We all know them - those small and annoying dents on our legs or buttocks and try to get rid of them using every possible means. Numerous oils, creams or brushes and devices that promise to make cellulite disappear in no time are flooding the market. While there is still no specific master plan or miracle cure for it, targeted exercises against cellulite help us tighten our skin and thus improve its appearance. Have you ever spent a long time looking at your body in the mirror or avoided swimsuits and shorts in summer because you felt uncomfortable? Then you've come to the right place! Whether high-intensity HIIT training sessions or a20 minute workout at home- in this article we will show you the most effective exercises as well as a training plan for toned legs and buttocks!
According to recent research, cellulite affects more than 90% of women worldwide. Even thin women and models often suffer from it. Since the fat content is usually highest on the legs and buttocks, these are the most common problem areas. There are several reasons that can lead to a weakening of connective tissue. Some people are genetically predisposed to it and no matter how hard they fight it, you cannot get rid of cellulite 100%. Hormonal problems or birth control pills can also cause cellulite. But the most common reasons include an unhealthy lifestyle and insufficient exercise.
Exercises against cellulite – what really helps?
The only thing that really helps against cellulite in the long term is a correct and balanced diet and exercise. As already mentioned, slim women can also suffer from this and it is therefore important to build muscle mass with targeted exercises to combat cellulite. Jogging, cycling or swimming stimulate fat burning, while exercises such as classic squats, lunges and planks promote muscle building and improve skin elasticity. In fact, exercising in water stimulates blood circulation just like a massage would. For this reason, high-intensity HIIT workouts andBodyweight training plansin combination with endurance training the best possible option.
Training plan against orange peel
The following exercises specifically target problem areas and stimulate blood flow, which in turn leads to an improved appearance and firmer skin. For optimal results, perform the following training plan 3 to 4 times per week, doing 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions of each exercise. Rest for 30 seconds between each exercise. Over time, you can either use weights or simply increase the reps.
- Classic squatis undoubtedly one of the most effective exercises to train and strengthen the legs, buttocks and inner thighs at the same time. Keep your back and shoulders nicely tense, place your feet hip-width apart and squat as deeply as possible.
- Lunges –Whether standing or running, lunges target the lower body muscles. Keep your back straight and tense your stomach. Then take a large step forward and lower your body so that both knees form a 90-degree angle and the front knee does not go over your toes. Do 15-20 reps per leg.
- Side lungesMainly strengthen the inner and outer thighs and are another very effective exercise against cellulite. Place your feet wider than shoulder-width and keep your back straight. Now bend your left leg and move your bottom towards the floor, as if you wanted to sit on an imaginary chair. Make sure that your knee extends beyond the tip of your foot. Then push yourself up again using your heel and repeat the movement with the other leg.
- Step-Upsare part of the so-called complex exercises and not only strain the buttocks and leg muscles, but also the core muscles and improve our coordination. For this you will either have a bench, a chair or another raised surface. First, stand about 2-3 steps away from the bench. Now step onto the bench with your right foot and slowly push yourself up. Extend your left leg back and return to the starting position and repeat. It becomes even more strenuous if you do the exercise with dumbbells. Do 12-15 reps per side.
- Wandsitzis an absolute classic among the exercises against cellulite and is ideal for fitness beginners. Lean with your back against the wall and lower your bottom until your legs form a 90-degree angle. Hold the position for 1 to 2 minutes.
Exercises for toned legs improve skin elasticity
- Bridgeis a very effective exercise to tone the butt and get rid of cellulite. Lie on an exercise mat and keep your legs slightly bent. Then lift your pelvis until your body forms a straight line. It is important for this exercise that the buttocks, stomach and thighs are tense the entire time. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds.
- Donkey Kicksare a wonderful way to tone the glutes while strengthening the core muscles. Get into the classic all-fours position and make sure that your back remains straight and does not form a hollow back. Now bend your right leg slightly and lift it as high as possible. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat with the left leg. Do 12-15 reps per side.
- Hampelmann –Endurance exercises such as jumping jacks, jogging or jumping rope stimulate fat burning and help tighten connective tissue. Choose 2-3 exercises that you enjoy and do them for 1 minute each.
While exercise may not always help reduce cellulite, stronger muscles and a more defined body can improve the appearance and at least make the dimples less visible. Below you will find other effective anti-cellulite exercises that you can incorporate into your exercise routine.
- Bulgarian squatsare a great squat variation that primarily stresses the buttocks and thighs. For this you will need either a bench or a chair. Depending on how much fitness experience you have, you can do the exercise with dumbbells or barbells. Place one leg at the end of the bench and bend your knee slightly and place the other foot at a greater distance on the floor. Keep your back straight and slowly bend your front knee joint until it forms a 90-degree angle to the floor. Return to the starting position and do about 12-15 repetitions per side.
- Deadlift –Along with squats, planks and thePush-up exerciseThe deadlift is a basic exercise in strength training. Done correctly, it not only trains the glutes and thigh muscles, but also the back and stomach. However, you will need weights for this - you decide how heavy they are. Now take the dumbbells in your hands, pull your shoulder blades back and keep your back straight. Then bend your knees slightly, lower your upper body and push your buttocks back. Be careful not to overextend your back. Slowly return to the starting position.
- Side Plank with Leg Raises –The numerousShelf Variantsare true all-rounders and are not counted among the most effective bodyweight exercises for nothing. Get into the classic low plank position and keep your back straight. Alternately lift your legs as high as possible off the floor and hold them for about 2-3 seconds.
- Fire hydrant kicksTarget your buttocks and inner thighs. Start in the classic all-fours position and place your palms at shoulder height. Then lift your right leg to the side until your knee is approximately at hip level. Lower slightly and repeat with the other leg.
- Squats or jump lunges –Performing an exercise in combination with jumps revs up your metabolism and stimulates fat burning. Start with a classic squat and jump up from the squat as far as you can. Another good option would be to combine lunges and squats. Simply perform jumping lunges with both legs, followed by a squat. First, try to do at least 10 reps.
- Sumo squat with leg crosses –Stand with your feet wide apart and point your toes out. Tense your stomach and back and squat deeply and hold the position for a few seconds. Then press up while crossing your left leg in front of your right and return to the starting position. Do 12-15 reps per side.
- Exercises against cellulite with foam rollersare a mix of dynamics and pressure. By rolling different parts of the body over the foam rollers, the connective tissue is massaged and the formation of cellulite is reduced. To train your lower legs, sit on an exercise mat and extend your legs forward. Now place the foam roller under your calves, press up slightly with your arms and then roll back and forth. For the bottom, you should sit on the roller and roll back and forth again.