If you want tight legs and a crunchy buttock, you can't avoid the squats. Under fitness enthusiasts, squats are considered a real royal exercise and they shouldn't be missing in any training plan. In contrast to what some may believe, squats not only train the lower body - as a composite exercise, they actually claim all large muscle groups. And with the summer right around the corner, we all do our best to define our body and bring them into top shape. And then we ask ourselves the question - is it worth doing squats every day and what happens to our body? We will tell you in our article whether this makes sense and the most important advantages of squats.
Make squats every day: that happens with our body
Admittedly - squats themselves are an excellent exercise to tighten the body. They are practical, can be carried out everywhere and are suitable for everyone - regardless of whether bodybuilders or beginners. But in order to draw the greatest possible benefit for you and your health, the combination ofregular training, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle as essential. Read on to find out what happens to your body when you do squats every day.
More overall body force
The squat is a multi -joint, complex exercise, or in other words - it aims at several muscle groups and our muscles have to work together in order to correctly carry out the movement. You may not know, but you do squats every day without realizing it. Every time you want to sit down and get up or lift something off the ground, you essentially make a squat.
As we crouch, the quadriceps, gluten muscles and the rear thigh muscles are trained. But to keep the balance, the calves, the fuselage, the back and shoulders are also used. So if you make squats every day - of course with the right shape - you will increase your total body force over time. This in turn makes everyday tasks much easier, which is only advantageous, especially in old age.
More balance and better posture
Anyone who has ever made squats knows how important the balance for the correct execution is. As we move up and down, our balance is encouraged and improved in the long run. Making squats every day also helps to strengthen the deep muscles, which ensures healthy and upright posture.
Increased calorie consumption
If we do squats every day, the calorie consumption is also increased - it actually sounds logical. The principle behind it is very simple - squats promote muscle building and the more muscle mass we have, the more calories we burn. A higher muscle mass boosts fat burning and ensures that we burn more calories even in the resting state. But here too it applies - even if you make 100 squats every day, the dream body will unfortunately not work without a healthy diet and a calorie deficit.
Make squats every day for strong fuselage muscles
If you do squats every day, you not only train legs and buttocks - the fuselage also has to work strongly to keep the balance. And we don't have to explain that a strengthened fuselage muscles for our general health is essential. Under fitness professionals, correctly executed squats are even more effective than sit-ups and crunches. Get tight legs and flat belly with a single exercise - isn't that something we all want?
Conclusion: Is it worth doing squats every day?
You have to decide for yourself whether you do squats or not every day. If you only do the exercise with your own weight, then nothing speaks against it. But if you always do the same exercises every day, your muscles adapt to the movements over time and at some point you will no longer see any results. So to prevent a plateau, it would be recommended if youTry different squat variants. In the case of more demanding squat variations such as squat jumps or with weights, the body takes time to regenerate. Do not forget that the muscles grow and do not underestimate the importance of the days of rest during the recovery phase.
Fitness challenge: make 100 squats every day
Would you like to find out what happens to your body when you do squats every day? How about, for example, a fitness challenge-do 100 squats every day, and that for 30 days? Sounds challenging at first glance, but it is not and you don't have to take the squats in one piece. You could run the exercises throughout the day and you need about 25 to 30 minutes - very simple, right? After 30 days, your legs will look much more tighter and the buttock muscles can also increase, which in turn makes a tight and crisp butt.