefits of burpees is that they require no additional equipment and can be part of a challenging, calorie-burning cardio workout.

Burpees: how is the exercise performed?

Often considered a full-body exercise, burpees are a combination of push-ups, squats, and squat jumps. To do a burpee, start with your feet hip-width apart. Then:

  1. Bend forward and place your hands flat on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Support yourself with your hands and bring your feet back until you are in a plank position.
  3. Make a single onePush-ups.
  4. Now push yourself back up and jump your feet forward so that you are in a squatting position again.
  5. Now perform a stretch jump upwards.
  6. Land in the starting position.
  7. Repeat the exercise.

Burpee Variants:You can also make the burpee more challenging with some simple variations. For example, try oneClap Push upadd, make the end jump higher and more explosive, or increase the speed of your burpees.

American Fitness Magazine recommends an even more strenuous variation of the exercise, where you jump up at the end of the burpee and onePull-up bartakes hold. After doing a pull-up, drop back to the floor and then immediately do another burpee.

Burpees are a high-intensity exercise that works multiple muscle groups and joints. If you start the exercise in the plank position and extend your feet back, the following muscles will be used:

  • theBack extensor muscle(Erector spinae) to stretch the thoracic and lumbar spine
  • theLumbar iliac muscle(Iliopsoas), derThigh band tensioner(Tensor of the wide band) und der“straight muscle of the thigh”(Rectus femoris) to extend the hips
  • theQuadrizepsto stretch the knees
  • dieCalf muscles, including the gastrocnemius and soleus, to achieve plantar flexion of the ankle

When you jump back with your feet, the following muscles are used, among others:

  • thestraight abdominal muscle(rectus abdominis) und dieoblique abdominal muscles(Obliques) for flexion of the thoracic and lumbar spine
  • thesize gluteus muscle(Gluteus maximus) and theKnee tendonsto flex the hips
  • Knee tendonsto flex the knees

During the push-up phase of the burpee, the primary focus is on thelarge pectoral muscle(Pectoralis major). Other muscles involved in movement include:three-headed Armmuskel(triceps brachii) and thefront Deltamuskeln(Deltoideus pars clavicularis muscle). In addition to the muscles that perform the movement, several muscles are activated that help stabilize your joints and body, including theBiceps brachiiand youQuadrizeps. The core muscles ensure that the body remains straight during movement:

  • the back extensor (Erector spinae)
  • the rectus abdominis muscle
  • the oblique abdominal muscles (obliques)

Finally, in the jumping phase of the exercise, you focus again on the muscles of the lower body and the muscles that were used in the initial phase. This includes:

  • Extension of the thoracic and lumbar spine using the erector spinae muscles
  • Extending the hips using the glutes and hamstring muscles
  • Extension of the knees with the quadriceps
  • Plantar flexion of the ankle joint with the gastrocnemius and soleus

As you jump, swing your arms up and stretch them over your head. This also targets movements in the shoulder and upper back, including shoulder flexion and abduction, or the outward and upward movement of the arms, where theDeltamuskeln, thesize pectoral muscle(Pectoralis major) and theBiceps brachiibe used.

When you bend your shoulder, you also raise the shoulder blade, which is themiddleand upper Trapezmuskelas well as theScapula lifter(Musculus levator scapulae) in the upper back. When the shoulder is abducted and flexed, there is also protraction and upward rotation of the scapulaanterior serratus muscle(Serratus anterior) together with theTrapezius musclesis used.

How many calories do burpees burn?

Burpees not only train your muscles and build strength and endurance, but they also get your heart pumping. This makes them perfect for effective cardio training.

It takes most people about three seconds to do a single burpee. Equals three seconds per burpee20 Burpees pro Minute. When executing100 Burpeesbecomeapproximately 50 caloriesburned. At200 Burpeesthe calorie consumption would be approx.100 kcal.

But the number of calories you burn depends on the intensity of the workout and your current body weight. The more you weigh or the higher the intensity of your burpees, the more calories you will burn.

Harvard Health Publishing estimates the calorie consumption of calisthenics, such as: b.30 Minute Burpeesat a moderate intensity, as follows:

  • an average of 135 calories with a body weight of 57 kg
  • 167 calories / 70 kg body weight
  • 200 calories / 85 kg body weight

As you increase your effort, calorie burn increases to:

  • 240 calories for a 57 kg person
  • 298 calories for a person weighing 70 kg
  • 355 calories for a person weighing 85 kg

Which exercise instead of burpees?

As with all exercises, it is important that you do them correctly to get the full benefit from your muscles and to avoid injury. For example, if you don't perform a push-up correctly, you'll put unnecessary strain on your shoulders and wrists. Your back can also be overloaded. If you are unable to perform a burpee properly, take a break or try an easier variation or another exercise.

If the standard burpee is too demanding for you, you can omit the push-up in the middle of the exercise (half burpee) or the jump at the end. You'll still be working many of the same muscles, but the exercise will be at a lower intensity, allowing you to build your strength and endurance.

You can also try breaking the exercise down into different components and practicing them individually. For example, practice a squat jump or bodyweight squats to train your lower body and yourStrengthen core. Practice thatForearm supportto strengthen your core, and push-ups to work your upper body and core. ConsiderPush-up variations, such as B. Knee push-up or wall push-up to prepare for a normal push-up.