Simple neck exercises to combat tension and neck pain

If you sit at the computer all day or yourBody position at workis not optimal, these simple neck exercises can be particularly helpful. Regardless of whether you slept in a strange position last night or stared tensely at the monitor for hours, neck tension or pain will occur at some point. A cramp is not only annoying and extremely uncomfortable, but can also lead to headaches and back problems. In addition, constant tension in the neck can turn into a chronic problem and eventually lead to cervicalgia.

To help you reduce neck pain, we have put together some uncomplicated and effective neck exercises for you. After taking a long, hot shower to loosen up the muscles, you can try doing these neck exercises for a little instant relief. This will make you feel good and maybe even improve your overall body condition.

We exert a lot of influence on our joints over the years and at some point they begin to show signs of wear and tear. For example, as we age, arthritis affects the cervical vertebrae. After years of supporting our head, these are no longer as strong. Of course, if you have regular neck pain, you first need to see a specialist, orthopedist, rheumatologist or osteopath. They can also advise you on therapies, for example by recommending physiotherapy, yoga or Pilates.

However, you can also do basic neck exercisesTry it yourself at home to combat the stiffness. Stretching and strengthening exercises will help keep your neck supple and reduce pain. Remember to move your neck gently during the exercises. Avoid sudden movements or jerking. Additionally, you can stop doing an exercise if it increases your neck pain.

In a sitting release

This gentle stretch primarily targets the sides of your neck. First, sit cross-legged or flat on the floor in a chair. Extend your right arm next to your right knee or along the right side of the chair. Place your left hand on your head and slowly tilt it to the left. Apply gentle pressure with your hand to make the stretching more intense. To feel a deeper stretch, you can hold your right knee or the seat of the chair. This stabilizes the torso and allows you to focus the neck exercises on the sides. Hold one side for 30 seconds and then slowly lift your head. Repeat this stretching exercise for the other side of your neck.

Clutching while sitting

Use your hands to perform a deep neck and hamstring stretch. Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor. Close your hands on the back of your head and sit with a straight spine. Place your hips firmly into the seat. From here, slowly begin to press down on your thighs with your hands and tuck your chin into your chest. As you press down, use the heels of your hands to pull your head away from your shoulders. This will reinforce the neck exercises. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then slowly lift your head up, simultaneously releasing your hands.

Behind the neck exercises

You can do this stretching almost anywhere while standing. It provides a deep stretch on the sides of your neck. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Grab your butt with both hands and hold your left wrist with your right hand. Use your right hand to gently stretch your left arm and then pull it slightly away from your body. To increase the intensity of the neck exercise, slowly lower your right ear towards your shoulder. Stay like this for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Fixed tilting


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Here's a relaxing stretch for your neck and shoulders that can also prevent headaches and drowsiness. Stand in child’s pose with your shins and forehead on the floorfrom yoga. Maintain this position for a few breaths, working to lengthen your spine as you relax your chest toward your thighs. When you're ready, clasp your hands behind you in a double fist. Strive to press your palms together to increase extension in your shoulders. After that, raise your hands as high as possible. Shift your weight forward by inhaling and lifting your hips off your heels. Rest on your head and then reach your hands as close to the floor as possible. Stay like this for 10 seconds and then lower your hips back toward your heels. Hold still for another 10 seconds and lift your hips up again. Continue this cycle five or more times, ending these neck exercises with your arms on either side of your legs again in Child's Pose.

Sitting heart opener

Stretch in this oneefficient positionthrough the front of the neck, chest and shoulders. Begin by sitting on your heels as if you were coming to a lying position. Lean back and place your palms on the floor about 8 to 10 inches behind you so that your fingertips point forward. Press your hands firmly into the floor to lift your chest high, arch your back, and push your hips toward your heels. To make these neck exercises more effective, lower your head behind you and stretch even more through your neck and the front of your chest. Stay like this for 30 seconds and then lift your head and upper body up.

Bridging neck exercises

Finally, we'll introduce you to a classic yoga pose that allows you to control how much you extend your neck by lifting your hips up. Begin lying flat on your back and position your arms down along the sides of your body. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Get as close to your butt as possible, keeping them hip-width apart. Make sure both feet are parallel to each other. With your palms and feet pressing firmly into the floor, lift your hips off the floor. Maintain this position or place your hands together under your pelvis and stretch through your arms. Move your weight from side to side to bring your shoulder blades closer together. Allow another 30 seconds to do this and lift your hips up. To complete these neck exercises, gradually lower your butt to the floor. Then stretch your lower back by lifting your knees into your chest.