Slim legs, a crunchy buttock and flat stomach - that's probably the dream of every woman, right? We all know that sport and exercise are part of successfully losing weight. But with all the fitness trends you can quickly lose track. Should it be aFunctional strength trainingOr would you prefer to be an endurance training? Endurance sports usually burn more calories than strength training and can be a real calorie killer. But what should we do when it is stormy outside or we just don't feel like overcrowded gyms? In order to let the kilos tumble, you don't necessarily have to run for jogging or on the treadmill for several kilometers. How about the same effective cardio training at home instead? So no more excuses! Clear the coffee table and integrate the following exercises into your fitness routine!
Slide with Cardio at home: How to get the best out of your endurance training!
Cardio training actually means nothing but endurance training. This means all types of physical stress in which the intensity of heartbeat, pulse and breathing is increased. An increased heart and respiratory rate ensures that the fat burning is boosted vigorously. In the gym, the endurance is mainly on the treadmill, cross trainer, stepper orOn the rowing devicetrained. Other known endurance sports are swimming, cycling and jogging. But with the right tips and exercises, the cardio can also be effective at home. You can adapt the training intensity to your current fitness level and increase it over time.
Whether you can lose weight with cardio depends on several factors, including your weight and size as well as the intensity and the pace of the workout. The more you weigh or the more intensely you train, the higher the calorie consumption. Depending on the experience, you can also complete the cardio unit at home either as a circle or interval training or with a low training intensity (permanent method). Here again the differences at a glance.
- Dauermethode –These are long and even loads without a break with a low or medium intensity. The permanent method is ideal for improving the basic endurance and forPromotion of muscle regeneration. Although the energy supply is mainly made of fat in the permanent method, calorie consumption is lower than in the interval or circle method.
- At theInterval trainingIf phases alternate with high intensity and recreation phases, which optimizes calorie consumption. You should make as many repetitions of an exercise in 30 seconds to one minute. A short break follows and then start with the second set. The duration of the breaks depends on your fitness level. The interval training is therefore perfect for everyone who has no time and want to complete a cardio training at home in 30 minutes.
- At theCircuit trainingAll exercises are carried out one after the other and a circle should include at least 5 exercises. For optimal results, you should create the training in such a way that different muscle groups are burdened for consecutive exercises. If the circle is through, take a short break and then start again.
Endurance training for beginners: This is how you can get started
Cardio training at home is not only essential for acceptance, but also improves our health and perseverance. In order to stay healthy and fit, adults should do moderate physical exercises a week 150-300 minutes. In the beginning, beginners in particular tend to train with too high intensity or too long. However, this can become counterproductive and, in the worst case, lead to injuries. Better start slowly and do not complete more than 3 training sessions a week. Also, do not forget to warm up for 5-10 minutes before each session. Or how about if you invite a friend and train together? APartner WorkoutIt's more and more fun and you are guaranteed to remain more consistent.
Enough talk - now it's time to train! For the optimalHome WorkoutWe have put together the best endurance exercises for you below! They are ideal for effective cardio training at home without devices and the intensity can be adapted to your fitness level at any time. As a beginner, we recommend that you do every movement for 30 seconds and rest for another 30 seconds before you continue with the next exercise. Complete a total of 3-4 rounds. Advanced people, on the other hand, can carry out the movements 40-50 seconds and rest between the exercises for 15 seconds.
- Anfersen,Even known as butt kicks, is a dynamic mobility exercise that will drive your heart rate up in the shortest possible time! The exercise itself is fairly simple - you have to take the heels alternately and relatively quickly to the buttocks. The right technique is important: slightly prevented, but not tipping forward. The upper body and hip should also remain upright.
- High KneesIs one of the best exercises for an effective cardio at home at little space! Stand hip width, hold your back straight and tighten your stomach. Now you start to take your knees alternately as high as possible in a hopping movement. Continue for 30-50 seconds, rest briefly and repeat. Pay attention to constant breathing all the time.
- Star jumpIs a variant of the “Hampelmann” and demands the whole body. Since the intensity is rather low, the exercise is ideal for cardio training at home for beginners. Stand upright and keep your legs closely together. The hands lie on the body. Tense the belly and jump into the air for about 5-10 centimeters. As you are in the air, spread your legs and lift your hands until you are over your head. Land and repeat in the starting position.
- Tuck Jumpsare the optimal exercise for an exhausting HIIT cardio at home. They claim all large muscle groups at the same time and strengthenThe fuselage muscles. Set upright and push your hips back and for the bottom. Pull up your arms and repel the ground with their collected jumping power. Pull your knees to the chest until you reach the highest point of your jump. Legs stretch again and land softly with bent knees.
- 180 Squatsare an excellentSquat variantthat not only drives the pulse up, but also trains the legs and the buttocks. Stand upright and jump into the squat. Press yourself into the jump from this position powerfully and turn 180 degrees. Well, turned back to the other side. Hold your hands in front of the chest during the execution.
- Jumping lound steps- Anyone who has already done this exercise knows how exhausting it is. Sit apart with your feet hip width and stretch your left leg back into a lounger position. Now repel, jump into the air with your left foot and switch your legs. Try to create at least 8-10 repetitions per leg.
Exercises for the cardio at home without jumping
Do you live in an apartment and your neighbors feel annoyed when you train? There are many excellent and challenging exercises that you can do without strain your joints, ligaments and tendons. You don't believe us? Then try out our cardio training for home without jumping! Depending on the fitness level, you can increase the load somewhat by adding weights.
- Forward to the reverse failure -Failure steps improve their balance, strengthen the heart and are therefore a must for an effective cardio at home! Set upright and keep your feet apart. Tense your stomach and take a step backwards with your left leg as far as possible while lowering your hips down. Press up and make a lash forward with the right leg. Try to create 10-12 repetitions per leg. To increase the level of difficulty, you can do the exercise with dumbbells.
- Alternating toe contacts while standing -With this exercise you train your legs, the stomach, your arms and the fuselage, which makes you an excellent addition to cardio training at home without jumping. Stand apart with your feet shoulder width and keep your arms on the sides. Keep your back straight and tense your stomach. Now lift the right leg and the left arm up straight up and touch the toes. Repeat on the other side.
- Standing weird crunch -Effective and super exhausting - crunches are a real love of hate. But this variant is a lot easier and therefore ideal for beginners. Set upright and hold your hands behind your head, showing the elbows outwards. Now lift the right knee and at the same time pull the left elbow to the right knee. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left.
- Step-upsare a great alternative of classic climbing stairs and therefore ideal for the cardio at home at little space. For this you need either a stable box, a chair or even the sofa. Simply position yourself in front of it and alternately climb your feet. The faster you run the exercise, the more effective the training becomes. A person weighing about 60 kilos can burn 320-350 calories per hour with high intensity.
- Marching bridgeis ideal to train the buttocks, legs and belly at the same time. Lie on a yoga mat with slightly bent knees. Tense your back and lift the hip from the floor until the body forms a straight line. Lift the right foot from the floor and pull the knee to the chest, hold down for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg and continue so.