CrossFit training - do sports properly and improve your general fitness

Crossfit training can help you get in shape, and it is not as dangerous as many people believe. This type of sport may not be the best way to gain muscle mass and strength, as well as to reduce fat, which is why not many of us get involved. So if it is your main goal to build muscle, to achieve a slim figure or increase your cardiovascular endurance, you should rather stay with traditional strength or cardio training. However, in order to know whether CrossFit training is the best way to improve your general fitness, you can find some useful information in this post in this regard.

Change lifestyle through crossfit training

Crossfit training can not only transform your body, but also change your life perspective. The way you see the world can also be the life -changing force you need for it.Through the right training programSo it wouldn't be so difficult to stay fit in the long term. Such training has been extremely successful in the past ten years and there are over 13,000 fitness studios with CrossFit training all over the world. Crossfitters are some of the most passionate athletes they will ever meet.

But is it all the true believers say? Is it really the best way to get fit? Is it mere elaboration into something transcendent, or is CrossFit training just a fad? Does it actually offer nothing more than an increased risk of injury and exaggeration, as most critics claim? Well, the long history very briefly: Crossfit can help you to significantly improve your lifestyle depending on the trainer.

What is a crossfit training?

CrossFit is a highly intensive training program that focuses on carrying out a variety of strength and aerobics exercises that range from push-ups to sprints to clean and jerk. The exercises are usually summarized in “Workouts of the Day” or “Wods”, which normally last 5 to 15 minutes. The performance is recorded and evaluated to promote a friendly competition and measure progress. In most vods, they carry out one exercise after the other without taking a break for a defined number of “laps” as soon as possible. In other cases, they complete as many rounds as possible during the race.

As you can see, such fitness rooms are with squat racks, dumbbells, medicine balls, ball dumbbells, gymnastics, Olympic weight lifting, ropes, rowing devices and other variants for exercises. This is one of the most important advantages in crossfit training: Most gyms offer everything you need for proper strength training. What you do with everything is of course crucial, but the first step is to have the right hardware. Most gyms are outstanding in this regard. Crossfits Cometical rise, however, can be attributed to much more than on training sessions and well -stocked gyms. It is the culture that made it so popular.

Health advantages

First let's look at the positive aspects of this sport. Your trainer can tell you exactly what you have to do every day. Most people do not have a comprehensive training plan and appear in the gym for a few days a week. There they train everything that is most tempting or least painful at the moment. It is usually a number of randomly selected exercises and repetitions that you run until you run out of time. This can be called exercise and is better than nothing. However, it is certainly not a training session that requires a logical structure and an orderly progress, as well as leads to the desired results.

However, if you appear for a crossfit training, the course instructor tells you exactly what to do, how to do the exercises and when you have to stop. If the instructor also knows something about the program, this means that every larger muscle group in your body gets an appropriate punishment. The instructors can also adapt the training to their skills and needs. For example, if your strength is in the upper body, you can exchange the dumbbells with bench presses. If you like to run, you can do a combination, for example, or do another kind of cardio like rowing. Most crossfit fitness studios also pursue the progress of their training. This is essential to avoid plateaus in strength and weight gain.

It is about dumbbells

Your main goal as a natural weightlifter should be the increase in your full body force. It is best to concentrate on barbell exercises in which several joints and muscle groups are involved, such as squats or bench presses. However, many people do not prioritize these exercises or do not do them, and this is one of the main reasons why many of them are in a dead end. Well, one of the first things you learn when you join a crossfit training are exactly these fitness methods. Crossfit also drives them to work harder than they could. Most people hate to feel uncomfortable, and the more uncomfortable they are, the more they want to stop immediately, which causes them to do so.

This mentality is not suitable for a crossfit training. Although it can be taken into dangerous extremes, the setting of CrossFit is one of the reasons it works. So if you carry out a CrossFit workout, you should assume that you are more difficult to train, harder, faster or longer. Not everyone needs or wishes this kind of competitive area, but those who remain heavily motivated can stay on the right track.

If you join a workout, you will also be surrounded by many people who really love such fitness. Not only do they remain in motion than the average person, they will also eat better. This enables you to give up less unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking.

Disadvantages of CrossFit Training

Compared to the overwhelming number of nonsensical training programs, you can be much worse than CrossFit. If you want to be reasonably strong and good on the Olympic lanes with decent endurance and flexibility and a class environment is important to you, this could be perfect for you. If you lose fat, build muscle and want to get healthy as quickly and efficiently as possible, this is not the best way. For this reason, CrossFit is not the most efficient way to get fit. The idea is that you can achieve the best general fitness by carrying out a variety of exercises. This is also the best option to have an aesthetic body.

Well, the Oxford English Dictionary defines fitness as "the condition of being physically fit and healthy". And fit is defined as "in good health due to regular physical exercise". With these definitions we can measure our fitness degree in different ways. In crossfit terms, however, fitness also has a different definition- increased work capacity in wide and modality areas. Basically, they are as fit as you can do with CrossFit. Clever and practical.


It is often said that CrossFit workouts are the best way to gain muscles and strength at the same time and to increase perseverance. At first glance, this theory appears plausible at first glance - it is essentiallyhighly intensive interval training, however, that quickly becomes noticeable if you consult the scientific literature. If you try to do everything at the same time, you get bad results all the time.

This was shown in a number of studies. For example, researchers at RITT University in 2009 worked with well -trained athletes and found that "the combination of resistance exercises and cardio can disturb genes for anabolism in the same session." According to laypersons, the combination of endurance and strength training seems to send "mixed signals" to the muscles. It also affects its adaptability and is suboptimal for maximizing muscle and strength growth and aerobic fitness.

Fat loss

Many people believe that such workouts due to the great challenges for theBurning of a lot of caloriesAnd represent the best option for fat loss. Crossfit training is very intensive, but also short. For this reason, women from 60 to 120 calories per training session can burn and men from 110 to 170 calories per session.

Although this can be impressive in view of the duration of the training, you can burn the same amount of calories with a 30-minute walk. It is also rather negligible in the larger context of weight loss, since half a kilo of fat contains about 3,500 calories. You can burn a little more energy every day through physical activity if you want to effectively reduce fat.


Should you do crossfit training? Well, that depends on your goals. If you want to get fitter and have fun with a group of like -minded people and a good trainer and know how to avoid overtraining and injuries, CrossFit is not a bad choice. However, if the muscle building, fat loss or your aerobic fitness are its main goals, it is not exactly the right thing for you. They are better served with a more traditional approach for strength and / or cardiovascular training.

Overall, however, this sport motivated millions of people to start training. Crossfit familiarized her with hard barbell training and helped them lose fat, build muscle and become healthier. On the other hand, it has considerable disadvantages and is not the safest or most effective way to do these things. So if you are looking for something that corresponds to a sport rather than an optimized training program, and if you like the competition and want to see how strongly you can use the envelope in your training, you will probably enjoy CrossFit.