It is well known that one of the main causes of high blood pressure is the stress in our everyday lives. Yoga exercises can be very helpful in this regard. It helps you reduce the level of excitement and daily nervous tension. But if the reason for your high blood pressure is not just stress and you have already been prescribed certain medications, you definitely need to talk to your doctor again about whether and when you can start yoga.
If you have high blood pressure, you should not warm up too long before doing yoga exercises. In addition, sun complexes and rapid abdominal breathing are also not recommended. You should tooAsanaAvoid positions on your back and stomach, as well as any inverted positionsAsanaPositions such as “candle,” “plow,” and headstand. Although in some yoga courses thisAsana-Positions are not out of the question, be careful; You could take part, but only if the positions had been practiced correctly beforehand.
Synchronize breathing with movement
You might immediately think: what will be left of them?YogaExercises? Through stretching exercises, meditation, breathing (Pranayama), control of emotions and relaxation, you can have a positive influence on your health. There are many stretching exercises that are particularly useful because the release of muscle tension really relaxes you. It is important to synchronize breathing with movement. Breathe out longer than you breathe in; both must only be done through your nose.
Here are some stretching positions
Lift legs
Inhale from lying on your back and then slowly lift your right leg without bending the knee. Extend your leg as high as you can without feeling any pain in your Achilles tendon. Then breathe out and relax.
Of theAsanaThe “side curvature” is recommended, which is very useful. You don’t have to forget the “kneeling position” and the “cobra position” either, they are particularly helpful for diabetes and obesity.
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward. Breathe in and out several times. Bend your left leg and sit next to your foot. Then take your right leg to the left from your left side until your foot touches the floor. Bend to the knee. With your left hand, wrap your left knee and support yourself on your right hand, now look over your right shoulder. First, hold like this for about 20 seconds, breathing normally. Repeat the same exercise on the other side.Pranayama(Breathing): You don't need to worry about your physical condition and do the full series of yoga breathing and alternate breathing. Of course, you can research the technique of complex breathing and relaxation on the web and read online.
Rhythmic positions
Here we would like to introduce you to another series of useful breathing exercises, the so-called rhythmic poses. Their regular execution prevents psychological disorders - stress, nervousness, anxiety, irritability and much more. It is said that the most suitable posture for balancing blood pressure is “half lotus” (“piddhasana“), but the yogis do not recommend it for women. So try the “Turkish Seat” or “Lotus”. Breathe in and out through both nostrils, try to count the heartbeats every four seconds. Breathe through both nostrils again and count to four again. Do this breathing exercise for four minutes or for 2 minutes several times a day.
To relax
Finally, lie back to relax. Gradually relax every part of your body, from your feet to your head. You can find a more detailed description of relaxation exercises again in the special anti-stress complex on the web.
Relaxation complex
As you relax, think of something positive, listen to gently ringing music, and imagine something beautiful. This relaxation complex can be done at any time of the day
Positive emotions
As far as the technique of exploiting positive emotions is concerned, it is worth mentioning here: There is, as a rule, a way to avoid all the negative, strong emotions in our everyday life, such as anger, panic, hatred, resentment. That should also be your goal, not to allow negative emotions into your life. Read more about yoga lifestyle and yoga moral code and try to apply them in your daily life.